Article Orpheus Lodge, No. 1706. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Sheraton Lodge, No. 3019. Page 1 of 2 →
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Orpheus Lodge, No. 1706.
Bro . Gregory Hast , in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " said he knew the brethren would receive this toast very heartily . Their Worshipful Master was not new to the chair . They were very proud of him , and were sure that he would maintain the harmony and brotherly
feeling existing in the lodge . He would have the support of the Past Masters and the whole of the members , and they all hoped that he would have a very happy year of office . Bro . G . Ackerman , on rising , was again most cordially received . He had looked forward for many years to the time when he should become the Master of this , his mother
lodge , and he felt very proud to be in that position . He felt that he had undertaken a great responsibility in accepting the Mastership of that important lodge , but he hoped , with their assistance , to prove a not unworthy successor to those brethren who had preceded him . The Worshipful Master , in proposing " The Alasonic
Charities , " reminded the brethren that he intended to represent the lodge at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he hoped to take up a list worthy of the Orpheus Lodge . He regretted that Bro . Colville Smith , the excellent Secretary of the Institution , was
prevented by an accident from attending as he had promised to do . " The I . P . M . and Installing Master " was then given by the Worshipful Master , who eulogised the work done by
Bro . Gregory Hast during his year of office . The brethren had had a very happy time under his rule , and they hoped he had enjoyed it as much as they had . They hoped he would be spared for many years to continue his interest in the lodge . Bro . Hast thanked the brethren for their kindness and
also for the way they had supported him during the past year . It had been the summit of his ambition to become the Master of his mother lodge , and he should remember his year of office all the clays of his life . He thanked the brethren for the handsome jewel they had given him , and which should have the chief place amongst his Masonic
tokens . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , and was responded to by the Worshipful Masters of the three lodges , which are offshoots of the Orpheus , viz ., Bros . Rogers , Worshipful Master Sterndale Bennett Lodge ; Stevens , Worshipful Master Mendelssohn Lodge ; and Rankin ,
Worshipful Master of the Thomas Railing Lodge . Bros . Long , Worshipful Master of the Eurydice Lodge , and Cattermole , P . M ., also responded . The toast of " The Past Masters" was responded to by Bros . Fred Cambridge , Mus . Baa , and S . G . Vaughan .
In proposing " The Officers , " the Worshipful Master thanked Bros . Harvey Lohr , Organist , and Thos . Ward , J . ., for arranging such an enjoyable programme of music .
Sheraton Lodge, No. 3019.
Sheraton Lodge , No . 3019 .
THE above lodge which was only consecrated in May last , held [ a most successful "Ladies' night" at the Great Eastern Hotel , recently . Although the lodge is young and only numbers thirty-six members , they were supported by 1 G 3 ladies and brethren . The committee are to he highly commended for the care taken with the arrangements , not a
single hitch occurring , and every item strictly to time . After the reception by W . Bro . ] .. "W . and Airs . Nicole , the company partook of a banquet in the Hamilton Eoonii during which an orchestra played a selection of music .
After the toast of "The King " bad been duly honoured , Bro . Chas . Dunk said he was honoured in proposing "The Health of the first Worshi p ful Master of the lodge , W . Bro . R . YV . Nicole . " The idea of the evening ' s enjoyment was due to him , and he bud worked very bard to assure success , lie
was glad to see so many ladies present . He bad another pleasing duty to perform , that was to present to " Sister" ' Nicole , on behalf of the members of the lodge , of whom thirty-live had subscribed , the Worshipful Master being the only delinquent , a massive silver flower bowl , on which bad been engraved : " Presented by the members of ! be Sheraton
Lodge , No . 3019 , to Airs . Roland W . Nicole , wife ot the Worshipful Master , November 25 th , 1901 . " Bro . Nicole , in reply , said , that being his wife ' s obedient husband , he tendered them bis sincere thanks . She would have done so herself , but found words failed her . They could take it from him that was a rare occurrence . He thanked them
for the kind way his toast had been proposed and received-He was delighted that every one had worked with a will to bring the evening to a success , and hoped bis successor would have equally qualified ollicers . Bro . C . J . Thomas , in proposing the toast of "The Ladies , " was very sorry that Bro . Lanqiard , who was to have proposed
it , was absent through illness , and that they had no one better qualified to speak for them than be . On behalf of the lodge be thanked them for graceing the board with their presence . Those who were wives of Masons weie indeed fortunate , at any rate from his point of view . If by an accident a brother should arrive home after the midnight hour , the ladies always
received him with a smile and kind word . Bro . A . S . Butler , in a witty speech said , all knew the old savin '' , men were deceivers ever . In contradiction of Mro . Dunk ,
he was fully cognisant of the fact that the toast of " "'be Ladies" was the principal one of the evening , and ( looking round the room ) no one would have the audaeily to contradict him . He was sure that be , looking round at the galaxy of beautv and intellect , there were many who would have been able to reply for themselves . There was an old
adage--A woman , a dog , and a walnut tree , The more you beat them the better they he . He doubted if the composer bad ever taken a lady to a Masonic banquet . They knew and did better than be . Even in the presence of bis wife the Worship ful Master had spoken out like a man , and when be got home he was sure he would
receive bis due reward . They bad already shown bow much they intended to enjoy themselves , and they would do so still more at the ball which was Jo follow . All be could say was " repeat . " lhe dose , and that soon .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Orpheus Lodge, No. 1706.
