Article Installation Meeting of the Britannic Lodge, No. 33. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meeting Of The Britannic Lodge, No. 33.
Installation Meeting of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 .
THE 175 th annual installation meeting of the above historic lodge was held amidst general enthusiasm at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 13 th May , the occasion being the induction into the chair of Bro . Percival P . Kipping , the chief superintendent of the National Telephone Co . at Glasgow .
There were present nearly 200 brethren , amongst whom were noticed Bros . Major H . Vane Stow , P . D . G . S . B . ; Joseph Russell . P . G . St . Br . ; W . Coe . Wheatley , I . P . M . ; fohn Russell , S . W . ; G . T . Elliott , J . W . ; G . H . Stayton , P . M ., Treas . ; E . R . Gabbett , P . M ., Sec . ; F . G . Sharrock , S . D . ; L . Fischer , J . D . ; G . R . Bayliss , I . G . ; W . T . Sugg , P . M .,
D . of C . ; Feton and Northcroft , P . G . S ., Stewards . The subsequent banquet was held at Freemasons' Tavern , where the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
Bro . Percival Kipping , W . M ., proposed "The Health of the Grand Officers , " calling on both Bros . Vane Stow P . D . G . S . B ., and J . Russell , P . G . Std . B ., to respond . Bro . Major H . Vane Stow , P . D . G . S . B ., in reply , humorously alluded to the duties of the Grand Officers . He was surprised , he said , at the amount of functions he was
supposed to attend when he became a wearer of the purple . In addition to the four meetings of Grand Lodge and the same number of Grand Chapter , he found that by virtue of his office he had become a member of the Committee of the ¦ Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he was also told
that if he wished to set an example he should attend the twelve monthly meetings of the Board of Benevolence . However , not the least pleasurable of his duties was being present at such meetings as that of the Britannic Lodge , and they could rely on him to be with them whenever they thought his presence would be of any assistance .
Bro . Joseph Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., also responded , referring to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , of which he was the Secretary . It was pleasing to find how many young Masons were Masters of the ritual before they had attained the Master's chair . He would advise every young member present to be ahead of his work .
Bro . W . Coe Wheatley next proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Percival P . Kipping , " and voiced the general wish of the lodge for his prosperity .
The Worshipful Master , in reply , expressed the feelings of responsibility that were his on undertaking the office of Master of so important and old-established a lodge . He should not , he said , have felt so hopeful as he did if it were not that he could trust to the many Past Masters , the Officers , and the brethren to rally round him . In
conclusion , it would be his endeavour to retain their confidence when his year of Mastership was over . In proposing what he felt to be the toast of the evening , that of " The Installing Master , Bro . Coe Wheatley , " he said it had not been that brother's good fortune to have had initiates during the past year , but he , Bro . Wheatley , had made up
for that lack by introducing to the brethren some of the more recondite portions of the Masonic ritual . Bro . Wheatley , having suitably replied , the toast of u The Visitors" was the next occasion for the interchange of fraternal courtesies . Bros . Reade and Layman fully justified the choice of
speakers that had been made in reply to that toast . The Treasurer , Bro . G . H . Stayton , P . M ., and the Secretary , Bro . Gabbett , P . M ., also responded to the toast that stood in their names . " The Past Masters" and " The Officers of the Lodge , "
brought a pleasant evening to an agreeable conclusion . The- musical arrangements , admirably carried out under the direction of Bro . H . E . Cribb , were supplied by the Ariel Glee Quartette .
An emluent London Physician has , alter several years of research Y and trial , perfected an absolute preventative of Sea-sickness and ... Train-sickness . These distressing conditions arise from an Irritation UU of the pneumogastric nerve acting directly through the brain npon mmm the stomach . YANATAS tranquilizes the entire nervous system and prevents Sea-sickness . This is 00 mere theorizing . Many A members of the Royal Families ol England and most other f * g European Countries have repeatedly used YANATAS and been * saved from Sea-sickness . A copy of one letter will suffice . XT A ROVAL * I j N OW TESTIMONY . || NEUES PALAIS . ™ " —— - —— ^ ^ DARMSTADT . A , I " Her Imperial Majesty OI 6 <•* Tsarina of Russia __( Princess Alix of Hesse ) , He / Imperial Highness T the Grand Duchess Serge 0 of Russia , and Her Royal ^ ^ Highness Princess Henry of Prussia , have found A . , YANATAS a perfect VOIQ remedy for Sea-sickness . "
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May be obtained ol all Cheniistsat 2 / 9 and 4 / 6 a bottle . STARKEE , Chemist , TI . AIAI . CAU Syiwuj .., LOXDOX , S . W
SEA = SICKNES 5 IS PREVENTABLE . ... > € ^« 2 PW (MBm^ I _ lI _ OTli _ S __ l ! a _ l _ iS _ r . ^ SSSgggl * " ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meeting Of The Britannic Lodge, No. 33.
