Article Province of Hereford. Page 1 of 1 Article York Lodge, No. 236. Page 1 of 1
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Province Of Hereford.
Province of Hereford .
r | "M-IE vacancy caused bv Ihe death of the Provincial Grand I Master , Lord Glanusk , has been filled by the appointment to that office of the Hon . and Very Reverend James Wentworth Leigh , D . D ., Dean of Hereford , Past Grand Chaplain . The Dean is a brother of the late Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire , whose
death was recentlv recorded in our columns . He was initiated in the Shakespeare Lodge , No . 284 , Warwick , on the 28 th September , 1865 . and installed W . M . in 1869 . In 1867 he filled ( he office of Provincial Grand Chaplain of Warwickshire . He joined the Palladin Lodge , No . 120 , Hereford .
In November , 1887 , * ' Annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Cathedral Library , and he was appointed Provincial Grand Chaplain . The opportunity afforded by this annual'gathering was taken advantage of to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the late Queen Victoria , by attending Divine Service in the Cathedral when the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge
was concluded , and on this occasion the Very Reverend Brother preached a very eloquent sermon . The formation of a new lodge in Hereford , of which the Dean is a founder , is an evidence of his continued interest in the Craft . The lodge in question is to be named the Vaga , the Worshipful Master designate being Dr . Sinclair , Past
Grand Organist and Organist of Hereford Cathedral , who is also an enthusiastic Mason . Dean Leigh is the third son of the first Lord Leigh , and was born in Paris in 18 3 8 . He was appointed to tiie Deanery of Hereford in 18 94 .
There can be no doubt that the appointment will prove a popular one , and in all respects will be of advantage to the Craft . The family association in connection with the late Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire is of value in itself , and the personal qualities of the Reverend Brother will , we feel sure , worthily continue the family Masonic tradition .
York Lodge, No. 236.
York Lodge , No . 236 .
fl ^ HE installation ceremony in connection with the above I took place at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe Place , York , recently , in the presence of a large number of members and visitors . The report of the Audit Committee showed that the finances of the Lodge were in a very satisfactory condition .
The ceremony of installing Bro . T . C . Thompson , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with by W . Bro . A . Proctor , P . M ., assisted by the W . BIJS . G . Potter-Kirby , G . Garbutt , J . A . Askew and F . S . Gramshaw , and it was carried through with precision .
W . Bro . T . C . Thompson , on taking the chair , appointed and installed his officers as follows : —Bro . Norman T . Crombie , S . W . ; Bro . Fred A . Camidge , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . 1 . Raine , B . A ., P . P . C , Chaplain ; W . Bro . O . G . Taylor , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W .,
Secretary ; Bro . the Rev . H . H . Shaw , B . A ., P . G . C , S . D . ; Bro . J . C . Grieve , J . D . ; W . Bro . J . A . Askew , P . M ., D . C . ; Bro . G . Sharpe , I . G . ; Bro . A . Sample . P . P . G . O ., Organist ; Bro . R . Draper , B . A ., and Bro . G . A . Potter-Kirby , Stewards ; Bro . J . Hall , Tyler ; and Bro . W . S . Layley , Assistant Tyler . Bro . the Rev . W . Johnson , B . A ., B . Sc , was appointed Librarian .
The W . M . then stated that the first duty which he had to perform in his year of office was the most pleasant one which could fall to the lot of any W . M . and it was on behalf of all the officers of the York Lodge to present a Past Master ' s Jewel to W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., I . P . M ., who just relinquished the chair . In making the
presentation he stated that W . M . G . Potter-Kirby had been associated with the York Lodge during many years , had served many offices , amongst which were those of Secretary and Treasurer , and ultimately that of W . M . After a lapse of 21 years the members of the lodge re-elected W . Bro .
Potter-Kirby to be W . M ., and every one was aware of the very successful and happy manner in which he had performed the duties during the last year . He was sure that the pleasant recollections of the past year would not be erased from the minds of the officers and brethren . W . Bro .
Potter-Kirby had clone more for the lodge than could be easily recounted , and he believed that the former would look back upon the past vear as a record one in his masonic career . The officers of the lodge had always been pleased to back up his efforts and the presentation which lie made
to-night was an evidence of the spontaneous loyal feeling and high regard which they held towards Bro . Potter-Kirby . He was pleased to say that Bro . G . Potter-Kirby had consented ( o take upon himself once again the onerous duties of Secretary , and which showed , if any evidence was
necessary , that he was as loyal to the lodge as he had always been and would do what he could to help forward its welfare . Bro . Potter-Kirby , who was greatly taken aback , thanked the brethren for the presentation of the Jewel , and stated that he had not the least idea of this being about to take place , but he none the less appreciated their kindness
and the sentiments of the W . M . in making the presentation . The past year had been to him a particularly pleasant one although the duties of W . M . of that lodge were no sinecure . He hoped to be long associated with the lodge , its members , and working , and would do all in his power to carry out the
particular duties of his office of Secretary and to further the best interests of Freemasonry . The Banquet , which was well attended , was held at the Masonic Hall in the evening . The Worshipful Master ( W . Bro . T . C Thompson ) presided , and proposed the opening toasts , " The King and the Craft , " and " The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England and the Grand
Lodge . " The toast of " The Marquis of Zetland , Lord Bolton , and Prov . Grand Lodge of the North and East Ridings , " was proposed by W . Bro . Gramshaw , and responded to by W . Bro . Cheesman and Bro . the Rev . H . H . Shaw . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by W . Bro . O . G . Taylor , who referred to the excellent work that had
been done by the York Lodge during the past year in the cause of charity . W . Bro . Laughton , in responding , referred to the approaching visit to York in Mav of the Masonic Charities Association , and urged the W . M . and members to make an effort to ensure the success of the gathering .
The health of the newly-installed W . Master was proposed by W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , who alluded to W . Bro . Thompson ' s long and honourable association with and work for the lodge . The W . M . would , he was sure , maintain the prestige of the lodge . Bro . Thompson's father was an
officer of the York Lodge mid their new W . M . had three brothers associated at present with its work . The toast was received with musical honours , and the W . M . responded in felicitous terms .
Bro . Camidge proposed " The Visiting Brethren" and the toast was responded to by W . Bro . J . W . Jones ( St . Cuthbert's ) and Bro . A . H . Fletcher . The toast of "The Immediate Past Master , the Installing Master , and the P . M . 's of the York Lodge , " was entrusted to the Worshipful Master , and responded to by the W . Bros .
G . Potter-Kirby , A . Procter and G . Garbutt . The remaining toasts were " The Ollicers of the Lodge , " proposed by W . Bro . Proctor , and responded to by Bro . Crombie , W . Bro . Askew and Bro . G . A . Potter-Kirby , and the Tyler ' s toast , which concluded the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Province Of Hereford.
Province of Hereford .
r | "M-IE vacancy caused bv Ihe death of the Provincial Grand I Master , Lord Glanusk , has been filled by the appointment to that office of the Hon . and Very Reverend James Wentworth Leigh , D . D ., Dean of Hereford , Past Grand Chaplain . The Dean is a brother of the late Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire , whose
death was recentlv recorded in our columns . He was initiated in the Shakespeare Lodge , No . 284 , Warwick , on the 28 th September , 1865 . and installed W . M . in 1869 . In 1867 he filled ( he office of Provincial Grand Chaplain of Warwickshire . He joined the Palladin Lodge , No . 120 , Hereford .
In November , 1887 , * ' Annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Cathedral Library , and he was appointed Provincial Grand Chaplain . The opportunity afforded by this annual'gathering was taken advantage of to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the late Queen Victoria , by attending Divine Service in the Cathedral when the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge
was concluded , and on this occasion the Very Reverend Brother preached a very eloquent sermon . The formation of a new lodge in Hereford , of which the Dean is a founder , is an evidence of his continued interest in the Craft . The lodge in question is to be named the Vaga , the Worshipful Master designate being Dr . Sinclair , Past
Grand Organist and Organist of Hereford Cathedral , who is also an enthusiastic Mason . Dean Leigh is the third son of the first Lord Leigh , and was born in Paris in 18 3 8 . He was appointed to tiie Deanery of Hereford in 18 94 .
There can be no doubt that the appointment will prove a popular one , and in all respects will be of advantage to the Craft . The family association in connection with the late Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire is of value in itself , and the personal qualities of the Reverend Brother will , we feel sure , worthily continue the family Masonic tradition .
York Lodge, No. 236.
York Lodge , No . 236 .
fl ^ HE installation ceremony in connection with the above I took place at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe Place , York , recently , in the presence of a large number of members and visitors . The report of the Audit Committee showed that the finances of the Lodge were in a very satisfactory condition .
The ceremony of installing Bro . T . C . Thompson , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with by W . Bro . A . Proctor , P . M ., assisted by the W . BIJS . G . Potter-Kirby , G . Garbutt , J . A . Askew and F . S . Gramshaw , and it was carried through with precision .
W . Bro . T . C . Thompson , on taking the chair , appointed and installed his officers as follows : —Bro . Norman T . Crombie , S . W . ; Bro . Fred A . Camidge , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . 1 . Raine , B . A ., P . P . C , Chaplain ; W . Bro . O . G . Taylor , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W .,
Secretary ; Bro . the Rev . H . H . Shaw , B . A ., P . G . C , S . D . ; Bro . J . C . Grieve , J . D . ; W . Bro . J . A . Askew , P . M ., D . C . ; Bro . G . Sharpe , I . G . ; Bro . A . Sample . P . P . G . O ., Organist ; Bro . R . Draper , B . A ., and Bro . G . A . Potter-Kirby , Stewards ; Bro . J . Hall , Tyler ; and Bro . W . S . Layley , Assistant Tyler . Bro . the Rev . W . Johnson , B . A ., B . Sc , was appointed Librarian .
The W . M . then stated that the first duty which he had to perform in his year of office was the most pleasant one which could fall to the lot of any W . M . and it was on behalf of all the officers of the York Lodge to present a Past Master ' s Jewel to W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., I . P . M ., who just relinquished the chair . In making the
presentation he stated that W . M . G . Potter-Kirby had been associated with the York Lodge during many years , had served many offices , amongst which were those of Secretary and Treasurer , and ultimately that of W . M . After a lapse of 21 years the members of the lodge re-elected W . Bro .
Potter-Kirby to be W . M ., and every one was aware of the very successful and happy manner in which he had performed the duties during the last year . He was sure that the pleasant recollections of the past year would not be erased from the minds of the officers and brethren . W . Bro .
Potter-Kirby had clone more for the lodge than could be easily recounted , and he believed that the former would look back upon the past vear as a record one in his masonic career . The officers of the lodge had always been pleased to back up his efforts and the presentation which lie made
to-night was an evidence of the spontaneous loyal feeling and high regard which they held towards Bro . Potter-Kirby . He was pleased to say that Bro . G . Potter-Kirby had consented ( o take upon himself once again the onerous duties of Secretary , and which showed , if any evidence was
necessary , that he was as loyal to the lodge as he had always been and would do what he could to help forward its welfare . Bro . Potter-Kirby , who was greatly taken aback , thanked the brethren for the presentation of the Jewel , and stated that he had not the least idea of this being about to take place , but he none the less appreciated their kindness
and the sentiments of the W . M . in making the presentation . The past year had been to him a particularly pleasant one although the duties of W . M . of that lodge were no sinecure . He hoped to be long associated with the lodge , its members , and working , and would do all in his power to carry out the
particular duties of his office of Secretary and to further the best interests of Freemasonry . The Banquet , which was well attended , was held at the Masonic Hall in the evening . The Worshipful Master ( W . Bro . T . C Thompson ) presided , and proposed the opening toasts , " The King and the Craft , " and " The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England and the Grand
Lodge . " The toast of " The Marquis of Zetland , Lord Bolton , and Prov . Grand Lodge of the North and East Ridings , " was proposed by W . Bro . Gramshaw , and responded to by W . Bro . Cheesman and Bro . the Rev . H . H . Shaw . " The Masonic Charities" was proposed by W . Bro . O . G . Taylor , who referred to the excellent work that had
been done by the York Lodge during the past year in the cause of charity . W . Bro . Laughton , in responding , referred to the approaching visit to York in Mav of the Masonic Charities Association , and urged the W . M . and members to make an effort to ensure the success of the gathering .
The health of the newly-installed W . Master was proposed by W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , who alluded to W . Bro . Thompson ' s long and honourable association with and work for the lodge . The W . M . would , he was sure , maintain the prestige of the lodge . Bro . Thompson's father was an
officer of the York Lodge mid their new W . M . had three brothers associated at present with its work . The toast was received with musical honours , and the W . M . responded in felicitous terms .
Bro . Camidge proposed " The Visiting Brethren" and the toast was responded to by W . Bro . J . W . Jones ( St . Cuthbert's ) and Bro . A . H . Fletcher . The toast of "The Immediate Past Master , the Installing Master , and the P . M . 's of the York Lodge , " was entrusted to the Worshipful Master , and responded to by the W . Bros .
G . Potter-Kirby , A . Procter and G . Garbutt . The remaining toasts were " The Ollicers of the Lodge , " proposed by W . Bro . Proctor , and responded to by Bro . Crombie , W . Bro . Askew and Bro . G . A . Potter-Kirby , and the Tyler ' s toast , which concluded the proceedings .