Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Mark Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
- "piIE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held I on the 5 ' th December , and was very fully attended . Bro . the " Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presided , and w ; ts supported by Bro . Lieut .-Gen . J . Wimburn Laurie , M . P ., as Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., as Past Grand Master . Bro .
Viscount Templetown occupied the chair of Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , in the absence of Bro . Lord Glenesk , that of junior Grand Warden . After the reading of the minutes , a communication from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , thanking Grand Lodge for its
sympath y with His Royal Highness on the death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was read . The business on the agenda was then proceeded with , the most interesting and important items being the nomination of a Grand Master and a Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . Of the former , it might be said that only one name was possible , and for the
twenty-seventh year in succession , that of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was submitted to Grand Lodge . The pleasant duty on this occasion was performed by Bro . J . V . Vcsey Fitzgerald , Q . C .
The nomination of a Grand Treasurer provided an opportunity for that difference of opinion which the Brotherhood , in common with the rest of mankind , occasionally indulges in . The name of Bro . Captain John Barlow was introduced in a speech of some length by Major Col . T . Davies Sewell , P . G . Steward , and the many qualifications of
the candidate for the high office were fully set forth . He had qualified as a Patron of each of the Masonic Charities . Captain Barlow , he said , belonged to one of those bands of brave heroes who had fought the battles of Old England in South Africa . It had been an unwritten law that the selection of ; t candidate for the Grand Treasurership should be made
alternately from London and the Provinces . The candidate had been initiated in a London lodge , and therefore claimed to be a London Mason , although he had the additional advantage of being a resident in , and a member of lodges in the province of Lancashire .
The nomination was received with much applause . Bro . Sewell was followed by Bro . Alderman Alliston , who , in a vigorous and spirited speech , rose to nominate" Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall for election . Most valiantly he nailed his colours to the mast , and asserted that , under no
circumstances , would Bro . Marshall follow former precedents and step aside from the contest . Bro . Alliston claimed for his candidate that he also was a London Mason , and it must be conceded that a man who had been born , educated , and who had spent his business life in London , to say nothing of his
membership of London lodges , could not very well be anything else . Bro . Marshall , too , had been a munificent contributor to the Masonic Charities , being a Patron-of all three Institutions , and possessing probably the unique record of having served as Steward at every Festival since his
initiation—in all , thirty-six Stewardships . Loud applause greeted the speaker ' s statement that Bro . Marshall , if elected , would give full attention to the office , " that prudence would direct his steps , justice would be the guide of all his actions and that he would maintain , in the fullest splendour , the Masonic ornaments of Benevolence and Charity . "
The remainder of the business was of the usual character . The various grants recommended by the Board of Benevolence were , on the motion of the President , Bro . J . H . Matthews duly confirmed , and the Report of the Board of General Purposes was , as is customary , taken as read , and ordered to
be entered on the minutes . There were two recommendations in the report which the President , Bro . Loveland-Lovekmd , Q . C , submitted for the approval of Grand Lodgeone , the ratification of a purchase of an adjoining property which had been advantageously acquired for the sum of / . " 760 and the other , a proposition to increase the salaries of Bros .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
Palmer ; md Cooke , clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s office ; the former from £ 150 to A 2 C 0 per annum , with a further increase of f \ o per vear until it reached . £ 250 ; and the latter from £ 150 to , £ . ' by annual increments of £ . 10 . Grand Lodge was then closed .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons was held on Tuesday , the 4 II 1 December , the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Euston , presiding , the Deputy Grand Master , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , being also present . The Senior Warden ' s chair was occupied by Bro . Viscount Doneraile and the Junior Warden ' s chair by
Bro . Thomas Fenn . The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication having been read and confirmed , the Grand Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , read a communication from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales thanking Grand Lodge for its address of fraternal sympathy on the occasion of the death
of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha . After the usual formal business had been transacted , Bro . the Earl of Euston moved— " That the thanks of Grand Lodge be offered to R . W . Bro . the Viscount Dungarvan for his valued and valuable services as Deputy Grand Master during the seven years ending June , 1 9 , and that he be
asked to accept the clothing of his rank . " Lord Dungarvan , he said , had been his Deputy for the whole of seven years ' , and whether in Grand Lodge or in private lodges , had on all occasions given him great assistance . Bro . Whadcoat seconded the motion , which was carried
unanimously . Viscount Dungarvan . was thereupon duly invested with the clothing of Past Deputy Grand Master , and in acknowledging the vote and the gift , referred to the position of Mark Masonry at its present quarters in Mark Masons' Hall in contrast to that of a few years ago . His gratitude would ,
he said , be best shown by attending Mark Masons' lodges in the clothing thev had given him , which he should 'always wear with equal pride and gratification . Grand Mark Lodge was then closed .
