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History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvemen T, No. 256.——(Continued).
The 16 th and 23 rd of June svitnessed an unusual event , svhich is thus recorded in the minutes . " There being no brother present qualified to work the appointed sections they svere omitted . " Three brethren from Scotland and one from Ireland attended the lodge on the 14 th of July , on svhich occasion it svas decided that " Brethren under the Scotch and Irish Constitutions are exempt from visitors' fees . ' '
. ENEAS J" McINTYRE , GRAND REGISTRAR , Clinirum 11 of the FettirttU in l . SIW , 1 S 00 . mill 1 S 7-1 . On the 10 th of November a nesv set of collars was presented by Bro . A . J . Pritchard , the W . Master , svho received
the thanks of the lodge for his gift . The Festival svas held on the 24 th of November , the work being a part of the first lecture by the President , assisted by H . E . Francis , P . M . No . 180 ; T . Fenn , A . G . D . C . ; G . Powell , W . M . No . 142 ; and A . A . Richards , W . M . No . 8 .
John Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D ., a member of the Building Committee , presided at the banquet , which , in the absence of a printed report , sve may assume to have been of the usual character . On this occasion the attendance of members and visitors
appears to have been less numerous than had been customary of late , there being but 68 of the former and 56 of the latter , svith nine invited guests , making a total of 133 present . Only sixteen nesv members svere proposed . 1866 . On the 4 th of May the death of Stephen Barton
Wilson svas reported to the lodge , and it svas thereupon resolved " that the ceremony and lecture appointed for the evening should be deferred until the next meeting . "
" After an address from Bro . J . Sas-ige , J . G . D ., in allusion to the great loss sustained by the Craft in general and this Lodge of Improvement in particular by the demise of our late brother , the following resolution svas proposed by Bro . James Pike , P . M . No . 66 , seconded by Bro . T . Fenn , and carried unanimously : —
"The Committee and members of the 'Emulation Lodge of Improvement' have received the intelligence of the death of their late President , Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , with profound regret , and while deploring the loss of a brother so eminently useful in the Craft , desire to record their deep
sense and high appreciation of those great Masonic attainments , which , for more than thirty years , he has so generously devoted to advance the character and interests of Freemasonry in general and the 'Emulation Lodge of Improvement' in particular , the members of svhich have ever found in him a cheerful instructor , a kind friend , and a practical exponent of the great principles of the Order . "
A vote of sympathy and condolence svith the family of the late Bro . Wilson terminated the proceedings of the evening . The Festival for this year svas held on the 23 rd of November , a week earlier than usual , consequent upon the hall being engaged on the 30 th for the Festival of St . Andrew .
Bro . James Pike occupied the chair in the lodge , and the second lecture svas worked by the following brethren , viz . : — G . Powell , A . A . Richards , J . Steward , J . A . Rucker , and A . J . Pritchard . There were present sixty-seven members , seven invited guests , and sixty visitors , twenty-live of whom joined the lodge . The W . Bro . ^ Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand
Registrar , presided at the banquet . The proceedings at the Festivals from 1865 to 1869 , were not reported in the Freemasons' Magazine . 1867 . Nothing requiring special notice appears in the minutes of this year prior to the Annual Festival held on the
29 th of November , John Hervey being in the chair of W . Master . The lodge work consisted of the explanation of the Second Tracing Board by Thomas Fenn , and the sections of the third lecture by Bros . H . J . P . Dumas , W . M . No . 99 ; I . C . Dowsing , No . 108 ; and J . A . Rucker , S . D . No . 66 .
Eighty-four members and seventy-three visitors were present , twenty-five of svhom joined the lodge . The minutes contain no mention of " Invited Guests . " The R . W . Bro . Victor A . Williamson , Past Junior Grand Warden , presided at the banquet .
1868 . We learn from the lodge minutes of the 31 st of January , that " It ss-as proposed by Br . C . W . Powell , seconded by Br . Pike , and carried unanimously , that should the S . W ' arden decline to take the Chair , it be referred to the Committee to consider whether the election be not then open to any member of the Lodge without reference to the Junior Officers . "
For a long period there had been placed on the Secretary ' s table , at the weekly meetings , a box for the reception of contributions to the furniture fund . The contributors , however , svere few , and for many years the amount remained at about the same level , and svas carried forward
JOHN LLEWELLYX EVANS , I'RES . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , Clmirum 11 of Ihe Fruitful in IS ( tl . in the minutes of each meeting until the 21 st of February , when " It was resolved that the amount standing to the
credit of the Furniture Fund ( £ 2 16 s . ) , be merged in the General Fund . " ( To be Continued ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lod Ge Of Improvemen T, No. 256.——(Continued).
