Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 4 of 4 Article Consecration of the Southern Cross Lodge, No. 2918. Page 1 of 2 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
present provincial appointment he had been successively Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , and Provincial Grand Supt . of Wks . As a Royal Arch Mason he svas exalted in
1 SR 0 . GEORGF , KU . ARI 1 . the Northampton Chapter , No . 3 60 , in 1879 , and became M . E . Z . in 1886 , and in Provincial Grand Chapter he has received the appointment of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand J ., and is nosv Provincial
Grand Scribe E . Bro . Ellard is a Vice-President of the Boys' School and a Life Governor of the Girls' School and Benevolent Institution . Bro . Egbert Fox-Thomas , although a comparatively young
Mason , has been an exceptionally active one since his initiation in the Lion Lodge , No . 312 , in 1891 . He subsequently joined the Horsa Lodge , No . 2208 , and the Zetland , No . 1311 , and has filled the Master ' s chair in all three . In 18 94 he Avas exalted in Britannia Royal Arch Chapter and
became its First Principal in 1900 . Provincial honours have also fallen to him , for he is a Past Provincial Grand Chaplain and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in the Craft , and Past Provincial Assistant Grand Sojourner and Past Provincial Grand H . in the Royal Arch . Bro . Fox-Thomas is a member of the Board of Benevolence and the Charity representative of North and East Vorkshire , has served six Stesvardships for
the Central Institutions , and is a Life Governor of all of them . Bro . Thomas is also a member of the Outer Circle of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge ; York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) ; York College Societas Rosicrueiana in Anglia ; Hilda Chapter
BRO . E . FOX-THOMAS . ( Rose Croix ) , No . 23 ; Ancient Ebor Preceptory ( Knights Templar ) , No . 101 ; Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter of Yorkshire of the Royal Order of Scotland ; Ebor Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine ; and Ebor Council ( T . I . ) Allied Masonic Degrees .
PAST GRAXD OK ' GAXJST . Bro . T . W ^ estlake Morgan hails from the Principality . He was initiated in the Anglesea Lodge , No . n 13 , in 18 93 , and joined the Royal Leek Lodge , No . 18 49 , in 18 94 , filling the chair of both lodges in the same year—1900 . He svas
exalted in the Star of GAvynedd Chapter , No . 3 8 4 , in 18 95 . Bro . Morgan's musical abilities singled him out for appointment as Provincial Grand Organist in 1901 , and he has also filled the same office in Provincial Grand Chapter , ' as well as that of Provincial Assistant Grand Sojourner , and previous
to his appointment to Grand rank in the Craft he had received the collar of Grand Organist in the Mark Degree . Bro . Morgan is a member of the Council of the North Whales Charitable Association .
Consecration Of The Southern Cross Lodge, No. 2918.
Consecration of the Southern Cross Lodge , No . 2918 .
ON Friday , June 7 th , the founders and visiting brethren , to the number of about 130 , assembled in the Masonic Temple , at the Trocadero Restaurant , to svitness the consecration of a new lodge—the Southern Cross . The object of the founders—as svas very clearly stated at the banquet table by the S . W ., Bro . Sosvden—svas to establish a
lodge within svhose peaceful walls our many Colonial brethren—not only from Australia and Xew Zealand , but also from South Africa , Canada and all our Colonies—might be sure of finding a hearty welcome . The consecration and installation ceremonies svere performed excellent )} - by V . W . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , Grand Secretary , assisted by Bros . Col . H . S . Brosvnrigg , P . G . D ., as
SW . ; Jas . Stephens , P . Dep . G . D . Cers ., as J . W . ; Canon Brosvnrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; F . Richardson , P . Dep . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . The W . M ., Bro . Walter B . Marcus , P . M . 18 39 , 226 4 , then appointed and invested his officers as follosvs : —Bros . XV . C . Smith , I . P . M . ; W . J . Sosvden , S . W . ; W . A . Sterling , J . W . ;
T . W . Chant , Treasurer ; John Morris , Secretary ; W . H . Stephenson , S . D . ; W . T . Hunt , J . D . ; H . L . Thomas , I . G . ; C . H . A . Harris , D . C . ; J . W . Cox , R . Chandler , J . O . Horton , and J . King , Stewards . A very hearty vote of thanks , coupled svith the honorary membership of the lodge , was offered to and gracefully accepted by the Consecrating Officers . Avery pretty souvenir
