Article Scottish Freemasonry in India. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scottish Freemasonry in India. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Scottish Freemasonry In India.
was chartered for " the admission of natives , " by Dr . Burnes ' desire , which is still active happily . A very line medal by Wyon was struck in commemoration of the formation of this lodge , having a bust of the Prov . G . M . on the obverse , and on the reverse a Parsee and Mohammedan Masonically clothed on either side of a pedestal . Specimens of this rare
souvenir are in the Grand Lodge Museum ( London ) and Bro . G . L . Shackles' famous collection . It is Marvin ' s No . 4 81 ; and 395 , in the Vol . III . of the Medaillenwerk of the Hainburgisclie Zirkel-Corrcspondenz . Dr . Burnes' father was a Provost of Montrose , and his
great grandfather was elder brother of William Burnes ( or Burns ) , who was father of Scotia's immortal poet . Dr . James Burnes arrived at Bombay in the company ' s service with his brother , Sir Alexander Burnes , in 1821 . After professional duties with the artillery , and subsequently in connection
with several regiments , and in other capacities , his health suffered , and he returned to Europe on sick list ; and it was whilst in Scotland that the celebrated physician was admitted into the Craft ; his initiation occurring in the Lodge St . Peters , of Montrose , now No . 120 , in the year 18 34 , and his exaltation in the " Canongate Kilwinning" R . A . Chapter , No . 5 6 , Edinburgh , in the following year .
In 1836 , when Bro . Adam Burnes was the R . W . M ., Dr . Burnes , then the I . P . M ., presented to his mother lodge " an elegant and splendidly bound Bible , " which was gratefully accepted by the brethren , the gift being enhanced by " an inscription of best wishes and truly Masonic sentiments " in the handwriting of the Rt . Hon . Lord Ramsay , M . W . Grand
Master of Scotland ( afterwards 10 th Earl and 1 st Marquess of Dalhousie ) . A certificate was granted Dr . Burnes with these facts inscribed thereon , and likewise a vote of congratulation from " St . Peter ' s Lodge" on his appointment as " M . W . Grand Master for the Western Provinces of India , ' ,, signed by Adam Burnes , Master , and dated 27 th December , 18 3 6 .
Scottish Freemasonry In India.
In 1850 , Dr . Burnes resigned his Masonic appointment in India , and was succeeded immediately as Prov . G M . of Western Provinces of India by the R . W . Bro . Philip William Le Geyt , who , on resigning in I 8 KK , was followed bv the
R . W . Bro . Henry Durance Cartwright . On his retirement live years later , Bro . Le Geyt was reappointed , but died before being commissioned . In 186 3 the R . W . Bro . Richard Bolton Barton became the Prov . G . M ., but , in 1874 , Captain ( Sir ) Henry Morland was elected G . M . of all Scottish Freemasonry in India , resigning three years later ; the Hon .
Mackintosh Balfour succeeding for live years , when Sir Henry Morland was again the local Masonic Ruler . In 1891 James William Smith , C . E ., was elected , followed by H . E . the Rt . Hon . Lord Sandhurst in 18 97 , and by H . E . Lord Northcote , G . C . I . E ., in 1800 , who resigned in 1903 . No
successor has yet been selected . There are 45 lodges in India on the Scottish Register , and the position of Grand Master under the M . W . G . M . of Scotland is one of special honour and dignity . The remarkable quartette of Certificates will doubtless be much appreciated by all Masonic students . W . J . HUGHAN .
THE MARVELLOUS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN , For the removal of Stiffness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athletes and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable ami strong lesitive cure for Rheumatism , Neuralg a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetaehe , Sprains , Bruises , •Cramp , G-nnt , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Q . uinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and -Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup . Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quickly and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 / H and 2-6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , and all Mediein e Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 1 / 1 J size , and both hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for outward application . Free Snnijile nit itpjiliftition to GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . (* 5 i ™ 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C , THK GYPTICAN OIL COMPANY lire issuing their marvellous Geddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , u hook which predicts the state of the weather day by day for 12 months ahead . It is really worth having , and a copy can be procured from any of Hoots ' , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors will send direct on receipt of Id , stamp . •^ E ^^ m ^ nm ^^ m ^ ma ^^^^^ amK ^^^ a ^ m ^ m ^ K ^ m ^^^ m ^^^ anM ^ M ^
SPECIAL NOTICE . WAKJ . I . VGTON AND Co ., for the convenience of their Masonic customers , have opened a branch establishment at 5 6 , Great Queen Street ( adjoining Freemasons' Hall ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scottish Freemasonry In India.