Installation Meeting of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 .
THE 175 th annual installation meeting of the above historic lodge was held amidst general enthusiasm at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 13 th May , the occasion being the induction into the chair of Bro . Percival P . Kipping , the chief superintendent of the National Telephone Co . at Glasgow .
There were present nearly 200 brethren , amongst whom were noticed Bros . Major H . Vane Stow , P . D . G . S . B . ; Joseph Russell . P . G . St . Br . ; W . Coe . Wheatley , I . P . M . ; fohn Russell , S . W . ; G . T . Elliott , J . W . ; G . H . Stayton , P . M ., Treas . ; E . R . Gabbett , P . M ., Sec . ; F . G . Sharrock , S . D . ; L . Fischer , J . D . ; G . R . Bayliss , I . G . ; W . T . Sugg , P . M .,
D . of C . ; Feton and Northcroft , P . G . S ., Stewards . The subsequent banquet was held at Freemasons' Tavern , where the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
Bro . Percival Kipping , W . M ., proposed "The Health of the Grand Officers , " calling on both Bros . Vane Stow P . D . G . S . B ., and J . Russell , P . G . Std . B ., to respond . Bro . Major H . Vane Stow , P . D . G . S . B ., in reply , humorously alluded to the duties of the Grand Officers . He was surprised , he said , at the amount of functions he was
supposed to attend when he became a wearer of the purple . In addition to the four meetings of Grand Lodge and the same number of Grand Chapter , he found that by virtue of his office he had become a member of the Committee of the ¦ Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and he was also told
that if he wished to set an example he should attend the twelve monthly meetings of the Board of Benevolence . However , not the least pleasurable of his duties was being present at such meetings as that of the Britannic Lodge , and they could rely on him to be with them whenever they thought his presence would be of any assistance .
Bro . Joseph Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., also responded , referring to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , of which he was the Secretary . It was pleasing to find how many young Masons were Masters of the ritual before they had attained the Master's chair . He would advise every young member present to be ahead of his work .
Bro . W . Coe Wheatley next proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Percival P . Kipping , " and voiced the general wish of the lodge for his prosperity .
The Worshipful Master , in reply , expressed the feelings of responsibility that were his on undertaking the office of Master of so important and old-established a lodge . He should not , he said , have felt so hopeful as he did if it were not that he could trust to the many Past Masters , the Officers , and the brethren to rally round him . In
conclusion , it would be his endeavour to retain their confidence when his year of Mastership was over . In proposing what he felt to be the toast of the evening , that of " The Installing Master , Bro . Coe Wheatley , " he said it had not been that brother's good fortune to have had initiates during the past year , but he , Bro . Wheatley , had made up
for that lack by introducing to the brethren some of the more recondite portions of the Masonic ritual . Bro . Wheatley , having suitably replied , the toast of u The Visitors" was the next occasion for the interchange of fraternal courtesies . Bros . Reade and Layman fully justified the choice of
speakers that had been made in reply to that toast . The Treasurer , Bro . G . H . Stayton , P . M ., and the Secretary , Bro . Gabbett , P . M ., also responded to the toast that stood in their names . " The Past Masters" and " The Officers of the Lodge , "
brought a pleasant evening to an agreeable conclusion . The- musical arrangements , admirably carried out under the direction of Bro . H . E . Cribb , were supplied by the Ariel Glee Quartette .
An emluent London Physician has , alter several years of research Y and trial , perfected an absolute preventative of Sea-sickness and ... Train-sickness . These distressing conditions arise from an Irritation UU of the pneumogastric nerve acting directly through the brain npon mmm the stomach . YANATAS tranquilizes the entire nervous system and prevents Sea-sickness . This is 00 mere theorizing . Many A members of the Royal Families ol England and most other f * g European Countries have repeatedly used YANATAS and been * saved from Sea-sickness . A copy of one letter will suffice . XT A ROVAL * I j N OW TESTIMONY . || NEUES PALAIS . ™ " —— - —— ^ ^ DARMSTADT . A , I " Her Imperial Majesty OI 6 <•* Tsarina of Russia __( Princess Alix of Hesse ) , He / Imperial Highness T the Grand Duchess Serge 0 of Russia , and Her Royal ^ ^ Highness Princess Henry of Prussia , have found A . , YANATAS a perfect VOIQ remedy for Sea-sickness . "
_ S ea = Sickness
May be obtained ol all Cheniistsat 2 / 9 and 4 / 6 a bottle . STARKEE , Chemist , TI . AIAI . CAU Syiwuj .., LOXDOX , S . W
SEA = SICKNES 5 IS PREVENTABLE . ... > € ^« 2 PW (MBm^ I _ lI _ OTli _ S __ l ! a _ l _ iS _ r . ^ SSSgggl * " ^