At a meeting of the Richard Eve Lodge recently , at Freemasons' Tavern , the speech of Bro . Gerrard , ot Messrs . Spiers and Pond , appears to have been incorrectly reported . In referring to the contribution of the firm to . the Masonic Charities he said that although occasional donors they had
not been regular subscribers to either of the Charities , but in future they would , in addition to a cheque for £ 25 handed to Bro . Terry for the Old People , become annual subscribers to each of the Institutions . By some ingenuity on the part of the reporter these remarks were translated into a-statement having reference to the reflecting . on the generosity of the
firm in the matter of Masonic Charity , which we need hardly point out was as uncalled for as it was foreign to the speaker ' s thoughts at the time .
SPECIAL OFFER . WISDOM , STRENGTH , & BEAUTY . Jiy the late W . Bro . C . N . MCIXTVRK NORTH , Architect . This useful work , the result of years of labour and careful study of ours , deals in a masterly manner with the plans , forms , and architectural details of King Solomon ' s Temple in a pleasant and readable style never before attempted , culled from Holy Writ , the Works of Josephus , Perrot , Chipie / ., Texier , Ferguson , Warren , Condor , I . ortet , Donaldson , Renan , Loft us , Daniels , Wilson , and many others . Profusely illustrated . Invaluable to the proper understanding of the lectures , a useful hook of reference . Published privately hy the late W . tiro . Mclntyre North , in cloth at 10 s . 6 d . SI'KNCKK < . V * Co . having purchased the remainder from the Executors , offer them at the low and popular price of 4 6 . Masonic Depot , 15 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
- "piIE Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held I on the 5 ' th December , and was very fully attended . Bro . the " Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presided , and w ; ts supported by Bro . Lieut .-Gen . J . Wimburn Laurie , M . P ., as Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., as Past Grand Master . Bro .
Viscount Templetown occupied the chair of Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , in the absence of Bro . Lord Glenesk , that of junior Grand Warden . After the reading of the minutes , a communication from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , thanking Grand Lodge for its
sympath y with His Royal Highness on the death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was read . The business on the agenda was then proceeded with , the most interesting and important items being the nomination of a Grand Master and a Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . Of the former , it might be said that only one name was possible , and for the
twenty-seventh year in succession , that of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was submitted to Grand Lodge . The pleasant duty on this occasion was performed by Bro . J . V . Vcsey Fitzgerald , Q . C .
The nomination of a Grand Treasurer provided an opportunity for that difference of opinion which the Brotherhood , in common with the rest of mankind , occasionally indulges in . The name of Bro . Captain John Barlow was introduced in a speech of some length by Major Col . T . Davies Sewell , P . G . Steward , and the many qualifications of
the candidate for the high office were fully set forth . He had qualified as a Patron of each of the Masonic Charities . Captain Barlow , he said , belonged to one of those bands of brave heroes who had fought the battles of Old England in South Africa . It had been an unwritten law that the selection of ; t candidate for the Grand Treasurership should be made
alternately from London and the Provinces . The candidate had been initiated in a London lodge , and therefore claimed to be a London Mason , although he had the additional advantage of being a resident in , and a member of lodges in the province of Lancashire .
