Article Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire. Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Lodge of Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire .
THERE was a large gathering of the brethren of East Lancashire at Todmorden on the 6 th May , at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge . It is nineteen years since a similar meeting was held at Todmorden . In the absence , owing to his Parliamentary duties ,
of Lord Stanley , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , his Deputy , Captain C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , presided . He was assisted by Bros . C . D . Cheetham , P . G . D . ( acting as Deputy Provincial Grand Master ) , A . Clegg , P . G . Std . B ., and J . B . Goulburn , P . G . Std . B . With one or two
exceptions the whole of the 119 lodges in the province were represented , and the returns showed the total number of subscribing members to be 5587 . A satisfactory balance sheet was presented . The Charity Committee reported that during the year
three children of members of the Order who had died had been elected to the Royal Masonic Schools . It was stated that Lorcl Stanley would preside at the next annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and Widows , and lodges and individual Freemasons were
asked to raise a subscription list which should be worthy of the best traditions of East Lancashire in the cause of Masonic charity . Bro . J . A . Crossley , of Todmorden , was unanimously elected P . G . Treasurer for the year .
The Provincial Grand Officers were invested as follows : — A . Greenhalgh , S . W . ; A . J . Law , J . W . ; Rev . D . T . Rees and Rev . J . G . French , Chaplains ; J . A . Crossley , Treasurer ; G . S . Leresche , Registrar ; R . V . Clayton , Deputy Registrar ; J . Newton , Secretary ( re-appointed ); W . H . Bibby , T . Murph and JTurnerSenior Deacons EWebb J
y , . , ; . , . Holt , and J . H . Moorhouse , Junior Deacons ; J . W . Hallam , " Supt . of Works ; J . W . Clough , D . of C . ; W . Hall , Deputy D . of C . ; G . H . Russell , A . J . Bryce , and C . Crowther , Asst . D . of C . ; W . H . T . Peel , Swd . B . ; W . Crossley , Deputy Swd . B . ; I . Irlam and J . W . Cunningham , Std . Bs . ;
T . Herbert Yates , Organist ; J . W . Hartley , Asst . Sec . ; R . V . S . Houghton , Purst . ; J . W . Booth , Asst . Purst . ; J . Payne , S . Barnes , J . W . Greenwood , J . Hollingrake , J . . Bulcock , and J . N . Frith , Stewards ; E . Roberts , Tyler . Invitations to hold the next May meeting were received from Rochdale , Ashton , Salford , and Middleton , and will be submitted to Lord Stanley .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Grand Lodge of Scotland .
THE quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasons was held in the Masonic Hall , Edinburgh , on May 5 th , Bro . J . D . G . Dalrymple , of Woodhead , Grand Master Depute , presiding . On the recommendation
of Grand Committee , Bro . Sir Thomas D . Gibson Carmichael , Bart ., of Skirling , was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Midlothian , in room of Bro . Colonel Gordon-Gilmour , of Craigmillar , resigned . Bro . Councillor Alfred A . Murray , Edinburgh , was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Kincardineshire , and Bro . the Rev . L . C . Kirkes ,
Wexahatchie , Texas , and Bro . Harry H . Watson , British Columbia , were appointed representatives from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to the Grand Lodges of Texas and British Columbia respectively . Grand Committee having remitted to the Appeal
Committee a petition from certain Scottish Freemasons resident in Berwick-on-Tweed , stating that they felt aggrieved " at their isolation and disenfranchisement from participating in the rights and privileges of ancient Freemasonry under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " of which they were members ,
and craving Grand Lodge to charter a lodge for Scottish Freemasons in Berwick-on-Tweed , the Grand Secretary placed himself in communication on the subject with the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , and received a reply in which the Grand Lodge of England claimed exclusive jurisdiction over the town of
Berwick-on-Tweed , and disputed the accuracy of the petitioners' statements and conclusions as to the nationality of the burgh . The laws of England had for centuries regulated the affairs of the burgh and its inhabitants . The Grand Lodge of Scotland had never exercised jurisdiction in
Berwick-on-Tweed , while the Grand Lodge of England had done so from 1758 downwards without question . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland had for over 100 years exercised exclusive Masonic jurisdiction without question in the burgh . In these circumstances Grand Committee refused the prayer of the petition . The report was approved .
