Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
over lifty active members drawn from ei ght nationalities , with a large predominance of Englishmen . It is one of the most cosmopolitan Masonic Lodges in existence , and forms an important link—in fact the only link , although an unrecognised one—between Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry and the
French Lodges , which are independent of the Grand Orient , now merely a piece of political machinery . The new W . M . of the Anglo-Saxon Lodge is Bro . G . H . F . Tepe , one of its first initiates . © © ©
Although the Anglo-Saxon Lodge , in the judgment of the English authorities , does not at present comply fully with the essential requirements of orthodox Freemasonry as understood by the Grand Lodge of England and the various jurisdictions which have sprung from or are in amicable relationship with it , yet English Brethren cannot but look
with sympathy on the efforts now being made to fall into line with those who have maintained , pure and unsullied , the great heritage bequeathed to them by their ancient brethren .
© < 5 > O Even the most serious and tragic events have their humorous side , and the calamitous earthquakes in Ital y afford no exception . Our Masonic Brethren in Calabria have been great sufferers not only in their houses but in their lodges , and an especial appeal has been made to the Craft in
England and other countries for aid . The following literal copy of a printed circular addressed to English Masons , if furnishing some amusement as a specimen of " English as she is spoke" in classic Italy , will not fail to appeal to the generous instincts of the Craft universal : —
" FKEKMASOXS OK THK WORLD . The Freemasonry , universal institution , in her high ideal of humanity , go beyond space and time limits ; there are not for her neither peoples' diversity , nor nations' barriers ; at Great Mother ' s breast all men are brothers .
The Old Vibonese Lodge Affiliated , at Monteleone Calabro Orient , who for their dignity , striked by a most horrible calamity , did not dare to address private or public assistance , beg in a so tremendous disaster a generous help to their brothers . The Old Vibonese Lodge received largest losses by
the recent disgrace , because Monteleone , which has ever been the Calabria ' s moral Capital , this time had the sad privilege to be the disaster ' s epicentre . For this disaster , which even deprived ourselves of conscience , we hitherto have forgotten that also , out of
our walls and our highland , there are hearts which weep for our pains and souls which pity our misfortune . ' Glory then to the Great Institution , which consociates the men in the calamity and which in the terrible struggle against homicidial nature , encourages them lo
resist on the certainty that far countries' brothers comfort and help them to resurrect at voice : Excelsior . Brothers of all Lodges spread on the World , you shall not deceive our hopes . Help us . and have all our gratitude and our fraternal . ' . salute !
Monteleone di Calabria ist December 1905 . " © < 0 " © It is stated that the Worshipful Master and brethren of Universities Lodge , Xo . 2352 ( Durham ) , have founded a scholarshi p for Freemasons or the sons or daughters of Freemasons , in the University of Durham , in commemoration of the consecration of the lodge .
The thirty-lifth annual meeting of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association was held at Stafford on January 20 th , Bro . F . Thompson , of Burton , president of the association , in the chair . There was a large attendance of representatives from throughout the province , including Colonel Walker , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bros . T . J .
Barnett , J . Bodenham and J . F . Pepper , Past Presidents . The report showed receipts from the A Fund for 1905 of . £ 1 , 287 , and from the B Fund of £ ' 839—total £ 2 , 126 . £ " 433 was voted for grants to necessitous cases in the province . Bro . Alfred Dewsbury was elected president for the year , and a cordial vote of thanks was passed to the retiring president for his services during two years of office .
© © © The annual general meeting of the East Lancashire Systematic Educational and Benevolent Institution ( Incorporated ) , of which Lord Stanley , R . W . Prov . G . Master , is president , was held on February 9 th , at the Freemasons '
Hall , Cooper Street , Manchester . Bro . C . D . Cheetham , chairman of the general committee , presiding . The report of the finance committee , which was adopted , showed that the donations and subscriptions received during the year were : Lodges , £ 430 7 s . iod . ; Chapter , £ 30 5 s . ;
Prov . G . Lodge , £ 20 ; Prov . G . Priory , K . T ., £ 10 10 s . ; Prov . G . Mark Lodge , £ 5 5 s . ; Lodge of Instruction , 34 8 , £ 10 ; Loyal Volunteers' Preceptory , £ 5 ; and individuals , £ 277 10 s . 6 d . ; making a total of £ 7 88 18 s . 4 c ! ., which was £ 5 7 s . yd . less than in the previous year . Considering the
great effort made in the province on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at the Festival on the 22 nd February last , at which the Prov . G . Master presided , it was a source of gratification that the receipts in 1905 were only so small an amount less than in 1904 . The payments for
relief , education , and annuities were £ 1 , 387 us . id ., as against £ 1 , 243 12 s . in the previous year . Bros . Jaffrey , hon . treasurer , Nicholas A . Earle , hon . secretary , A . H . Smith , hon . medical officer , J . Edward Lees , honorary auditor , and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the General Committee were thanked for their services , and the first fourwere re-elected to their respective offices .
