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Consecration Of The East Anglian Lodge, No. 2920.
The Worshipful Master , in reply , thanked the brethren not only for the warm welcome the toast had received , but for the honour conferred upon him by the founders in selecting him as their first Master . He would do his duty and use his best efforts to keep East Anglians together . The lodge
svhich had had a most satisfactory start would prove a happy meeting-place and home for East Anglian brethren in London , and they must work together to keep it thorougly representative of the different counties .
THE FOUNDER'S JEWEL . The toast of " The Visitors " having been proposed and replied to , that of " The Officers" followed , and the proceedings ss'ere brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast . The programme of the proceedings svhich was produced
by Bro . G . W . Jones , svas , as might have been expected from that svell known exponent of the printer ' s art , a veritable gem . Not only svere there portraits of all the founders of the lodge , but every page is a thing of beauty , and well deserves to be preserved as a memento of the interesting occasion .
Consecration Of The Marcians Chapter, No. 2648,
Consecration of the Marcians Chapter , No . 2648 ,
ABOUT five years ago the Old Boys of St . Mark ' s College , Chelsea , formed a Masonic lodge under the title of the Marcians Lodge , No . 2648 , and they have enjoyed an unmarred and most successful career , one proof of their vitality being the foundation of the above Royal Arch
Chapter , which was consecrated at the Trocadero Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., on Tuesday , July 8 th , by the Grand Scribe E ., E . Comp . Edward Letchworth , assisted by Comps . \\ . A . Dawson , P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; the Rev . Canon J . S . Brosvnrigg , P . G . Supl . of Bucks ., as J . ; J . D . Langton ,
P . G . Std . Br ., as S . N . ; and Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as D . C . The ceremony svas performed in a most impressive manner , and an interesting oration svas delivered by the Rev . Canon Brosvnrigg . E . Comp . J . R . Cleave , Grand Std . Br ., svas installed as
M . E . Z ., and E . Comp . T . Simpson , M . E . Z . 1196 , as H . The installation of J . was unavoidably postponed osving to the absence of E . Comp . Imre Kiralfy through illness , the other officers s \ -ere duly elected and installed . Upon the motion of the M . E . Z ., the Consecrating Officers
svere elected lion , members , and presented by him with founders' jesvels as mementos of the occasion . A number of brethren were proposed for exaltation , and the chapter has prospects of a busy time in the near future .
At the banquet svhich followed , in proposing the toast of " His Majesty the King , " the M . E . Z . alluded in kindly terms to his sad illness and his thought for his people in the midst of his sufferings . The toast of " The Grand Z . " svas proposed and dishonoured .
In responding to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Rev . Canon Brosvnrigg alluded to the sorrow they all felt at the absence of that popular Companion , Imre Kiralfy , Grand Std . Br ., the J . Designate , and trusted he svould be speedily restored to health . In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , "
the M . E . Z . remarked upon the pleasure it gave them to have present four oi those svho took part in the consecration of the Marcians Lodge in 18 97 , and their appreciation of the beautiful ceremony they had witnessed . They all hoped to see their lion , members among them frequently .
In reply , E . Comp . Letchworth said the Consecrating Officers svere not insensible of the great compliment which had been paid them . It was difficult to realise that it svas live years since they had consecrated the lodge , and all joined in earnestly hoping that the chapter would have a
career worthy of the lodge whose name it bore . The toast of "The Principals of the Chapter" svas proposed by E . Comp . Letchworth , svho remarked that it svould be superfluous to dwell upon their merits as they were so well known in Royal Arch Masonry . All would agree that
both E . Comp . J . R . Cleave and E . Comp . Imre Kiralfy well deserved the high honour recently conferred upon them in Grand Chapter , and Comp . Simpson was an energetic and experienced Principal . He deplored both the cause and absence of Comp . Kiralfy , and trusted it svas not a permanent
illness , and that they svould soon see him restored to health . He had every reason to congratulate the chapter upon its Principals .