11 9 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD 5 TREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , JB 285 . 680 . Reserve , . £ 312 , 110 . Loans of . £ 50 to . £ 5 , 000 made 011 any class of security . Two and a-lia'f per cenl . interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of , £ 10 and upwards received as under : —
5 per cent , per annum , subject , to 3 months' notice of withdrawal " ,- » ,. a ,, > . 7 . 12
Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly U per cent ., and are a sale investment . Write or call for Prospectus , £ ' TrY , , MS } Jo [^ Managers . Mi J « 1 ALL J
. . THE . . .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : No . 4048 GEKKAUD rind 3772 CEXTKAL
,, . .
Again,andAgain,andAgain.Again we ask you lo drink Vi-Cocoa , Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor a mere thlrst-assuager . It is a food at the same time tiiat it is a beverage , and thus answers a double purpose hi the building up of ( he human constitution . You run try it free of expense . Merit alone is what is claimed for Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa , and ihe Proprietors are prepared to send to any leader who names tfiis Journal jt dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa free anil post paid , upon reeeipt of a postcard to the Head Ollice , 60 , liunhiil Jtoail , London , KC . ; or you can purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d , or Is . 6 d . ( in from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa is the cheapest and best food beverage in the world . BetterthanMoneyintheSavingsBank.The working man to-day give * more attention ( o the food lie has to eat than his forefathers gave , as he realises his health—his hank-depends very largely upon the properties of what he eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is ( hat which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid and strengthen the digestive organs , and also to act as an energiser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is such a food . It places a means in the hands of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , whicli enables its possessor to travel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains whicli are in many cases preventable . Thus we come round again to sound common sense bused on experience . ^^¦^¦¦^¦¦¦¦ HH ^ B _ HM ___ MHB _ B ___ HIH ^________ HMH ___ B .. MH
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire .
THERE was a large gathering of the brethren of East Lancashire at Todmorden on the 6 th May , at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge . It is nineteen years since a similar meeting was held at Todmorden . In the absence , owing to his Parliamentary duties ,
of Lord Stanley , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , his Deputy , Captain C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , presided . He was assisted by Bros . C . D . Cheetham , P . G . D . ( acting as Deputy Provincial Grand Master ) , A . Clegg , P . G . Std . B ., and J . B . Goulburn , P . G . Std . B . With one or two
exceptions the whole of the 119 lodges in the province were represented , and the returns showed the total number of subscribing members to be 5587 . A satisfactory balance sheet was presented . The Charity Committee reported that during the year
three children of members of the Order who had died had been elected to the Royal Masonic Schools . It was stated that Lorcl Stanley would preside at the next annual Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and Widows , and lodges and individual Freemasons were
asked to raise a subscription list which should be worthy of the best traditions of East Lancashire in the cause of Masonic charity . Bro . J . A . Crossley , of Todmorden , was unanimously elected P . G . Treasurer for the year .
The Provincial Grand Officers were invested as follows : — A . Greenhalgh , S . W . ; A . J . Law , J . W . ; Rev . D . T . Rees and Rev . J . G . French , Chaplains ; J . A . Crossley , Treasurer ; G . S . Leresche , Registrar ; R . V . Clayton , Deputy Registrar ; J . Newton , Secretary ( re-appointed ); W . H . Bibby , T . Murph and JTurnerSenior Deacons EWebb J
y , . , ; . , . Holt , and J . H . Moorhouse , Junior Deacons ; J . W . Hallam , " Supt . of Works ; J . W . Clough , D . of C . ; W . Hall , Deputy D . of C . ; G . H . Russell , A . J . Bryce , and C . Crowther , Asst . D . of C . ; W . H . T . Peel , Swd . B . ; W . Crossley , Deputy Swd . B . ; I . Irlam and J . W . Cunningham , Std . Bs . ;
T . Herbert Yates , Organist ; J . W . Hartley , Asst . Sec . ; R . V . S . Houghton , Purst . ; J . W . Booth , Asst . Purst . ; J . Payne , S . Barnes , J . W . Greenwood , J . Hollingrake , J . . Bulcock , and J . N . Frith , Stewards ; E . Roberts , Tyler . Invitations to hold the next May meeting were received from Rochdale , Ashton , Salford , and Middleton , and will be submitted to Lord Stanley .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
Grand Lodge of Scotland .
