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History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvemen T, No. 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HKXRY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
RESOLVED—That it is svith extreme regret that this Lodge accepts the retirement of Brother Thomas Fenn from the office of Secretary , and hereby express their unanimous approbation of the zeal he has exhibited in the discharge of his duties , and the essential
services he has rendered to the Lodge . That the customary jesvel be presented to him on his retirement , and in order to further evince the high sense they entertain of his zeal and ability , and the interest he has shosvn for the svelfare of Freemasonry in general , that this resolution be entered on the minutes of the Lodge . "
RICHARD AV . . lENXIXGS , PAST GRAND SVARDEX , Chttir . aau uf /!„¦ Ferliral iu 1 MU . Bro . C . A . Murton ( svho had performed the Secretarial duties during the absence of Bro . Fenn ) was unanimously
elected Secretary for the ensuing year . Bro . Hervey svas re-elected Treasurer , and Bros . S . B . Wilson , J . Pike , and T . Fenn svere elected to serve on the Committee of General Purposes . 1863 . The Annual Festival svas held on the 27 th of
November , when the first lecture was worked by S . B . Wilson , assisted by Bros . Robert Grey , S . W . ; W . C . Bacon , J . W . ; W . Hollingworth , S . D . ; W . E . Jeffreys , J . D . ; C . A . Murton , Sec . ; F . Binckes , I . G . ; and F . Mead . Eighty-eight members , 106 visitors , and eleven invited guests , attended the meeting . Thirty-one propositions for joining having been received , the lodge svas closed , and the
brethren adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency of - -Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar . The Worshipful Master in proposing the toast , " Success to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement and its able President and Preceptor , Bro . W'ilson , " said : They all knew that the Emulation Lodge of Improvement svas looked
up to as an exemplar of working , not only in London but throughout the country . He understood that the lodge had been in existence upwards of forty years , and of that period Bro . Wilson had presided over it for nearly thirty years . The Emulation Lodge of Improvement had been established
svith the vieAV of preserving and inculcating one system of working amongst the Craft , and no brother had worked more zealously to that end than its able and talented President . They all knew the excellent qualities of Bro . Wilson , and he must be allosved to express a hope that he might be spared
for many years to preside over the lodge and direct their studies . From what they had seen , however , of Bro . Wilson ' s pupils they must be satisfied that when , full of years and honours , he svas removed from amongst them there would not be wanting fitting successors to keep up the prestige and honour of the lodge , and preserve the landmarks and purity of their working .
Bro . Wilson , who svas prevented speaking for some time by the applause , returned thanks to the W . M . and the brethren for the manner in which they had been pleased to propose and respond to the toast . He could only say in reply that he felt bound by his obligations to convey , as best he could , any knowledge he possessed to brethren seeking
instruction . The W . M . had been pleased to refer to the lengthened period his humble services had been given to the Craft . It was true that it svas nearly thirty years since he became the president of that lodge , having succeeded that excellent Mason , Bro . Peter Gilkes , svho died in 18 33 . He
felt great gratification in being allosved to preside over the lodge , and he svas obliged to the Lodge of Unions for having given their sanction and support to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . He trusted , nay , he believed , that the way in svhich the Lodge of Instruction had worked had met svith the
approbation of the parent lodge , and he felt that if it had not , their sanction to its svorking svould have been withdrawn . He svas proud of the officers of the lodge and of the brethren svho assisted him in the svorking , and he felt that the time svas fast approaching when he must give up the presidency of the
lodge to younger and abler hands ; but whilst he was amongst them he should continue to do his best to merit their approbation .