Replying , E . Comp . Cleave confessed that the formation of a Marcians Chapter had been a pet scheme of his for some time . The lodge had prospered so svell that he had no doubts about the chapter , and svas sure it svould be the means of bringing many good Masons into the Royal Arch Degree . The founders' jesvels had been presented by a
member of the lodge who was to be their first exallee . E . Comp . Simpson , H ., svas proud to be one of their Principals , although , unlike his colleagues , he was not a Grand Officer . The Rev . Canon Brownrigg returned thanks for E . Comp .
Imre Kiralfy . Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith , S . E ., proposed the toast of " The Visitors " in a speech teeming svith humour . It ss-as responded to by Comp . Fountain Woods , Mayor of Chelsea , svho svas proud to be Mayor of a borough svhich
had St . Mark ' s College as its landmark and of the Marcians Lodge , svhich svas a credit to Masonry . E . Comp . Bartley Denniss , P . Z ., offered the congratulations of the visitors to the M . E . Z . upon the high honour ol " being First Principal of such a chapter , well deserved by one
svhose record in Masonry was so admirable . The chapter , svhich they knew had been formed in the truest Masonic spirit , had taken as its device the column of St . Mark at ancient Venice , svhich held the proud title of Mistress of the Seas , a title nosv claimed by our mighty Empire , and he hoped the device svould prove an omen that the chapter svould be as enduring as that celebrated column .
Comp . Saunion , appreciated the hearty and amusing manner in which Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith had proposed the toast , and said the visitors felt like godfathers at the birth of the chapter , and wished it the success the lodge had enjoyed . In proposing the toast of "The Officers , " the M . E . Z .
expressed full confidence in their zeal , and hoped they would attend the Domatic Chapter of Instruction where most of them had received their Royal Arch knowledge from one of their distinguished visitors , E . Comp . Cleghorn , svho svas always ready to assist and instruct all who- were seeking to
perfect themselves . He thanked Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith , Scribe E ., for his labours in founding the chapter . He had sliossTi great tact and unfailing energy . Much of the success of the work svould depend upon the Principal Sojourner , Comp . Fraser , in svhom he had every confidence . Comps . the Rev . Smith and Thomas Fraser replied , after svhich the Janitor's toast closed the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The East Anglian Lodge, No. 2920.
The Worshipful Master , in reply , thanked the brethren not only for the warm welcome the toast had received , but for the honour conferred upon him by the founders in selecting him as their first Master . He would do his duty and use his best efforts to keep East Anglians together . The lodge
svhich had had a most satisfactory start would prove a happy meeting-place and home for East Anglian brethren in London , and they must work together to keep it thorougly representative of the different counties .
THE FOUNDER'S JEWEL . The toast of " The Visitors " having been proposed and replied to , that of " The Officers" followed , and the proceedings ss'ere brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast . The programme of the proceedings svhich was produced
by Bro . G . W . Jones , svas , as might have been expected from that svell known exponent of the printer ' s art , a veritable gem . Not only svere there portraits of all the founders of the lodge , but every page is a thing of beauty , and well deserves to be preserved as a memento of the interesting occasion .
Consecration Of The Marcians Chapter, No. 2648,
Consecration of the Marcians Chapter , No . 2648 ,
ABOUT five years ago the Old Boys of St . Mark ' s College , Chelsea , formed a Masonic lodge under the title of the Marcians Lodge , No . 2648 , and they have enjoyed an unmarred and most successful career , one proof of their vitality being the foundation of the above Royal Arch
Chapter , which was consecrated at the Trocadero Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., on Tuesday , July 8 th , by the Grand Scribe E ., E . Comp . Edward Letchworth , assisted by Comps . \\ . A . Dawson , P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; the Rev . Canon J . S . Brosvnrigg , P . G . Supl . of Bucks ., as J . ; J . D . Langton ,
P . G . Std . Br ., as S . N . ; and Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as D . C . The ceremony svas performed in a most impressive manner , and an interesting oration svas delivered by the Rev . Canon Brosvnrigg . E . Comp . J . R . Cleave , Grand Std . Br ., svas installed as
M . E . Z ., and E . Comp . T . Simpson , M . E . Z . 1196 , as H . The installation of J . was unavoidably postponed osving to the absence of E . Comp . Imre Kiralfy through illness , the other officers s \ -ere duly elected and installed . Upon the motion of the M . E . Z ., the Consecrating Officers
svere elected lion , members , and presented by him with founders' jesvels as mementos of the occasion . A number of brethren were proposed for exaltation , and the chapter has prospects of a busy time in the near future .
