Article Bygone Masonic Amenities. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bygone Masonic Amenities.
Bygone Masonic Amenities .
WHETHER the original of this unique "Alasonic" ( or otherwise ) compilation ever adorned ( or disfigured ) the hoardings and blank walls of the English metropolis , it is impossible to state definitely , nearly a hundred years having passed since it emanated from the
printing press . Its unusual size and general make up , being printed on one side only , would lead to the inference that it was intended for a " poster , " and a very bold and striking " poster" it would have been for that period . It is possible , however , that visions of the law of libel may have prompted the [ author of it to a secondary consideration , and have
— ¦ — . ¦ = ¦ 0 " Renegade Masons ,
IJM nmnr ^ g ^ aMmiBMi On Friday June 24 , 1803 AGrand Procession of Hibernian
Renegade Masons Areexpccted to Parade ( ContraryC ^ to the Laws ) between the hours of ten and four from
Corahill , to a New Building , Pell ' s . Gardens , Ratcliff-Highway I Near Salt-Petre Barm / \ FROM THENCE TO CANNONBURY HOUSE .
I 'THIS SOCIETY IS CALLED THE 1 / United Irifhman ' s WA KE or Royal Mariners Lodge . The Meeting wilt be conducted -uid headed by ITommy Pedler > Deputy grand ,
Bobby Scout , grand Scribe , IMrtd Paddy O Blarney * Ma / ler of the Ceremonies , I ( Suborner of False Witnesses against American Captains , ) I
With other Gentlemen of equal Respectability , from that illuftrious FAMILY at VINEGAR HILL near WEXFORD . WE ADMIT MEN OF COLOUR if Willing to Engage in DESTROYING the ROYAL NAVAL , and the REGULAR ANCIENT CONSTITUTION Which unfortunately for us has ftocd __ fevcral jbouf ; . nd years , and ( 1 : 11 appears like a lock and fmiles at our attack , wc have therefore come 10 th .-Resolution that all persons who will REVOLT from the REGULAR ANCIENT ESTABLISHMENT , and VIOLATE the MOST SACRED TIES , AS WE HAVE DONE and who will Exert themfclvcs " m OPERTVR . V / XG the REGULAR ORDER of GOVERNMENT ( will " be admitted Gran-. )
Some CHARITY CHILDREN will be procured and March from BILLY PA'JNCH ' s COAL SHED , GREEN BANK , or DUNG WH A 1 U to Sanction our Proceedings all under the Gjrbof Morality Doors to be opened every Wednesday , Evening at J o'clock , at the Virginia or Pell's Street , RitclifF-hi g hway . By ordet of the Society . Pat 0 ' Warney \ W . M . MUNGO Tyler and Lecture Master . NBi 5 will attend the procession Dress 'd in Masonic Parahanalia
.. ChimneyAveepers p . Repair My Jewels , quick ! to the Hibernian Renegade Lodge PELL ., > STREET Rcsd tie PUBLIC LEDGER . ar . d ether Papers of Fob s , » 79 ,.-i-. Ai . oUKr Rod in Pickle Put . Thompson , Pnntcr , 21 , Bfl-SmnhMd London j ( Original size 22 ins . by i * /\ ins . )
induced him to refrain from publication , as even at this distance of time I lind no difficulty in identifying the principal personages aimed at . " Tommy Pedler" was doubtless meant for Thomas Harper , the celebrated and highly respected Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of England , " According to the Old Institutions , " the adherents to which were generally designated " Ancient Masons . " This brother for many years carried on the business of a goldsmith and jeweller in Fleet Street , near Temple Bar , and his well known initials T . H . are to be found
on most of the Alasonic jewelry made during the latter part of the 18 th and the early part of the 1 9 th centuries . He ; was also one of the principal founders of our Boys ' School .
"Bobby Scout " was evidently intended for Robert Leslie , Grand Secretary of the '' Ancients , " while the personage so pointedly alluded to as " Billy Paunch , " was no doubt Bro . William Burwood , Junior Grand Warden in 1801 and Senior Grand Warden in 1802 of the Ancient Grand Lodge . At the
time indicated on the bill , he carried on the dual business of a coal merchant and tavern keeper ( probably one of the old fashioned sort of landlords such as we lind in pictures of the period ) at Green Bank , Wapping . He also was one of the principal promoters of the Boys' School , and is referred to in the records of that Institution as " Institutor and Treasurer . "
From a printer ' s point of view the document under consideration is hardly likely to be deemed a masterpiece , but it may serve the purpose of marking a striking contrast between the Masonry of to-day and that of a hundred Years back , before the two rival Grand Lodges which , for upwards of
half-a-century had been , metaphorically speaking , flying at each other ' s throats in their endeavours to acquire supremacy , had agreed to settle their differences and to gather their forces under one banner , that of the United Grand Lodge of England . It may also serve to confirm in some
measure a theory promulgated by the present writer , a few years back , then looked upon as a daring innovation , the purport of which was that the originators of the so-called Ancient Grand Lodge of England were Irish Masons , not
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bygone Masonic Amenities.