Ebe / Iftasonic 3-llustrateix Published inontlih / . Price , Sixpence .
Bates of Ycttrl ;/ Sitbserijition ( iiirlitdin ;/ Posttfjie ) : — The United Kitujdom , India , America , | *• " and the Colonies j Editorial and Publishing Ojjiers : —
¦> . ' ¦ ] , Gurrick Street , London , W . C . The Editor , to trhoin all literarij communications should be addressed , trill be jileitsed to receive I ' lilereslimj jiltoloijrajilts as tvell as items if itetrs ittttl eoiiimenls thereon , and to
consider s / tijijestions for leiujthier articles . All Business Communications should he addressed to Tin : Pnoi'iiiKToiis , MKSSKS . W . UfiiixoTON it Co .. 'I ' d , ( iarrtck Street , W . C . All Ajijilicitlions for . lilcerliseiiienls In be made to Tin ; Anvi : i : 'risiX ( i M . WAOKI :, . ' . ' - ' j , ( larricl : Street , W . C .
oR -NT OF APPOINTA , .. - „* APPO "" Me o * JL * * " CONNOISSEURS SMOKE - ^ _ " ^ ^^ ^^^ mW ^ fEOFANI & CO . 'S 'f ; .. g ; irelies rece . \ e the Ugliest awards at all MI ^^^ JM ^ M ^^ Se ^ fvr ^^ Interiiatioiril ICxhibitiims , and arc sold by all Leadin ;; J . ' urveyor :-. through- - ^ ^^^^ MW 0 = j / ^ J ' " * ' * , „ ~ ^^ „ o out the WORLD , % ,. ' ^ - ^^ mm ^ ^ > H N C ^ TH = KHEDIVE Of " ' < ,-,. _ K | NG Qf Tl »*
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
over lifty active members drawn from ei ght nationalities , with a large predominance of Englishmen . It is one of the most cosmopolitan Masonic Lodges in existence , and forms an important link—in fact the only link , although an unrecognised one—between Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry and the
French Lodges , which are independent of the Grand Orient , now merely a piece of political machinery . The new W . M . of the Anglo-Saxon Lodge is Bro . G . H . F . Tepe , one of its first initiates . © © ©
Although the Anglo-Saxon Lodge , in the judgment of the English authorities , does not at present comply fully with the essential requirements of orthodox Freemasonry as understood by the Grand Lodge of England and the various jurisdictions which have sprung from or are in amicable relationship with it , yet English Brethren cannot but look
with sympathy on the efforts now being made to fall into line with those who have maintained , pure and unsullied , the great heritage bequeathed to them by their ancient brethren .
© < 5 > O Even the most serious and tragic events have their humorous side , and the calamitous earthquakes in Ital y afford no exception . Our Masonic Brethren in Calabria have been great sufferers not only in their houses but in their lodges , and an especial appeal has been made to the Craft in
England and other countries for aid . The following literal copy of a printed circular addressed to English Masons , if furnishing some amusement as a specimen of " English as she is spoke" in classic Italy , will not fail to appeal to the generous instincts of the Craft universal : —
" FKEKMASOXS OK THK WORLD . The Freemasonry , universal institution , in her high ideal of humanity , go beyond space and time limits ; there are not for her neither peoples' diversity , nor nations' barriers ; at Great Mother ' s breast all men are brothers .
The Old Vibonese Lodge Affiliated , at Monteleone Calabro Orient , who for their dignity , striked by a most horrible calamity , did not dare to address private or public assistance , beg in a so tremendous disaster a generous help to their brothers . The Old Vibonese Lodge received largest losses by
the recent disgrace , because Monteleone , which has ever been the Calabria ' s moral Capital , this time had the sad privilege to be the disaster ' s epicentre . For this disaster , which even deprived ourselves of conscience , we hitherto have forgotten that also , out of
our walls and our highland , there are hearts which weep for our pains and souls which pity our misfortune . ' Glory then to the Great Institution , which consociates the men in the calamity and which in the terrible struggle against homicidial nature , encourages them lo
resist on the certainty that far countries' brothers comfort and help them to resurrect at voice : Excelsior . Brothers of all Lodges spread on the World , you shall not deceive our hopes . Help us . and have all our gratitude and our fraternal . ' . salute !