Bro . Gregory Hast , in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " said he knew the brethren would receive this toast very heartily . Their Worshipful Master was not new to the chair . They were very proud of him , and were sure that he would maintain the harmony and brotherly
feeling existing in the lodge . He would have the support of the Past Masters and the whole of the members , and they all hoped that he would have a very happy year of office . Bro . G . Ackerman , on rising , was again most cordially received . He had looked forward for many years to the time when he should become the Master of this , his mother
lodge , and he felt very proud to be in that position . He felt that he had undertaken a great responsibility in accepting the Mastership of that important lodge , but he hoped , with their assistance , to prove a not unworthy successor to those brethren who had preceded him . The Worshipful Master , in proposing " The Alasonic
Charities , " reminded the brethren that he intended to represent the lodge at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he hoped to take up a list worthy of the Orpheus Lodge . He regretted that Bro . Colville Smith , the excellent Secretary of the Institution , was
prevented by an accident from attending as he had promised to do . " The I . P . M . and Installing Master " was then given by the Worshipful Master , who eulogised the work done by
Bro . Gregory Hast during his year of office . The brethren had had a very happy time under his rule , and they hoped he had enjoyed it as much as they had . They hoped he would be spared for many years to continue his interest in the lodge . Bro . Hast thanked the brethren for their kindness and
also for the way they had supported him during the past year . It had been the summit of his ambition to become the Master of his mother lodge , and he should remember his year of office all the clays of his life . He thanked the brethren for the handsome jewel they had given him , and which should have the chief place amongst his Masonic
tokens . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , and was responded to by the Worshipful Masters of the three lodges , which are offshoots of the Orpheus , viz ., Bros . Rogers , Worshipful Master Sterndale Bennett Lodge ; Stevens , Worshipful Master Mendelssohn Lodge ; and Rankin ,
Worshipful Master of the Thomas Railing Lodge . Bros . Long , Worshipful Master of the Eurydice Lodge , and Cattermole , P . M ., also responded . The toast of " The Past Masters" was responded to by Bros . Fred Cambridge , Mus . Baa , and S . G . Vaughan .
In proposing " The Officers , " the Worshipful Master thanked Bros . Harvey Lohr , Organist , and Thos . Ward , J . ., for arranging such an enjoyable programme of music .
Sheraton Lodge, No. 3019.
Sheraton Lodge , No . 3019 .
THE above lodge which was only consecrated in May last , held [ a most successful "Ladies' night" at the Great Eastern Hotel , recently . Although the lodge is young and only numbers thirty-six members , they were supported by 1 G 3 ladies and brethren . The committee are to he highly commended for the care taken with the arrangements , not a
single hitch occurring , and every item strictly to time . After the reception by W . Bro . ] .. "W . and Airs . Nicole , the company partook of a banquet in the Hamilton Eoonii during which an orchestra played a selection of music .
After the toast of "The King " bad been duly honoured , Bro . Chas . Dunk said he was honoured in proposing "The Health of the first Worshi p ful Master of the lodge , W . Bro . R . YV . Nicole . " The idea of the evening ' s enjoyment was due to him , and he bud worked very bard to assure success , lie
was glad to see so many ladies present . He bad another pleasing duty to perform , that was to present to " Sister" ' Nicole , on behalf of the members of the lodge , of whom thirty-live had subscribed , the Worshipful Master being the only delinquent , a massive silver flower bowl , on which bad been engraved : " Presented by the members of ! be Sheraton
Lodge , No . 3019 , to Airs . Roland W . Nicole , wife ot the Worshipful Master , November 25 th , 1901 . " Bro . Nicole , in reply , said , that being his wife ' s obedient husband , he tendered them bis sincere thanks . She would have done so herself , but found words failed her . They could take it from him that was a rare occurrence . He thanked them
for the kind way his toast had been proposed and received-He was delighted that every one had worked with a will to bring the evening to a success , and hoped bis successor would have equally qualified ollicers . Bro . C . J . Thomas , in proposing the toast of "The Ladies , " was very sorry that Bro . Lanqiard , who was to have proposed
it , was absent through illness , and that they had no one better qualified to speak for them than be . On behalf of the lodge be thanked them for graceing the board with their presence . Those who were wives of Masons weie indeed fortunate , at any rate from his point of view . If by an accident a brother should arrive home after the midnight hour , the ladies always
received him with a smile and kind word . Bro . A . S . Butler , in a witty speech said , all knew the old savin '' , men were deceivers ever . In contradiction of Mro . Dunk ,
he was fully cognisant of the fact that the toast of " "'be Ladies" was the principal one of the evening , and ( looking round the room ) no one would have the audaeily to contradict him . He was sure that be , looking round at the galaxy of beautv and intellect , there were many who would have been able to reply for themselves . There was an old
adage--A woman , a dog , and a walnut tree , The more you beat them the better they he . He doubted if the composer bad ever taken a lady to a Masonic banquet . They knew and did better than be . Even in the presence of bis wife the Worship ful Master had spoken out like a man , and when be got home he was sure he would
receive bis due reward . They bad already shown bow much they intended to enjoy themselves , and they would do so still more at the ball which was Jo follow . All be could say was " repeat . " lhe dose , and that soon .