The nomination was received with much applause . Bro . Sewell was followed by Bro . Alderman Alliston , who , in a vigorous and spirited speech , rose to nominate" Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall for election . Most valiantly he nailed his colours to the mast , and asserted that , under no
circumstances , would Bro . Marshall follow former precedents and step aside from the contest . Bro . Alliston claimed for his candidate that he also was a London Mason , and it must be conceded that a man who had been born , educated , and who had spent his business life in London , to say nothing of his
membership of London lodges , could not very well be anything else . Bro . Marshall , too , had been a munificent contributor to the Masonic Charities , being a Patron-of all three Institutions , and possessing probably the unique record of having served as Steward at every Festival since his
initiation—in all , thirty-six Stewardships . Loud applause greeted the speaker ' s statement that Bro . Marshall , if elected , would give full attention to the office , " that prudence would direct his steps , justice would be the guide of all his actions and that he would maintain , in the fullest splendour , the Masonic ornaments of Benevolence and Charity . "
The remainder of the business was of the usual character . The various grants recommended by the Board of Benevolence were , on the motion of the President , Bro . J . H . Matthews duly confirmed , and the Report of the Board of General Purposes was , as is customary , taken as read , and ordered to
be entered on the minutes . There were two recommendations in the report which the President , Bro . Loveland-Lovekmd , Q . C , submitted for the approval of Grand Lodgeone , the ratification of a purchase of an adjoining property which had been advantageously acquired for the sum of / . " 760 and the other , a proposition to increase the salaries of Bros .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
Palmer ; md Cooke , clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s office ; the former from £ 150 to A 2 C 0 per annum , with a further increase of f \ o per vear until it reached . £ 250 ; and the latter from £ 150 to , £ . ' by annual increments of £ . 10 . Grand Lodge was then closed .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons was held on Tuesday , the 4 II 1 December , the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Euston , presiding , the Deputy Grand Master , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , being also present . The Senior Warden ' s chair was occupied by Bro . Viscount Doneraile and the Junior Warden ' s chair by
Bro . Thomas Fenn . The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication having been read and confirmed , the Grand Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , read a communication from H . R . H . the Prince of Wales thanking Grand Lodge for its address of fraternal sympathy on the occasion of the death
of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha . After the usual formal business had been transacted , Bro . the Earl of Euston moved— " That the thanks of Grand Lodge be offered to R . W . Bro . the Viscount Dungarvan for his valued and valuable services as Deputy Grand Master during the seven years ending June , 1 9 , and that he be
asked to accept the clothing of his rank . " Lord Dungarvan , he said , had been his Deputy for the whole of seven years ' , and whether in Grand Lodge or in private lodges , had on all occasions given him great assistance . Bro . Whadcoat seconded the motion , which was carried
unanimously . Viscount Dungarvan . was thereupon duly invested with the clothing of Past Deputy Grand Master , and in acknowledging the vote and the gift , referred to the position of Mark Masonry at its present quarters in Mark Masons' Hall in contrast to that of a few years ago . His gratitude would ,
he said , be best shown by attending Mark Masons' lodges in the clothing thev had given him , which he should 'always wear with equal pride and gratification . Grand Mark Lodge was then closed .
At a meeting of the Richard Eve Lodge recently , at Freemasons' Tavern , the speech of Bro . Gerrard , ot Messrs . Spiers and Pond , appears to have been incorrectly reported . In referring to the contribution of the firm to . the Masonic Charities he said that although occasional donors they had
not been regular subscribers to either of the Charities , but in future they would , in addition to a cheque for £ 25 handed to Bro . Terry for the Old People , become annual subscribers to each of the Institutions . By some ingenuity on the part of the reporter these remarks were translated into a-statement having reference to the reflecting . on the generosity of the
firm in the matter of Masonic Charity , which we need hardly point out was as uncalled for as it was foreign to the speaker ' s thoughts at the time .
SPECIAL OFFER . WISDOM , STRENGTH , & BEAUTY . Jiy the late W . Bro . C . N . MCIXTVRK NORTH , Architect . This useful work , the result of years of labour and careful study of ours , deals in a masterly manner with the plans , forms , and architectural details of King Solomon ' s Temple in a pleasant and readable style never before attempted , culled from Holy Writ , the Works of Josephus , Perrot , Chipie / ., Texier , Ferguson , Warren , Condor , I . ortet , Donaldson , Renan , Loft us , Daniels , Wilson , and many others . Profusely illustrated . Invaluable to the proper understanding of the lectures , a useful hook of reference . Published privately hy the late W . tiro . Mclntyre North , in cloth at 10 s . 6 d . SI'KNCKK < . V * Co . having purchased the remainder from the Executors , offer them at the low and popular price of 4 6 . Masonic Depot , 15 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .