Article Captain W. F. Portlock- Dadson. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Captain W. F. Portlock- Dadson.
Captain W . F . Portlock- Dadson .
CWPTAIN W . F . PORTLOCK-DADSON was initialed y in Lodge No . 3 S 7 of Ireland , at Malta , on the 30 th January , 18 5 6 , and was passed and raised before returning lo the Crimea . He affiliated to Phojnix Lodge at Portsmouth , and , on its formation , joined the
Florence Nightingale Lodge at Woolwich . He was a Founder and first Secretary of the Gosport Lodge , to which lodge he presented a despatch box on leaving the garrison . He joined the Friencls-in-Council Lodge on its formation in 1872 , and on retiring as Secretary in 1903 , was elected an
honorary member . He was also a Founder and first Secretary of the Bayard Lodge , and became a honorary member of the Caribee Lodge at Antigua . He was a Founder and first J . W . of the Jamaica Lodge , serving as W . M . the following year . In the District Grand Lodge he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon , and was invested by the Prince of Wales as Past
J . G . Deacon at the Albert Hall in 18 97 . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Portlock-Dadson was exalted in the Union Waterloo Chapter , No . 13 , joining the Frienclsin-Council Chapter on its formation , serving for some years as Scribe E . He took the Mark Degree in the Florence Nightingale Lodge , No . 10 , under the Grand Mark Lodge of
Scotland in 18 5 8 , joining the Studholme Lodge on its formation , and served as Master Overseer in the Lodge at Kingston , Jamaica . He received the degree of Knight Templar in the Kemeys Tynte Encampment , passing the chair of it and of the Priory ol Malta ; was Deputy Grand Commander of Kent under General Clerk ; a Founder and Registrar of the Bosbury
Preceptory , and Assistant Grand Standard Bearer in Grand Conclave . He received the degree of the Royal Order of Scotland in the Royal Bruce Chapter in 18 77 . In the Rose Croix Degree he was perfected in the Invicta Chapter , No . 10 , passing the chair ( honorary member ) ; joined
the Royal Naval Chapter , No . 9 ( honorary member ) ; a Founder and Recorder of St . George Chapter , No . 42 ( honorary member ) ; a Founder and Recorder of the Bayard Chapter , No . 71 , being presented with a canteen of plate on leaving for Jamaica in 1877 , where he joined the Jamaica
Chapter , No . 4 8 , being elected the same clay as M . W . Sov . ; formed the Kingston Chapter , No . 86 , in 1879 . He served as M . W . Sov . of the Union Chapter , No . 53 , in British Guiana ; was a Founder and Recorder of the Alleyne Chapter , No . 131 ; , and a Founder and Honorary Member of
the Antigua Chapter , No . 8 4 . He was Secretary to the G . Secretary General of the Supreme Council , 33 , from 1875 to 1877 , and Grand Secretary General to that Council from October , 18 9 6 , 10 October , 1903 , receiving a handsome testimonial , with inscription , on
retirement . He was advanced to the 33 rd Degree in 18 97 . Bro . Portlock-Dadson is a Governor of each of the Masonic Charities , having served the Stewardships , as well as of several other charities . The idea of founding a " Brothers " bed in the Free Home for the Dying at Clapham , which occurred to
him in 18 93 , was successfully accomplished by the investment of one thousand pounds for its maintenance in perpetuity , and is much in request . He is now Honorary Secretary of that Home , and " ex-ofiicio " member of its Council .
• ¦ - s mw^fn^SS^mX** > - — ^ ^ j ^ x Jim , - t '/ kv ^ ^ ii iOTTliTfi ' i " ^ ^ ™ ^ fv " - ^ J 0 ' ' ]" - "' " ^ E-a ^ . 'liafefB ^ -aj & i & M ' Z ' ^^ ^ ^ u ^ ^^ s ^ ^ ^ " ^ J f „ Mature" provides the fruit : B . J IfC IL # v 3 Try them together
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Captain W. F. Portlock- Dadson.
