Article Some Notes on Freemasonry in Australasia.– – (Continued). ← Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– – (Continued).
Grand Master , elected for the sixth consecutive time , is a prominent figure in Sydney commercial circles , with more than thirty years experience as a Mason . He was the first Grand Registrar of United New South Wales , and
subse-III . O . M . CHAPMAN , . 1 . 1 ' ., I ' . l ' . O . SECRETAIIY OF NEW S 01 _ TH WALKS , S . C . quently Deputy Grand Master . According to the sixteenth annual report , ending May 31 st , 1904 , there were 198 lodges in work in New South Wales , with 10 , 000 odd subscribing members . At one time there were 230 lodges , but erased
warrants and amalgamations have reduced the figures to the effective total stated . The total funds amounted to ^ . ' 13 , 234 , independently of the two important subsidiary benevolent agencies , one being the Orphans' Society with £ 25 , 619 assets , and the other the Benevolent Institution with about £ 8000 .
One or two items in connection with ( he Constitutions may be referred to , as being divergent from our English laws . Thus the elective system prevails , as regards officers , in both private lodges and Grand Lodge . The immense area of country covered by the lodges is provided for by the appointment of inspectors of districts , whose duties embrace
periodical visitations and detailed reports thereon to each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . Uniformity of ritual also is rigidly enforced , though it is hot pleasant to know that the official system of working is printed and published under the authority of the Grand Lodge . Some
four or live years ago our old acquaintance , the St . Andrew Lodge , No . 7 , rebelled against the uniformity ukase , they preferring their original Scottish working . On the powers that be insisting that the only recognised ritual must be adhered to , and on their threatening pains and penalties in
the event of refusal , an open revolt resulted , and the lodge for some little while was out of the pale . An application to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to work on lines independent of New South Wales , as a matter of course could not be granted , and the end of it was that the rebellious
and conservative members swallowed the leek and submitted to the inevitable . In English Masonry we happily live in a more tolerant atmosphere , as far as mere ritual is ' concerned , old associations and old methods of working in many Provinces not being interfered with by the authorities ;
indeed , two attempts to enforce a uniform practice of the Emulation system have been defeated in Grand Lodge . ( To be continued ) .
m DENT'S WATCHES & CLOCKS . A TBADE MARK . By special Appointment to /^ jisSik CAUTION . —No Instrument from No . 38 , 000 Hi . Majesty the King . / # \ fe upwards is genuine without the above HIGH QUALITY ENGLISH WATCHES . ( ^ Jflg MM \ / Trade Mark . Gentlemen ' s Gold - - from 16 Guis . -J ~ 2 ~ . C La ^ 3 C f % S ¦ ' S Ladies " Silver - - ,, 5 „ yt yj &^ LONQ CASES Z ^ '* ^^^ Regist ered Designs . ,, silver r" - : : : " " " MK ^ O N ^ - S " - ,, 5 >> ///'// ' / » - J \\ X \ V [ if y ' ^ L 4 ^ ^^ V \ TRAVELLING CLOCKS . \ Wi "" V "" ^ MV DINING ROOM CLOCKS . WATCHES OF FOREIGN MAKE f |^ J ^^ M DRAWING ROOM CLOCKS . Examined and Guaranteed | l | A ^^ JJ- M / l BRACKET CHIME CLOCKS . Gold from 4 Guineas , Silver from 2 Guineas XvW &\\ WJJ ' LONG CA 5 E CHIME CLOCKS . Oxidized from 1 Guinea . \ t \ >\ M \ ra , ¦ //// £ ' ^_ 3 ^ L ^^ ZfW TURRET AND STABLE CLOCKS . CHRONOGRAPHS , REPEATERS . ^^^§^ 0 ^ CATALOGUE FREE . Chronometers and Ships Compasses , * "T ££ Z x * T * | PW /|_ M I COX / LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CHAINS , GEM RINGS , BRACELETS , BROOCHES . JCVVCILLDKI PENDANTS , & O . DPDAIDC WATCH , CLOCK , AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS EXECUTED BY A tvC-r - / TJ _ I * __ > STAFF OF SKILLED WORKMEN . E . DENT & Co ., LTD ., Watch , Clock , & Chronometer Makers , Makers of the Great Westminster Clock '' Big Ben , " and Sole Custodians since its erection . ONLY PLACES OF BUSINESS : 61 , Strand , and 4 , Royal Exchange , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– – (Continued).
