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Consecration Of The Golden Square Lodge, No. 2857.
Consecration of the Golden Square Lodge , No . 2857 .
CLOSE upon 100 brethren , gathered from all parts of the metropolis , assembled in the pretty little Alasonic Temple at 33 , Golden Square , on Friday , May the 31 st , to witness the launching of another lodge upon what we feel assured will be a career of prosperity . The founders ,
twenty-five in number , are principally resident or in business in close proximity to Golden Square , and aptly chose their name from No . 33 , Golden Square , which is a well known centre of Alasonic life throughout the world , being the head-quarters of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and within whose walls the highest and
best Alasons of the Craft have assembled . The Consecrating Alaster was V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . J . H . Matthews , President of the Board of Benevolence , as S . W . ; W . Bro . J . C . Fitzroy Tower , P . D . G . D . C ., as J . W . ; V . W .
Bro . Rev . Canon Browrrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and W . Bro . Chas . Pulman , Grand Std . Br ., as I . G .
A OHOUI' OP OFFlCKliS AND M KM F . FHS OF T 1 IH L ( ) Dli F . ( I'lial ,, . 1 . , | - ( . ' . Tat / lar , ll , , „ l si . \
It is quite needless for us to comment upon the excellent manner in which the ceremony was rendered by the Grand Secretary—London Alasons are used to none other . In the couise of an eloquent oration , V . W . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg said it was difficult to deline the exact
nature of our Order , but from history it was evident that from the earliest times Alasons guilds were formed for the erection of edifices in which to sojourn , and we can trace with distinctness the fact that man , on emerging from barbarism , learnt the desirability of erecting superb buildings upon
fixed principles , and Alasonry gradually developed and progressed through industry . Alen learnt from Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , why , the Alasons guilds were more useful and scientific than others , and saw that each brother sought the welfare of the world at large , even in poverty
giving to others less fortunate . No bad or scamped work was then tolerated . Thus it went on in strength and beauty , each age learning something from the preceding ; we are their successors , though Accepted or Speculative Alasons , and may well take them as our standard . In Charity , whatever our
means were , great or small , we should always spare something for the needy ; in truth , not merely in speech , but in our whole life , the great function we were now engaged in—the consecrating of a new lodge—must be something more than a beautiful ceremony , it must leave an impression and bear a
lasting effect upon our lives . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . J . I . Aloar , P . AI . 813 , was installed as Worshipful Alaster , and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . C . Wall , P . M . 1 743 , acting I . P . AI . ; I . Seaman , S . W . ; A . P . Lowthian , W . M .
1 9 , J . W . ; A . F . Shiers , Treasurer ; and James Duff y , Secretary . Upon the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet at the St . James ' s Restaurant . W . Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , P . G . D ., replying to the toast of
" The Grand Officers , " in the course of a humorous speech , expressed the pleasure that Grand Officers had in aiding at consecrations of new lodges , and congratulated the founders upon the splendid name they had chosen for the lodge .
They had all been advised to follow the Golden Rule , and now for the first time in Freemasonry they had their Golden Square . They were fortunate in linding so good a home as 33 , Golden Square , which was a harbour for Freemasonry . In proposing the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , "
the Worshipful Alaster expressed the gratitude of the founders to them for the solemn and impressive ceremony they had witnessed . It was the first time he had ever seen a consecration , and he was never likely to forget it . V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , who met with a very hearty
reception on rising to respond , said , that as the mouthpiece of the Consecrating Officers , he could assure the brethren that among the many duties of Grand Officers , there were none which gave them so much pleasure as starting a new lodge into existence , which pleasure was always increased
when they felt assured , as in the present case , that it was destined to occupy an important place among metropolitan lodges , and he trusted it would have a successful career . They felt sure the W . AI ., Bro . Aloar , would guide it well through the first year , the critical part of its history . He congratulated
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Golden Square Lodge, No. 2857.
Consecration of the Golden Square Lodge , No . 2857 .
CLOSE upon 100 brethren , gathered from all parts of the metropolis , assembled in the pretty little Alasonic Temple at 33 , Golden Square , on Friday , May the 31 st , to witness the launching of another lodge upon what we feel assured will be a career of prosperity . The founders ,
twenty-five in number , are principally resident or in business in close proximity to Golden Square , and aptly chose their name from No . 33 , Golden Square , which is a well known centre of Alasonic life throughout the world , being the head-quarters of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and within whose walls the highest and
best Alasons of the Craft have assembled . The Consecrating Alaster was V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . J . H . Matthews , President of the Board of Benevolence , as S . W . ; W . Bro . J . C . Fitzroy Tower , P . D . G . D . C ., as J . W . ; V . W .
Bro . Rev . Canon Browrrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and W . Bro . Chas . Pulman , Grand Std . Br ., as I . G .
A OHOUI' OP OFFlCKliS AND M KM F . FHS OF T 1 IH L ( ) Dli F . ( I'lial ,, . 1 . , | - ( . ' . Tat / lar , ll , , „ l si . \
It is quite needless for us to comment upon the excellent manner in which the ceremony was rendered by the Grand Secretary—London Alasons are used to none other . In the couise of an eloquent oration , V . W . Bro . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg said it was difficult to deline the exact
nature of our Order , but from history it was evident that from the earliest times Alasons guilds were formed for the erection of edifices in which to sojourn , and we can trace with distinctness the fact that man , on emerging from barbarism , learnt the desirability of erecting superb buildings upon
fixed principles , and Alasonry gradually developed and progressed through industry . Alen learnt from Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , why , the Alasons guilds were more useful and scientific than others , and saw that each brother sought the welfare of the world at large , even in poverty
giving to others less fortunate . No bad or scamped work was then tolerated . Thus it went on in strength and beauty , each age learning something from the preceding ; we are their successors , though Accepted or Speculative Alasons , and may well take them as our standard . In Charity , whatever our
means were , great or small , we should always spare something for the needy ; in truth , not merely in speech , but in our whole life , the great function we were now engaged in—the consecrating of a new lodge—must be something more than a beautiful ceremony , it must leave an impression and bear a
lasting effect upon our lives . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . J . I . Aloar , P . AI . 813 , was installed as Worshipful Alaster , and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . C . Wall , P . M . 1 743 , acting I . P . AI . ; I . Seaman , S . W . ; A . P . Lowthian , W . M .
1 9 , J . W . ; A . F . Shiers , Treasurer ; and James Duff y , Secretary . Upon the closing of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet at the St . James ' s Restaurant . W . Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , P . G . D ., replying to the toast of
" The Grand Officers , " in the course of a humorous speech , expressed the pleasure that Grand Officers had in aiding at consecrations of new lodges , and congratulated the founders upon the splendid name they had chosen for the lodge .
They had all been advised to follow the Golden Rule , and now for the first time in Freemasonry they had their Golden Square . They were fortunate in linding so good a home as 33 , Golden Square , which was a harbour for Freemasonry . In proposing the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , "
the Worshipful Alaster expressed the gratitude of the founders to them for the solemn and impressive ceremony they had witnessed . It was the first time he had ever seen a consecration , and he was never likely to forget it . V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , who met with a very hearty
reception on rising to respond , said , that as the mouthpiece of the Consecrating Officers , he could assure the brethren that among the many duties of Grand Officers , there were none which gave them so much pleasure as starting a new lodge into existence , which pleasure was always increased
when they felt assured , as in the present case , that it was destined to occupy an important place among metropolitan lodges , and he trusted it would have a successful career . They felt sure the W . AI ., Bro . Aloar , would guide it well through the first year , the critical part of its history . He congratulated