Monteleone di Calabria ist December 1905 . " © < 0 " © It is stated that the Worshipful Master and brethren of Universities Lodge , Xo . 2352 ( Durham ) , have founded a scholarshi p for Freemasons or the sons or daughters of Freemasons , in the University of Durham , in commemoration of the consecration of the lodge .
The thirty-lifth annual meeting of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association was held at Stafford on January 20 th , Bro . F . Thompson , of Burton , president of the association , in the chair . There was a large attendance of representatives from throughout the province , including Colonel Walker , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bros . T . J .
Barnett , J . Bodenham and J . F . Pepper , Past Presidents . The report showed receipts from the A Fund for 1905 of . £ 1 , 287 , and from the B Fund of £ ' 839—total £ 2 , 126 . £ " 433 was voted for grants to necessitous cases in the province . Bro . Alfred Dewsbury was elected president for the year , and a cordial vote of thanks was passed to the retiring president for his services during two years of office .
© © © The annual general meeting of the East Lancashire Systematic Educational and Benevolent Institution ( Incorporated ) , of which Lord Stanley , R . W . Prov . G . Master , is president , was held on February 9 th , at the Freemasons '
Hall , Cooper Street , Manchester . Bro . C . D . Cheetham , chairman of the general committee , presiding . The report of the finance committee , which was adopted , showed that the donations and subscriptions received during the year were : Lodges , £ 430 7 s . iod . ; Chapter , £ 30 5 s . ;
Prov . G . Lodge , £ 20 ; Prov . G . Priory , K . T ., £ 10 10 s . ; Prov . G . Mark Lodge , £ 5 5 s . ; Lodge of Instruction , 34 8 , £ 10 ; Loyal Volunteers' Preceptory , £ 5 ; and individuals , £ 277 10 s . 6 d . ; making a total of £ 7 88 18 s . 4 c ! ., which was £ 5 7 s . yd . less than in the previous year . Considering the
great effort made in the province on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at the Festival on the 22 nd February last , at which the Prov . G . Master presided , it was a source of gratification that the receipts in 1905 were only so small an amount less than in 1904 . The payments for
relief , education , and annuities were £ 1 , 387 us . id ., as against £ 1 , 243 12 s . in the previous year . Bros . Jaffrey , hon . treasurer , Nicholas A . Earle , hon . secretary , A . H . Smith , hon . medical officer , J . Edward Lees , honorary auditor , and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the General Committee were thanked for their services , and the first fourwere re-elected to their respective offices .
Ebe / Iftasonic 3-llustrateix Published inontlih / . Price , Sixpence .
Bates of Ycttrl ;/ Sitbserijition ( iiirlitdin ;/ Posttfjie ) : — The United Kitujdom , India , America , | *• " and the Colonies j Editorial and Publishing Ojjiers : —
¦> . ' ¦ ] , Gurrick Street , London , W . C . The Editor , to trhoin all literarij communications should be addressed , trill be jileitsed to receive I ' lilereslimj jiltoloijrajilts as tvell as items if itetrs ittttl eoiiimenls thereon , and to
consider s / tijijestions for leiujthier articles . All Business Communications should he addressed to Tin : Pnoi'iiiKToiis , MKSSKS . W . UfiiixoTON it Co .. 'I ' d , ( iarrtck Street , W . C . All Ajijilicitlions for . lilcerliseiiienls In be made to Tin ; Anvi : i : 'risiX ( i M . WAOKI :, . ' . ' - ' j , ( larricl : Street , W . C .
oR -NT OF APPOINTA , .. - „* APPO "" Me o * JL * * " CONNOISSEURS SMOKE - ^ _ " ^ ^^ ^^^ mW ^ fEOFANI & CO . 'S 'f ; .. g ; irelies rece . \ e the Ugliest awards at all MI ^^^ JM ^ M ^^ Se ^ fvr ^^ Interiiatioiril ICxhibitiims , and arc sold by all Leadin ;; J . ' urveyor :-. through- - ^ ^^^^ MW 0 = j / ^ J ' " * ' * , „ ~ ^^ „ o out the WORLD , % ,. ' ^ - ^^ mm ^ ^ > H N C ^ TH = KHEDIVE Of " ' < ,-,. _ K | NG Qf Tl »*