The 16 th and 23 rd of June svitnessed an unusual event , svhich is thus recorded in the minutes . " There being no brother present qualified to work the appointed sections they svere omitted . " Three brethren from Scotland and one from Ireland attended the lodge on the 14 th of July , on svhich occasion it svas decided that " Brethren under the Scotch and Irish Constitutions are exempt from visitors' fees . ' '
. ENEAS J" McINTYRE , GRAND REGISTRAR , Clinirum 11 of the FettirttU in l . SIW , 1 S 00 . mill 1 S 7-1 . On the 10 th of November a nesv set of collars was presented by Bro . A . J . Pritchard , the W . Master , svho received
the thanks of the lodge for his gift . The Festival svas held on the 24 th of November , the work being a part of the first lecture by the President , assisted by H . E . Francis , P . M . No . 180 ; T . Fenn , A . G . D . C . ; G . Powell , W . M . No . 142 ; and A . A . Richards , W . M . No . 8 .
John Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D ., a member of the Building Committee , presided at the banquet , which , in the absence of a printed report , sve may assume to have been of the usual character . On this occasion the attendance of members and visitors
appears to have been less numerous than had been customary of late , there being but 68 of the former and 56 of the latter , svith nine invited guests , making a total of 133 present . Only sixteen nesv members svere proposed . 1866 . On the 4 th of May the death of Stephen Barton
Wilson svas reported to the lodge , and it svas thereupon resolved " that the ceremony and lecture appointed for the evening should be deferred until the next meeting . "
" After an address from Bro . J . Sas-ige , J . G . D ., in allusion to the great loss sustained by the Craft in general and this Lodge of Improvement in particular by the demise of our late brother , the following resolution svas proposed by Bro . James Pike , P . M . No . 66 , seconded by Bro . T . Fenn , and carried unanimously : —
"The Committee and members of the 'Emulation Lodge of Improvement' have received the intelligence of the death of their late President , Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , with profound regret , and while deploring the loss of a brother so eminently useful in the Craft , desire to record their deep
sense and high appreciation of those great Masonic attainments , which , for more than thirty years , he has so generously devoted to advance the character and interests of Freemasonry in general and the 'Emulation Lodge of Improvement' in particular , the members of svhich have ever found in him a cheerful instructor , a kind friend , and a practical exponent of the great principles of the Order . "
A vote of sympathy and condolence svith the family of the late Bro . Wilson terminated the proceedings of the evening . The Festival for this year svas held on the 23 rd of November , a week earlier than usual , consequent upon the hall being engaged on the 30 th for the Festival of St . Andrew .
Bro . James Pike occupied the chair in the lodge , and the second lecture svas worked by the following brethren , viz . : — G . Powell , A . A . Richards , J . Steward , J . A . Rucker , and A . J . Pritchard . There were present sixty-seven members , seven invited guests , and sixty visitors , twenty-live of whom joined the lodge . The W . Bro . ^ Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand
Registrar , presided at the banquet . The proceedings at the Festivals from 1865 to 1869 , were not reported in the Freemasons' Magazine . 1867 . Nothing requiring special notice appears in the minutes of this year prior to the Annual Festival held on the
29 th of November , John Hervey being in the chair of W . Master . The lodge work consisted of the explanation of the Second Tracing Board by Thomas Fenn , and the sections of the third lecture by Bros . H . J . P . Dumas , W . M . No . 99 ; I . C . Dowsing , No . 108 ; and J . A . Rucker , S . D . No . 66 .
Eighty-four members and seventy-three visitors were present , twenty-five of svhom joined the lodge . The minutes contain no mention of " Invited Guests . " The R . W . Bro . Victor A . Williamson , Past Junior Grand Warden , presided at the banquet .
1868 . We learn from the lodge minutes of the 31 st of January , that " It ss-as proposed by Br . C . W . Powell , seconded by Br . Pike , and carried unanimously , that should the S . W ' arden decline to take the Chair , it be referred to the Committee to consider whether the election be not then open to any member of the Lodge without reference to the Junior Officers . "
For a long period there had been placed on the Secretary ' s table , at the weekly meetings , a box for the reception of contributions to the furniture fund . The contributors , however , svere few , and for many years the amount remained at about the same level , and svas carried forward
JOHN LLEWELLYX EVANS , I'RES . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , Clmirum 11 of Ihe Fruitful in IS ( tl . in the minutes of each meeting until the 21 st of February , when " It was resolved that the amount standing to the
credit of the Furniture Fund ( £ 2 16 s . ) , be merged in the General Fund . " ( To be Continued ) .