Grand Master , elected for the sixth consecutive time , is a prominent figure in Sydney commercial circles , with more than thirty years experience as a Mason . He was the first Grand Registrar of United New South Wales , and
subse-III . O . M . CHAPMAN , . 1 . 1 ' ., I ' . l ' . O . SECRETAIIY OF NEW S 01 _ TH WALKS , S . C . quently Deputy Grand Master . According to the sixteenth annual report , ending May 31 st , 1904 , there were 198 lodges in work in New South Wales , with 10 , 000 odd subscribing members . At one time there were 230 lodges , but erased
warrants and amalgamations have reduced the figures to the effective total stated . The total funds amounted to ^ . ' 13 , 234 , independently of the two important subsidiary benevolent agencies , one being the Orphans' Society with £ 25 , 619 assets , and the other the Benevolent Institution with about £ 8000 .
One or two items in connection with ( he Constitutions may be referred to , as being divergent from our English laws . Thus the elective system prevails , as regards officers , in both private lodges and Grand Lodge . The immense area of country covered by the lodges is provided for by the appointment of inspectors of districts , whose duties embrace
periodical visitations and detailed reports thereon to each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . Uniformity of ritual also is rigidly enforced , though it is hot pleasant to know that the official system of working is printed and published under the authority of the Grand Lodge . Some
four or live years ago our old acquaintance , the St . Andrew Lodge , No . 7 , rebelled against the uniformity ukase , they preferring their original Scottish working . On the powers that be insisting that the only recognised ritual must be adhered to , and on their threatening pains and penalties in
the event of refusal , an open revolt resulted , and the lodge for some little while was out of the pale . An application to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to work on lines independent of New South Wales , as a matter of course could not be granted , and the end of it was that the rebellious
and conservative members swallowed the leek and submitted to the inevitable . In English Masonry we happily live in a more tolerant atmosphere , as far as mere ritual is ' concerned , old associations and old methods of working in many Provinces not being interfered with by the authorities ;
indeed , two attempts to enforce a uniform practice of the Emulation system have been defeated in Grand Lodge . ( To be continued ) .
m DENT'S WATCHES & CLOCKS . A TBADE MARK . By special Appointment to /^ jisSik CAUTION . —No Instrument from No . 38 , 000 Hi . Majesty the King . / # \ fe upwards is genuine without the above HIGH QUALITY ENGLISH WATCHES . ( ^ Jflg MM \ / Trade Mark . Gentlemen ' s Gold - - from 16 Guis . -J ~ 2 ~ . C La ^ 3 C f % S ¦ ' S Ladies " Silver - - ,, 5 „ yt yj &^ LONQ CASES Z ^ '* ^^^ Regist ered Designs . ,, silver r" - : : : " " " MK ^ O N ^ - S " - ,, 5 >> ///'// ' / » - J \\ X \ V [ if y ' ^ L 4 ^ ^^ V \ TRAVELLING CLOCKS . \ Wi "" V "" ^ MV DINING ROOM CLOCKS . WATCHES OF FOREIGN MAKE f |^ J ^^ M DRAWING ROOM CLOCKS . Examined and Guaranteed | l | A ^^ JJ- M / l BRACKET CHIME CLOCKS . Gold from 4 Guineas , Silver from 2 Guineas XvW &\\ WJJ ' LONG CA 5 E CHIME CLOCKS . Oxidized from 1 Guinea . \ t \ >\ M \ ra , ¦ //// £ ' ^_ 3 ^ L ^^ ZfW TURRET AND STABLE CLOCKS . CHRONOGRAPHS , REPEATERS . ^^^§^ 0 ^ CATALOGUE FREE . Chronometers and Ships Compasses , * "T ££ Z x * T * | PW /|_ M I COX / LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CHAINS , GEM RINGS , BRACELETS , BROOCHES . JCVVCILLDKI PENDANTS , & O . DPDAIDC WATCH , CLOCK , AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS EXECUTED BY A tvC-r - / TJ _ I * __ > STAFF OF SKILLED WORKMEN . E . DENT & Co ., LTD ., Watch , Clock , & Chronometer Makers , Makers of the Great Westminster Clock '' Big Ben , " and Sole Custodians since its erection . ONLY PLACES OF BUSINESS : 61 , Strand , and 4 , Royal Exchange , London .