I he W \ Master having asked Bro . Fenn , the late Secretary of the lodge , to step forward , said that , in addition to their other qualities , they svere not ungrateful for services rendered by the brethren . It svas very seldom , however , that they had to show their gratitude to a brother svho so svell deserved it as Bro . Fenn , their late Secretary . Bro . Fenn had most
ably fulfilled his duties not only as Secretary , but at all times and upon all occasions he svas prepared and able efficiently lo fill any position in the lodge svhich might be required—from the Inner Guard upwards . The W . M . then proceeded to present Bro . Fenn svith a very handsome jesvel ,
bearing an appropriate inscription , assuring him that it svas the ivee gift of the members , to mark their esteem for him as a brother and a diligent worker , and he ( the W . M . ) felt assured that it could not have been placed on the breast of a more able or worthy Mason . Bro . Fenn , svho svas loudly cheered , said he could not sufficiently thank them for the compliment they had been
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History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvemen T, No. 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HKXRY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
RESOLVED—That it is svith extreme regret that this Lodge accepts the retirement of Brother Thomas Fenn from the office of Secretary , and hereby express their unanimous approbation of the zeal he has exhibited in the discharge of his duties , and the essential
services he has rendered to the Lodge . That the customary jesvel be presented to him on his retirement , and in order to further evince the high sense they entertain of his zeal and ability , and the interest he has shosvn for the svelfare of Freemasonry in general , that this resolution be entered on the minutes of the Lodge . "
RICHARD AV . . lENXIXGS , PAST GRAND SVARDEX , Chttir . aau uf /!„¦ Ferliral iu 1 MU . Bro . C . A . Murton ( svho had performed the Secretarial duties during the absence of Bro . Fenn ) was unanimously
elected Secretary for the ensuing year . Bro . Hervey svas re-elected Treasurer , and Bros . S . B . Wilson , J . Pike , and T . Fenn svere elected to serve on the Committee of General Purposes . 1863 . The Annual Festival svas held on the 27 th of
November , when the first lecture was worked by S . B . Wilson , assisted by Bros . Robert Grey , S . W . ; W . C . Bacon , J . W . ; W . Hollingworth , S . D . ; W . E . Jeffreys , J . D . ; C . A . Murton , Sec . ; F . Binckes , I . G . ; and F . Mead . Eighty-eight members , 106 visitors , and eleven invited guests , attended the meeting . Thirty-one propositions for joining having been received , the lodge svas closed , and the
brethren adjourned to the banquet , under the presidency of - -Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar . The Worshipful Master in proposing the toast , " Success to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement and its able President and Preceptor , Bro . W'ilson , " said : They all knew that the Emulation Lodge of Improvement svas looked
up to as an exemplar of working , not only in London but throughout the country . He understood that the lodge had been in existence upwards of forty years , and of that period Bro . Wilson had presided over it for nearly thirty years . The Emulation Lodge of Improvement had been established
svith the vieAV of preserving and inculcating one system of working amongst the Craft , and no brother had worked more zealously to that end than its able and talented President . They all knew the excellent qualities of Bro . Wilson , and he must be allosved to express a hope that he might be spared
for many years to preside over the lodge and direct their studies . From what they had seen , however , of Bro . Wilson ' s pupils they must be satisfied that when , full of years and honours , he svas removed from amongst them there would not be wanting fitting successors to keep up the prestige and honour of the lodge , and preserve the landmarks and purity of their working .
Bro . Wilson , who svas prevented speaking for some time by the applause , returned thanks to the W . M . and the brethren for the manner in which they had been pleased to propose and respond to the toast . He could only say in reply that he felt bound by his obligations to convey , as best he could , any knowledge he possessed to brethren seeking
instruction . The W . M . had been pleased to refer to the lengthened period his humble services had been given to the Craft . It was true that it svas nearly thirty years since he became the president of that lodge , having succeeded that excellent Mason , Bro . Peter Gilkes , svho died in 18 33 . He
felt great gratification in being allosved to preside over the lodge , and he svas obliged to the Lodge of Unions for having given their sanction and support to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . He trusted , nay , he believed , that the way in svhich the Lodge of Instruction had worked had met svith the
approbation of the parent lodge , and he felt that if it had not , their sanction to its svorking svould have been withdrawn . He svas proud of the officers of the lodge and of the brethren svho assisted him in the svorking , and he felt that the time svas fast approaching when he must give up the presidency of the
lodge to younger and abler hands ; but whilst he was amongst them he should continue to do his best to merit their approbation .
I he W \ Master having asked Bro . Fenn , the late Secretary of the lodge , to step forward , said that , in addition to their other qualities , they svere not ungrateful for services rendered by the brethren . It svas very seldom , however , that they had to show their gratitude to a brother svho so svell deserved it as Bro . Fenn , their late Secretary . Bro . Fenn had most
ably fulfilled his duties not only as Secretary , but at all times and upon all occasions he svas prepared and able efficiently lo fill any position in the lodge svhich might be required—from the Inner Guard upwards . The W . M . then proceeded to present Bro . Fenn svith a very handsome jesvel ,
bearing an appropriate inscription , assuring him that it svas the ivee gift of the members , to mark their esteem for him as a brother and a diligent worker , and he ( the W . M . ) felt assured that it could not have been placed on the breast of a more able or worthy Mason . Bro . Fenn , svho svas loudly cheered , said he could not sufficiently thank them for the compliment they had been