Article The New Past Grand Officers.—(Provincial.) ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The New Past Grand Officers.—(Provincial.)
Bro . Frederick Cleeves has rendered excellent service to the Craft in the Province of West Yorkshire for the past twenty-live years . He was initiated in the Pluenix Lodge , No . 904 , Rotherham , in 1 877 , and svas installed as W . M . in 1883 . In 1888 he took part in founding the Hallamshire
Lodge , No . 2268 . He has received tsvo provincial appointments , having been made Provincial Junior Grand Deacon in 188 9 , and Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 1900 . In the Royal Arch Bro . Cleeves svas exalted in the Paradise Chapter , No . 139 , Sheffield , and founded the Phoenix Chapter ,
Xo . 904 , in 1888 , and is a Past Provincial Grand Registrar of West Yorkshire . He is a Vice-Patron of the three Institutions , and has served no less than fort } - Stewardships .
Bro . Major A . E . Burdon hails from Northumberland , having been initiated in St . Cuthbert's Lodge , No . 1902 , Bedlington , in 1888 , of svhich lodge he ss-as W . M . in 1890 . He afterwards joined the Victoria Commemoration Lodge , No . 2666 . He Avas exalted in the De Percy Royal Arch Chapter in 18 9 8 .
Bro . Burdon is also a Past Provincial Grand Officer of Northumberland , having been appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 1892 . Bro . George Harradonwho hails from West Lancashire
, , svas initiated in the Wilbraham Lodge , X o . 1713 , Waltonon-the-Hill , on the Sth March , 1 SS 1 , and ss-as installed its Worshipful Master in October , 1886 . Three years later lie ss as founder and first Master of the Princes Lodge , No . 2316 , Liverpool . Being accepted a joining member of the Latliom
Lodge , No . 2229 , Southport , in 18 91 , he ss'as installed its Worshipful Master in 18 99 . In the following year he was selected for appointment as Provincial Grand Treasurer . In Royal Arch Masonry his exaltation took place in the Hamer Chapter , X o . 1393 , Liverpool , on the 3 rd July , 188 4
, and in September , 1891 , he svas installed its M . E . Z . In the same year lie Avas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer in the Royal Arch . He is a Knights Templar , and has taken the 33 in the A . and A . Rite . He is a Vice-President of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions , having served Stewardships four
times for the former , and on tsvo occasions for the latter . He is likewise Honorary Treasurer of the West Lancashire Alpass Benevolent Institution .
PAST DEPUTY GRAND DIUECTORS OF CEREMONIES . Bro . Claude E . Egerton Green \ s'as initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in 1886 , and joined the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , in 188 9 ; the Easterford Lodge , No . 2342 , in 1890 ; and founded the Colne Lodge , No . 2477 ,
iu 18 93 . He was twice Master of No . 51 and the first W . M . of No . 2477 . In 18 94 he svas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer of Essex , and ss-as appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 18 97 . His installation in the Royal Arch took place in the Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 , in 188 9 and in
, 1900 he was installed as M . E . Z . He is also a member and P . Z . of the Coronation Chapter , No . 206 3 . Bro . Egerton Green is a Past Grand H . of the province , and lias served as a Steward for each of the Charities .
Bro . James Beresford Ryley , M . D ., has nearly completed his thirtieth year as a Mason , having been initiated in the Era Lodge , Xo . 1423 , in 1873 , and svas installed as W . M . in 1882 . He afterwards joined the Bushey Hall Lodge , No . 2323 , and was elected to the Master ' s chair in 18 97 . He was exalted in the Era Chapter in 1885 , and is a Past
Provincial Grand J . of Middlesex . Bro . Ryley lias been a member of the Board of General Purposes since 18 99 . He is a Life Governor of each of the three Charities , and has served four Stewardships .
Bro . Josiah F . Pepper svas initiated in the St . James ' s Lodge , No . 4 82 , in 1873 , and became W . M . in 1 879 . He afterwards took part in founding the Lodge of Charily , No . 1551 ; the Foster Gough Lodge , No . 2706 ; and the George Beecli Lodge , No . 28 97 . He is also a member of
the Correspondence Circle of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge and of the Lodge of Research , Leicester . Iu the Royal Arch he svas exalted in the St . James's Chapter in 1874 , and has twice filled the office of First Principal . He is a Past
HRO . JOSIAH F . I'KPPER . Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in the Craft , and received the appointments in Provincial Grand Chapter of
1 st Assistant Sojourner in 1880 , Grand J . in 1882 and ' 92 , and has been since 18 93 Grand H . Bro . Pepper is a Vice-Patron of the Girls' School , Vice-President of the Boys ' School , Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution , and Vice-President of the Mark Benevolent Institution , having served in all ten Stewardships .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES . Bro . E . Milford Milford svas initiated in the Druids Lodge , No . 589 , Redruth , in 1870 , and filled the chair of W . M . in 18 74 and again in 1888 . In 188 9 he received the appointment of Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Cornwall . His
exaltation in Royal Arch Masonry took place in the Rose of Sharon Chapter , Xo . 1006 , in 1872 , and he was M . E . Z . in 18 97 . He is also Past Provincial Grand Scribe 1 \ . Three Stewardships for the Central Masonic Charities stand to the credit of Bro . Milford , but it is to the local Institution , the Cornwall
Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund , that lie has devoted so much of his time and energy . For the past seventeen years he has been its Treasurer , and the prosperity of this Charity is in a large measure due to Bro . Milford ' s untiring efforts in its behalf .
