Article Aldershot Camp Lodge, No. 1331. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Aldershot Camp Lodge, No. 1331.
Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 .
THE Army has always been a fruitful recruiting ground for the Craft , and in no profession or community are the principles of Freemasonry better understood and loyally acted on . Each succeeding year finds the ranks increasing , and an evidence of this is seen in the
extraordinary activity displayed during the past year in the Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 , the installation meeting of which took place on the 13 th inst . at the Masonic Hall , Aldershot . The office of Worshipful Master of the lodge is far from being a sinecure , for during the year just ended no fewer than 75 candidates were initiated , passed and raised .
BRO . QUARTKRlIAS'i'ER .-SERGEANT . 7 . U . BOXALL . The year 1902 had been an exceedingly prosperous one , when 52 candidates were initiated , but last year establishes a record . The lodge numbers over 300 members on its books , and has the proud boast that the sun never sets upon
them , for wherever the British flag flies over a military station can be found a brother who is still on the books of the lodge , or possesses its clearance certificate . There were nearly 200 brethren present at the installation ceremony , many having travelled long distances to be present to see
Bro . Quartermaster-Sergeant J . R . Boxall , Army Service Corps , installed in the chair , the work being ably performed by the retiring Master , W . Bro . G . Bryce . The new Worshipful Master selected and invested his officers for the year as follows : —W . Bro . G . Bryce , I . P . M . ; Bros . S . L . Kerry , S . W . ;
Sergt .-Major Sadler , Army Service Corps , J . W . ; J . Peters , Treasurer ; Sgt . J . Ward , Army Service Corps , Secretary ; Staff-Sergeant F . Cock , Royal Engineers , S . D . ; J . West , J . D . ; Q .-M .-S . C . Self , Royal Artillery Band , Organist ; W . Bro . Capt . W . Lyons , Army Service Corps , D . C . ; Bros . Sergt . T . CoadRoyal Army Medical Corps , and Troop
, Sergt .-Major C . J . Cadwell , Royal Engineers , Stewards ; Sergt .-Major J . Gale , Military Police , I . G . ; Armourer-Sgt . Finlayson , Tyler . A most enjoyable banquet followed , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
The lodge has sustained a sad loss , by the death , at the age of 74 , on the 4 U 1 inst ., of Bro . W . Burns , who had discharged the duties of Tyler to this and Panmuire Lodge , 723 , for the past 45 years .
The King Edward VII . Preceptary , notices of which have appeared in our columns from time to time , is continuing its successful career under the Preceptorship of the E . Knight R . Clay Sudlow . On January 28 th , at their regular meeting , Count C . Waldermar Sponneck was installed with the full elaborate ceremonial for which the Preceptory is noted , in
the presence of a distinguished visitor from Chicago , the Knight M . Martin Kallmar . The Preceptory is now the strongest in London . Apropos to the above , the " King Edward VII . Preceptory of Instruction " holds its meetings On the lirst Thursday and
third Monday in every month at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C , and all Knights Templars are cordially invited to attend .
^ Those who are interested in the ways and customs of our ancient brethren , will welcome a reprint which Messrs . Brown , Langham and Co . announce . One of the earliest English Masonic books was " A Collection of Freemasons '
Songs , " originally published in 1749 . Collectors of Masonic items who have not the original edition will be glad of the opportunity of securing this reprint . The songs are prefaced by " A General Charge to Masons , delivered at Christcliurch , in Boston , on the 27 th December ,
1749 , by the Rev . Charles Brockwell , A . M ., His Majesty ' s Chaplain at Boston , in New England , " wherein the reverend brother sets forth the aims and intentions of the Craft as that of " uniting man in the stricter bonds of love , " and claims that the rules of this society " have a direct tendency to render
conversation agreeable as well as innocent . " The songs are quaint and redolent of the period , and although it is perhaps not suggested that they shall form a repertoire for the after-dinner entertainment of the Mason of to-day , the little volume will interest and amuse alike the student and the modern Mason .
IflPROVEriENT( Held under the Sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 ) . FOUNIDED 18 23 . t V . W . Bro . Sir EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F S A ., Grand Secretary , Treasurer . ) W . „ R CLAY SUDLOW , P . A . G . D . C . P . P . G . D ., ( Kent ) , ommi ee . ^ ^ R . E . F . LANDER , P . M . 2086 , " P . P . G . D . ( Herts ) . ' „ „ GEORGE RANKIN , P . M . 2818 . The ANNUAL FESTIVAL will be held at the FREEMASONS' HALL , on FRIDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 26 , 1904 . The R . W . Deputy Grand Master the Rt . Hon . THOMAS FREDERICK HALSEY , M . P ., has kindly consented to preside . Brethren are requested to be in their places before the opening of the Lodge at 6 o ' clock precisely . The work will be the Second Lecture . W . Bro . R . CLAY Sum . ow , P . A . G . D . C , as W . M . W . Bro . EnwAKD CUTI . KK , K . C ., P . G . O ., will give an Organ Recital as the . Brethren assemble . Tickets for the Temple , 2 s . each , and for the Dinner after the Lodge is closed the charge will be 4 6 per head , exclusive of Wine . These Tickets may be obtained by Brethren on application to any of the Stewards , or apply by letter to JOSEPH RUSSELL , SKCKKTARY . N . B .-MASTER MASONS ONLY ARE ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND THE FESTIVAL . 27 & 28 , MlI . K STKICKT , E . C . EVENING DRESS OPTIONAL .