was chartered for " the admission of natives , " by Dr . Burnes ' desire , which is still active happily . A very line medal by Wyon was struck in commemoration of the formation of this lodge , having a bust of the Prov . G . M . on the obverse , and on the reverse a Parsee and Mohammedan Masonically clothed on either side of a pedestal . Specimens of this rare
souvenir are in the Grand Lodge Museum ( London ) and Bro . G . L . Shackles' famous collection . It is Marvin ' s No . 4 81 ; and 395 , in the Vol . III . of the Medaillenwerk of the Hainburgisclie Zirkel-Corrcspondenz . Dr . Burnes' father was a Provost of Montrose , and his
great grandfather was elder brother of William Burnes ( or Burns ) , who was father of Scotia's immortal poet . Dr . James Burnes arrived at Bombay in the company ' s service with his brother , Sir Alexander Burnes , in 1821 . After professional duties with the artillery , and subsequently in connection
with several regiments , and in other capacities , his health suffered , and he returned to Europe on sick list ; and it was whilst in Scotland that the celebrated physician was admitted into the Craft ; his initiation occurring in the Lodge St . Peters , of Montrose , now No . 120 , in the year 18 34 , and his exaltation in the " Canongate Kilwinning" R . A . Chapter , No . 5 6 , Edinburgh , in the following year .
In 1836 , when Bro . Adam Burnes was the R . W . M ., Dr . Burnes , then the I . P . M ., presented to his mother lodge " an elegant and splendidly bound Bible , " which was gratefully accepted by the brethren , the gift being enhanced by " an inscription of best wishes and truly Masonic sentiments " in the handwriting of the Rt . Hon . Lord Ramsay , M . W . Grand
Master of Scotland ( afterwards 10 th Earl and 1 st Marquess of Dalhousie ) . A certificate was granted Dr . Burnes with these facts inscribed thereon , and likewise a vote of congratulation from " St . Peter ' s Lodge" on his appointment as " M . W . Grand Master for the Western Provinces of India , ' ,, signed by Adam Burnes , Master , and dated 27 th December , 18 3 6 .
Scottish Freemasonry In India.
In 1850 , Dr . Burnes resigned his Masonic appointment in India , and was succeeded immediately as Prov . G M . of Western Provinces of India by the R . W . Bro . Philip William Le Geyt , who , on resigning in I 8 KK , was followed bv the
R . W . Bro . Henry Durance Cartwright . On his retirement live years later , Bro . Le Geyt was reappointed , but died before being commissioned . In 186 3 the R . W . Bro . Richard Bolton Barton became the Prov . G . M ., but , in 1874 , Captain ( Sir ) Henry Morland was elected G . M . of all Scottish Freemasonry in India , resigning three years later ; the Hon .
Mackintosh Balfour succeeding for live years , when Sir Henry Morland was again the local Masonic Ruler . In 1891 James William Smith , C . E ., was elected , followed by H . E . the Rt . Hon . Lord Sandhurst in 18 97 , and by H . E . Lord Northcote , G . C . I . E ., in 1800 , who resigned in 1903 . No
successor has yet been selected . There are 45 lodges in India on the Scottish Register , and the position of Grand Master under the M . W . G . M . of Scotland is one of special honour and dignity . The remarkable quartette of Certificates will doubtless be much appreciated by all Masonic students . W . J . HUGHAN .
THE MARVELLOUS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN , For the removal of Stiffness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athletes and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable ami strong lesitive cure for Rheumatism , Neuralg a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetaehe , Sprains , Bruises , •Cramp , G-nnt , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Q . uinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and -Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup . Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quickly and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 / H and 2-6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , and all Mediein e Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 1 / 1 J size , and both hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for outward application . Free Snnijile nit itpjiliftition to GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . (* 5 i ™ 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C , THK GYPTICAN OIL COMPANY lire issuing their marvellous Geddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , u hook which predicts the state of the weather day by day for 12 months ahead . It is really worth having , and a copy can be procured from any of Hoots ' , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors will send direct on receipt of Id , stamp . •^ E ^^ m ^ nm ^^ m ^ ma ^^^^^ amK ^^^ a ^ m ^ m ^ K ^ m ^^^ m ^^^ anM ^ M ^
SPECIAL NOTICE . WAKJ . I . VGTON AND Co ., for the convenience of their Masonic customers , have opened a branch establishment at 5 6 , Great Queen Street ( adjoining Freemasons' Hall ) .