THE quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasons was held in the Masonic Hall , Edinburgh , on May 5 th , Bro . J . D . G . Dalrymple , of Woodhead , Grand Master Depute , presiding . On the recommendation
of Grand Committee , Bro . Sir Thomas D . Gibson Carmichael , Bart ., of Skirling , was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Midlothian , in room of Bro . Colonel Gordon-Gilmour , of Craigmillar , resigned . Bro . Councillor Alfred A . Murray , Edinburgh , was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Kincardineshire , and Bro . the Rev . L . C . Kirkes ,
Wexahatchie , Texas , and Bro . Harry H . Watson , British Columbia , were appointed representatives from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to the Grand Lodges of Texas and British Columbia respectively . Grand Committee having remitted to the Appeal
Committee a petition from certain Scottish Freemasons resident in Berwick-on-Tweed , stating that they felt aggrieved " at their isolation and disenfranchisement from participating in the rights and privileges of ancient Freemasonry under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " of which they were members ,
and craving Grand Lodge to charter a lodge for Scottish Freemasons in Berwick-on-Tweed , the Grand Secretary placed himself in communication on the subject with the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , and received a reply in which the Grand Lodge of England claimed exclusive jurisdiction over the town of
Berwick-on-Tweed , and disputed the accuracy of the petitioners' statements and conclusions as to the nationality of the burgh . The laws of England had for centuries regulated the affairs of the burgh and its inhabitants . The Grand Lodge of Scotland had never exercised jurisdiction in
Berwick-on-Tweed , while the Grand Lodge of England had done so from 1758 downwards without question . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland had for over 100 years exercised exclusive Masonic jurisdiction without question in the burgh . In these circumstances Grand Committee refused the prayer of the petition . The report was approved .
11 9 & 120 , BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD 5 TREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , JB 285 . 680 . Reserve , . £ 312 , 110 . Loans of . £ 50 to . £ 5 , 000 made 011 any class of security . Two and a-lia'f per cenl . interest allowed on Current Accounts . Deposits of , £ 10 and upwards received as under : —
5 per cent , per annum , subject , to 3 months' notice of withdrawal " ,- » ,. a ,, > . 7 . 12
Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly U per cent ., and are a sale investment . Write or call for Prospectus , £ ' TrY , , MS } Jo [^ Managers . Mi J « 1 ALL J
. . THE . . .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : No . 4048 GEKKAUD rind 3772 CEXTKAL
,, . .
Again,andAgain,andAgain.Again we ask you lo drink Vi-Cocoa , Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor a mere thlrst-assuager . It is a food at the same time tiiat it is a beverage , and thus answers a double purpose hi the building up of ( he human constitution . You run try it free of expense . Merit alone is what is claimed for Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa , and ihe Proprietors are prepared to send to any leader who names tfiis Journal jt dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa free anil post paid , upon reeeipt of a postcard to the Head Ollice , 60 , liunhiil Jtoail , London , KC . ; or you can purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d , or Is . 6 d . ( in from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa is the cheapest and best food beverage in the world . BetterthanMoneyintheSavingsBank.The working man to-day give * more attention ( o the food lie has to eat than his forefathers gave , as he realises his health—his hank-depends very largely upon the properties of what he eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is ( hat which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid and strengthen the digestive organs , and also to act as an energiser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa is such a food . It places a means in the hands of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , whicli enables its possessor to travel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains whicli are in many cases preventable . Thus we come round again to sound common sense bused on experience . ^^¦^¦¦^¦¦¦¦ HH ^ B _ HM ___ MHB _ B ___ HIH ^________ HMH ___ B .. MH