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
present provincial appointment he had been successively Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , and Provincial Grand Supt . of Wks . As a Royal Arch Mason he svas exalted in
1 SR 0 . GEORGF , KU . ARI 1 . the Northampton Chapter , No . 3 60 , in 1879 , and became M . E . Z . in 1886 , and in Provincial Grand Chapter he has received the appointment of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Provincial Grand J ., and is nosv Provincial
Grand Scribe E . Bro . Ellard is a Vice-President of the Boys' School and a Life Governor of the Girls' School and Benevolent Institution . Bro . Egbert Fox-Thomas , although a comparatively young
Mason , has been an exceptionally active one since his initiation in the Lion Lodge , No . 312 , in 1891 . He subsequently joined the Horsa Lodge , No . 2208 , and the Zetland , No . 1311 , and has filled the Master ' s chair in all three . In 18 94 he Avas exalted in Britannia Royal Arch Chapter and
became its First Principal in 1900 . Provincial honours have also fallen to him , for he is a Past Provincial Grand Chaplain and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in the Craft , and Past Provincial Assistant Grand Sojourner and Past Provincial Grand H . in the Royal Arch . Bro . Fox-Thomas is a member of the Board of Benevolence and the Charity representative of North and East Vorkshire , has served six Stesvardships for
the Central Institutions , and is a Life Governor of all of them . Bro . Thomas is also a member of the Outer Circle of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge ; York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) ; York College Societas Rosicrueiana in Anglia ; Hilda Chapter
BRO . E . FOX-THOMAS . ( Rose Croix ) , No . 23 ; Ancient Ebor Preceptory ( Knights Templar ) , No . 101 ; Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter of Yorkshire of the Royal Order of Scotland ; Ebor Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine ; and Ebor Council ( T . I . ) Allied Masonic Degrees .
PAST GRAXD OK ' GAXJST . Bro . T . W ^ estlake Morgan hails from the Principality . He was initiated in the Anglesea Lodge , No . n 13 , in 18 93 , and joined the Royal Leek Lodge , No . 18 49 , in 18 94 , filling the chair of both lodges in the same year—1900 . He svas
exalted in the Star of GAvynedd Chapter , No . 3 8 4 , in 18 95 . Bro . Morgan's musical abilities singled him out for appointment as Provincial Grand Organist in 1901 , and he has also filled the same office in Provincial Grand Chapter , ' as well as that of Provincial Assistant Grand Sojourner , and previous
to his appointment to Grand rank in the Craft he had received the collar of Grand Organist in the Mark Degree . Bro . Morgan is a member of the Council of the North Whales Charitable Association .
Consecration Of The Southern Cross Lodge, No. 2918.
Consecration of the Southern Cross Lodge , No . 2918 .
ON Friday , June 7 th , the founders and visiting brethren , to the number of about 130 , assembled in the Masonic Temple , at the Trocadero Restaurant , to svitness the consecration of a new lodge—the Southern Cross . The object of the founders—as svas very clearly stated at the banquet table by the S . W ., Bro . Sosvden—svas to establish a
lodge within svhose peaceful walls our many Colonial brethren—not only from Australia and Xew Zealand , but also from South Africa , Canada and all our Colonies—might be sure of finding a hearty welcome . The consecration and installation ceremonies svere performed excellent )} - by V . W . Bro . E . Letchsvorth , Grand Secretary , assisted by Bros . Col . H . S . Brosvnrigg , P . G . D ., as
SW . ; Jas . Stephens , P . Dep . G . D . Cers ., as J . W . ; Canon Brosvnrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; F . Richardson , P . Dep . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . The W . M ., Bro . Walter B . Marcus , P . M . 18 39 , 226 4 , then appointed and invested his officers as follosvs : —Bros . XV . C . Smith , I . P . M . ; W . J . Sosvden , S . W . ; W . A . Sterling , J . W . ;
T . W . Chant , Treasurer ; John Morris , Secretary ; W . H . Stephenson , S . D . ; W . T . Hunt , J . D . ; H . L . Thomas , I . G . ; C . H . A . Harris , D . C . ; J . W . Cox , R . Chandler , J . O . Horton , and J . King , Stewards . A very hearty vote of thanks , coupled svith the honorary membership of the lodge , was offered to and gracefully accepted by the Consecrating Officers . Avery pretty souvenir