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Aldershot Camp Lodge, No. 1331.
Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 .
THE Army has always been a fruitful recruiting ground for the Craft , and in no profession or community are the principles of Freemasonry better understood and loyally acted on . Each succeeding year finds the ranks increasing , and an evidence of this is seen in the
extraordinary activity displayed during the past year in the Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 , the installation meeting of which took place on the 13 th inst . at the Masonic Hall , Aldershot . The office of Worshipful Master of the lodge is far from being a sinecure , for during the year just ended no fewer than 75 candidates were initiated , passed and raised .
BRO . QUARTKRlIAS'i'ER .-SERGEANT . 7 . U . BOXALL . The year 1902 had been an exceedingly prosperous one , when 52 candidates were initiated , but last year establishes a record . The lodge numbers over 300 members on its books , and has the proud boast that the sun never sets upon
them , for wherever the British flag flies over a military station can be found a brother who is still on the books of the lodge , or possesses its clearance certificate . There were nearly 200 brethren present at the installation ceremony , many having travelled long distances to be present to see
Bro . Quartermaster-Sergeant J . R . Boxall , Army Service Corps , installed in the chair , the work being ably performed by the retiring Master , W . Bro . G . Bryce . The new Worshipful Master selected and invested his officers for the year as follows : —W . Bro . G . Bryce , I . P . M . ; Bros . S . L . Kerry , S . W . ;
Sergt .-Major Sadler , Army Service Corps , J . W . ; J . Peters , Treasurer ; Sgt . J . Ward , Army Service Corps , Secretary ; Staff-Sergeant F . Cock , Royal Engineers , S . D . ; J . West , J . D . ; Q .-M .-S . C . Self , Royal Artillery Band , Organist ; W . Bro . Capt . W . Lyons , Army Service Corps , D . C . ; Bros . Sergt . T . CoadRoyal Army Medical Corps , and Troop
, Sergt .-Major C . J . Cadwell , Royal Engineers , Stewards ; Sergt .-Major J . Gale , Military Police , I . G . ; Armourer-Sgt . Finlayson , Tyler . A most enjoyable banquet followed , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
The lodge has sustained a sad loss , by the death , at the age of 74 , on the 4 U 1 inst ., of Bro . W . Burns , who had discharged the duties of Tyler to this and Panmuire Lodge , 723 , for the past 45 years .
The King Edward VII . Preceptary , notices of which have appeared in our columns from time to time , is continuing its successful career under the Preceptorship of the E . Knight R . Clay Sudlow . On January 28 th , at their regular meeting , Count C . Waldermar Sponneck was installed with the full elaborate ceremonial for which the Preceptory is noted , in
the presence of a distinguished visitor from Chicago , the Knight M . Martin Kallmar . The Preceptory is now the strongest in London . Apropos to the above , the " King Edward VII . Preceptory of Instruction " holds its meetings On the lirst Thursday and
third Monday in every month at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C , and all Knights Templars are cordially invited to attend .
^ Those who are interested in the ways and customs of our ancient brethren , will welcome a reprint which Messrs . Brown , Langham and Co . announce . One of the earliest English Masonic books was " A Collection of Freemasons '
Songs , " originally published in 1749 . Collectors of Masonic items who have not the original edition will be glad of the opportunity of securing this reprint . The songs are prefaced by " A General Charge to Masons , delivered at Christcliurch , in Boston , on the 27 th December ,
1749 , by the Rev . Charles Brockwell , A . M ., His Majesty ' s Chaplain at Boston , in New England , " wherein the reverend brother sets forth the aims and intentions of the Craft as that of " uniting man in the stricter bonds of love , " and claims that the rules of this society " have a direct tendency to render
conversation agreeable as well as innocent . " The songs are quaint and redolent of the period , and although it is perhaps not suggested that they shall form a repertoire for the after-dinner entertainment of the Mason of to-day , the little volume will interest and amuse alike the student and the modern Mason .
IflPROVEriENT( Held under the Sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 ) . FOUNIDED 18 23 . t V . W . Bro . Sir EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F S A ., Grand Secretary , Treasurer . ) W . „ R CLAY SUDLOW , P . A . G . D . C . P . P . G . D ., ( Kent ) , ommi ee . ^ ^ R . E . F . LANDER , P . M . 2086 , " P . P . G . D . ( Herts ) . ' „ „ GEORGE RANKIN , P . M . 2818 . The ANNUAL FESTIVAL will be held at the FREEMASONS' HALL , on FRIDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 26 , 1904 . The R . W . Deputy Grand Master the Rt . Hon . THOMAS FREDERICK HALSEY , M . P ., has kindly consented to preside . Brethren are requested to be in their places before the opening of the Lodge at 6 o ' clock precisely . The work will be the Second Lecture . W . Bro . R . CLAY Sum . ow , P . A . G . D . C , as W . M . W . Bro . EnwAKD CUTI . KK , K . C ., P . G . O ., will give an Organ Recital as the . Brethren assemble . Tickets for the Temple , 2 s . each , and for the Dinner after the Lodge is closed the charge will be 4 6 per head , exclusive of Wine . These Tickets may be obtained by Brethren on application to any of the Stewards , or apply by letter to JOSEPH RUSSELL , SKCKKTARY . N . B .-MASTER MASONS ONLY ARE ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND THE FESTIVAL . 27 & 28 , MlI . K STKICKT , E . C . EVENING DRESS OPTIONAL .
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