Captain W . F . Portlock- Dadson .
CWPTAIN W . F . PORTLOCK-DADSON was initialed y in Lodge No . 3 S 7 of Ireland , at Malta , on the 30 th January , 18 5 6 , and was passed and raised before returning lo the Crimea . He affiliated to Phojnix Lodge at Portsmouth , and , on its formation , joined the
Florence Nightingale Lodge at Woolwich . He was a Founder and first Secretary of the Gosport Lodge , to which lodge he presented a despatch box on leaving the garrison . He joined the Friencls-in-Council Lodge on its formation in 1872 , and on retiring as Secretary in 1903 , was elected an
honorary member . He was also a Founder and first Secretary of the Bayard Lodge , and became a honorary member of the Caribee Lodge at Antigua . He was a Founder and first J . W . of the Jamaica Lodge , serving as W . M . the following year . In the District Grand Lodge he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon , and was invested by the Prince of Wales as Past
J . G . Deacon at the Albert Hall in 18 97 . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Portlock-Dadson was exalted in the Union Waterloo Chapter , No . 13 , joining the Frienclsin-Council Chapter on its formation , serving for some years as Scribe E . He took the Mark Degree in the Florence Nightingale Lodge , No . 10 , under the Grand Mark Lodge of
Scotland in 18 5 8 , joining the Studholme Lodge on its formation , and served as Master Overseer in the Lodge at Kingston , Jamaica . He received the degree of Knight Templar in the Kemeys Tynte Encampment , passing the chair of it and of the Priory ol Malta ; was Deputy Grand Commander of Kent under General Clerk ; a Founder and Registrar of the Bosbury
Preceptory , and Assistant Grand Standard Bearer in Grand Conclave . He received the degree of the Royal Order of Scotland in the Royal Bruce Chapter in 18 77 . In the Rose Croix Degree he was perfected in the Invicta Chapter , No . 10 , passing the chair ( honorary member ) ; joined
the Royal Naval Chapter , No . 9 ( honorary member ) ; a Founder and Recorder of St . George Chapter , No . 42 ( honorary member ) ; a Founder and Recorder of the Bayard Chapter , No . 71 , being presented with a canteen of plate on leaving for Jamaica in 1877 , where he joined the Jamaica
Chapter , No . 4 8 , being elected the same clay as M . W . Sov . ; formed the Kingston Chapter , No . 86 , in 1879 . He served as M . W . Sov . of the Union Chapter , No . 53 , in British Guiana ; was a Founder and Recorder of the Alleyne Chapter , No . 131 ; , and a Founder and Honorary Member of
the Antigua Chapter , No . 8 4 . He was Secretary to the G . Secretary General of the Supreme Council , 33 , from 1875 to 1877 , and Grand Secretary General to that Council from October , 18 9 6 , 10 October , 1903 , receiving a handsome testimonial , with inscription , on
retirement . He was advanced to the 33 rd Degree in 18 97 . Bro . Portlock-Dadson is a Governor of each of the Masonic Charities , having served the Stewardships , as well as of several other charities . The idea of founding a " Brothers " bed in the Free Home for the Dying at Clapham , which occurred to
him in 18 93 , was successfully accomplished by the investment of one thousand pounds for its maintenance in perpetuity , and is much in request . He is now Honorary Secretary of that Home , and " ex-ofiicio " member of its Council .
• ¦ - s mw^fn^SS^mX** > - — ^ ^ j ^ x Jim , - t '/ kv ^ ^ ii iOTTliTfi ' i " ^ ^ ™ ^ fv " - ^ J 0 ' ' ]" - "' " ^ E-a ^ . 'liafefB ^ -aj & i & M ' Z ' ^^ ^ ^ u ^ ^^ s ^ ^ ^ " ^ J f „ Mature" provides the fruit : B . J IfC IL # v 3 Try them together