Bygone Masonic Amenities .
WHETHER the original of this unique "Alasonic" ( or otherwise ) compilation ever adorned ( or disfigured ) the hoardings and blank walls of the English metropolis , it is impossible to state definitely , nearly a hundred years having passed since it emanated from the
printing press . Its unusual size and general make up , being printed on one side only , would lead to the inference that it was intended for a " poster , " and a very bold and striking " poster" it would have been for that period . It is possible , however , that visions of the law of libel may have prompted the [ author of it to a secondary consideration , and have
— ¦ — . ¦ = ¦ 0 " Renegade Masons ,
IJM nmnr ^ g ^ aMmiBMi On Friday June 24 , 1803 AGrand Procession of Hibernian
Renegade Masons Areexpccted to Parade ( ContraryC ^ to the Laws ) between the hours of ten and four from
Corahill , to a New Building , Pell ' s . Gardens , Ratcliff-Highway I Near Salt-Petre Barm / \ FROM THENCE TO CANNONBURY HOUSE .
I 'THIS SOCIETY IS CALLED THE 1 / United Irifhman ' s WA KE or Royal Mariners Lodge . The Meeting wilt be conducted -uid headed by ITommy Pedler > Deputy grand ,
Bobby Scout , grand Scribe , IMrtd Paddy O Blarney * Ma / ler of the Ceremonies , I ( Suborner of False Witnesses against American Captains , ) I
With other Gentlemen of equal Respectability , from that illuftrious FAMILY at VINEGAR HILL near WEXFORD . WE ADMIT MEN OF COLOUR if Willing to Engage in DESTROYING the ROYAL NAVAL , and the REGULAR ANCIENT CONSTITUTION Which unfortunately for us has ftocd __ fevcral jbouf ; . nd years , and ( 1 : 11 appears like a lock and fmiles at our attack , wc have therefore come 10 th .-Resolution that all persons who will REVOLT from the REGULAR ANCIENT ESTABLISHMENT , and VIOLATE the MOST SACRED TIES , AS WE HAVE DONE and who will Exert themfclvcs " m OPERTVR . V / XG the REGULAR ORDER of GOVERNMENT ( will " be admitted Gran-. )
Some CHARITY CHILDREN will be procured and March from BILLY PA'JNCH ' s COAL SHED , GREEN BANK , or DUNG WH A 1 U to Sanction our Proceedings all under the Gjrbof Morality Doors to be opened every Wednesday , Evening at J o'clock , at the Virginia or Pell's Street , RitclifF-hi g hway . By ordet of the Society . Pat 0 ' Warney \ W . M . MUNGO Tyler and Lecture Master . NBi 5 will attend the procession Dress 'd in Masonic Parahanalia
.. ChimneyAveepers p . Repair My Jewels , quick ! to the Hibernian Renegade Lodge PELL ., > STREET Rcsd tie PUBLIC LEDGER . ar . d ether Papers of Fob s , » 79 ,.-i-. Ai . oUKr Rod in Pickle Put . Thompson , Pnntcr , 21 , Bfl-SmnhMd London j ( Original size 22 ins . by i * /\ ins . )
induced him to refrain from publication , as even at this distance of time I lind no difficulty in identifying the principal personages aimed at . " Tommy Pedler" was doubtless meant for Thomas Harper , the celebrated and highly respected Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of England , " According to the Old Institutions , " the adherents to which were generally designated " Ancient Masons . " This brother for many years carried on the business of a goldsmith and jeweller in Fleet Street , near Temple Bar , and his well known initials T . H . are to be found
on most of the Alasonic jewelry made during the latter part of the 18 th and the early part of the 1 9 th centuries . He ; was also one of the principal founders of our Boys ' School .
"Bobby Scout " was evidently intended for Robert Leslie , Grand Secretary of the '' Ancients , " while the personage so pointedly alluded to as " Billy Paunch , " was no doubt Bro . William Burwood , Junior Grand Warden in 1801 and Senior Grand Warden in 1802 of the Ancient Grand Lodge . At the
time indicated on the bill , he carried on the dual business of a coal merchant and tavern keeper ( probably one of the old fashioned sort of landlords such as we lind in pictures of the period ) at Green Bank , Wapping . He also was one of the principal promoters of the Boys' School , and is referred to in the records of that Institution as " Institutor and Treasurer . "
From a printer ' s point of view the document under consideration is hardly likely to be deemed a masterpiece , but it may serve the purpose of marking a striking contrast between the Masonry of to-day and that of a hundred Years back , before the two rival Grand Lodges which , for upwards of
half-a-century had been , metaphorically speaking , flying at each other ' s throats in their endeavours to acquire supremacy , had agreed to settle their differences and to gather their forces under one banner , that of the United Grand Lodge of England . It may also serve to confirm in some
measure a theory promulgated by the present writer , a few years back , then looked upon as a daring innovation , the purport of which was that the originators of the so-called Ancient Grand Lodge of England were Irish Masons , not