At the banquet svhich followed , in proposing the toast of " His Majesty the King , " the M . E . Z . alluded in kindly terms to his sad illness and his thought for his people in the midst of his sufferings . The toast of " The Grand Z . " svas proposed and dishonoured .
In responding to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Rev . Canon Brosvnrigg alluded to the sorrow they all felt at the absence of that popular Companion , Imre Kiralfy , Grand Std . Br ., the J . Designate , and trusted he svould be speedily restored to health . In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , "
the M . E . Z . remarked upon the pleasure it gave them to have present four oi those svho took part in the consecration of the Marcians Lodge in 18 97 , and their appreciation of the beautiful ceremony they had witnessed . They all hoped to see their lion , members among them frequently .
In reply , E . Comp . Letchworth said the Consecrating Officers svere not insensible of the great compliment which had been paid them . It was difficult to realise that it svas live years since they had consecrated the lodge , and all joined in earnestly hoping that the chapter would have a
career worthy of the lodge whose name it bore . The toast of "The Principals of the Chapter" svas proposed by E . Comp . Letchworth , svho remarked that it svould be superfluous to dwell upon their merits as they were so well known in Royal Arch Masonry . All would agree that
both E . Comp . J . R . Cleave and E . Comp . Imre Kiralfy well deserved the high honour recently conferred upon them in Grand Chapter , and Comp . Simpson was an energetic and experienced Principal . He deplored both the cause and absence of Comp . Kiralfy , and trusted it svas not a permanent
illness , and that they svould soon see him restored to health . He had every reason to congratulate the chapter upon its Principals .
Replying , E . Comp . Cleave confessed that the formation of a Marcians Chapter had been a pet scheme of his for some time . The lodge had prospered so svell that he had no doubts about the chapter , and svas sure it svould be the means of bringing many good Masons into the Royal Arch Degree . The founders' jesvels had been presented by a
member of the lodge who was to be their first exallee . E . Comp . Simpson , H ., svas proud to be one of their Principals , although , unlike his colleagues , he was not a Grand Officer . The Rev . Canon Brownrigg returned thanks for E . Comp .
Imre Kiralfy . Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith , S . E ., proposed the toast of " The Visitors " in a speech teeming svith humour . It ss-as responded to by Comp . Fountain Woods , Mayor of Chelsea , svho svas proud to be Mayor of a borough svhich
had St . Mark ' s College as its landmark and of the Marcians Lodge , svhich svas a credit to Masonry . E . Comp . Bartley Denniss , P . Z ., offered the congratulations of the visitors to the M . E . Z . upon the high honour ol " being First Principal of such a chapter , well deserved by one
svhose record in Masonry was so admirable . The chapter , svhich they knew had been formed in the truest Masonic spirit , had taken as its device the column of St . Mark at ancient Venice , svhich held the proud title of Mistress of the Seas , a title nosv claimed by our mighty Empire , and he hoped the device svould prove an omen that the chapter svould be as enduring as that celebrated column .
Comp . Saunion , appreciated the hearty and amusing manner in which Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith had proposed the toast , and said the visitors felt like godfathers at the birth of the chapter , and wished it the success the lodge had enjoyed . In proposing the toast of "The Officers , " the M . E . Z .
expressed full confidence in their zeal , and hoped they would attend the Domatic Chapter of Instruction where most of them had received their Royal Arch knowledge from one of their distinguished visitors , E . Comp . Cleghorn , svho svas always ready to assist and instruct all who- were seeking to
perfect themselves . He thanked Comp . the Rev . C . J . Smith , Scribe E ., for his labours in founding the chapter . He had sliossTi great tact and unfailing energy . Much of the success of the work svould depend upon the Principal Sojourner , Comp . Fraser , in svhom he had every confidence . Comps . the Rev . Smith and Thomas Fraser replied , after svhich the Janitor's toast closed the proceedings .