Bro . Charles M . Nesbitt has a Masonic record of nearly half a century . He was initiated in the Hnmber Lodge , Xo . 57 , in 18 53 , and svas installed as W . M . in 186 5 , afterwards joining the Lindsey Lodge , Xo . 712 . He svas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer of Lincolnshire in 1866 , and just
thirty years later svas appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden . Bro . Nesbitt svas exalted as a Royal Arch Mason in the Oliver Chapter , Xo . 792 , in 186 9 , aftersvards joining the St . James's Chapter , No . 712 , and becoming M . E . Z . of the latter in 1876 . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Arch .
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The New Past Grand Officers.—(Provincial.)
Bro . Frederick Cleeves has rendered excellent service to the Craft in the Province of West Yorkshire for the past twenty-live years . He was initiated in the Pluenix Lodge , No . 904 , Rotherham , in 1 877 , and svas installed as W . M . in 1883 . In 1888 he took part in founding the Hallamshire
Lodge , No . 2268 . He has received tsvo provincial appointments , having been made Provincial Junior Grand Deacon in 188 9 , and Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 1900 . In the Royal Arch Bro . Cleeves svas exalted in the Paradise Chapter , No . 139 , Sheffield , and founded the Phoenix Chapter ,
Xo . 904 , in 1888 , and is a Past Provincial Grand Registrar of West Yorkshire . He is a Vice-Patron of the three Institutions , and has served no less than fort } - Stewardships .
Bro . Major A . E . Burdon hails from Northumberland , having been initiated in St . Cuthbert's Lodge , No . 1902 , Bedlington , in 1888 , of svhich lodge he ss-as W . M . in 1890 . He afterwards joined the Victoria Commemoration Lodge , No . 2666 . He Avas exalted in the De Percy Royal Arch Chapter in 18 9 8 .
Bro . Burdon is also a Past Provincial Grand Officer of Northumberland , having been appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 1892 . Bro . George Harradonwho hails from West Lancashire
, , svas initiated in the Wilbraham Lodge , X o . 1713 , Waltonon-the-Hill , on the Sth March , 1 SS 1 , and ss-as installed its Worshipful Master in October , 1886 . Three years later lie ss as founder and first Master of the Princes Lodge , No . 2316 , Liverpool . Being accepted a joining member of the Latliom
Lodge , No . 2229 , Southport , in 18 91 , he ss'as installed its Worshipful Master in 18 99 . In the following year he was selected for appointment as Provincial Grand Treasurer . In Royal Arch Masonry his exaltation took place in the Hamer Chapter , X o . 1393 , Liverpool , on the 3 rd July , 188 4
, and in September , 1891 , he svas installed its M . E . Z . In the same year lie Avas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer in the Royal Arch . He is a Knights Templar , and has taken the 33 in the A . and A . Rite . He is a Vice-President of the Boys' and Girls' Institutions , having served Stewardships four
times for the former , and on tsvo occasions for the latter . He is likewise Honorary Treasurer of the West Lancashire Alpass Benevolent Institution .
PAST DEPUTY GRAND DIUECTORS OF CEREMONIES . Bro . Claude E . Egerton Green \ s'as initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in 1886 , and joined the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , in 188 9 ; the Easterford Lodge , No . 2342 , in 1890 ; and founded the Colne Lodge , No . 2477 ,
iu 18 93 . He was twice Master of No . 51 and the first W . M . of No . 2477 . In 18 94 he svas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer of Essex , and ss-as appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 18 97 . His installation in the Royal Arch took place in the Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 , in 188 9 and in
, 1900 he was installed as M . E . Z . He is also a member and P . Z . of the Coronation Chapter , No . 206 3 . Bro . Egerton Green is a Past Grand H . of the province , and lias served as a Steward for each of the Charities .
Bro . James Beresford Ryley , M . D ., has nearly completed his thirtieth year as a Mason , having been initiated in the Era Lodge , Xo . 1423 , in 1873 , and svas installed as W . M . in 1882 . He afterwards joined the Bushey Hall Lodge , No . 2323 , and was elected to the Master ' s chair in 18 97 . He was exalted in the Era Chapter in 1885 , and is a Past
Provincial Grand J . of Middlesex . Bro . Ryley lias been a member of the Board of General Purposes since 18 99 . He is a Life Governor of each of the three Charities , and has served four Stewardships .
Bro . Josiah F . Pepper svas initiated in the St . James ' s Lodge , No . 4 82 , in 1873 , and became W . M . in 1 879 . He afterwards took part in founding the Lodge of Charily , No . 1551 ; the Foster Gough Lodge , No . 2706 ; and the George Beecli Lodge , No . 28 97 . He is also a member of
the Correspondence Circle of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge and of the Lodge of Research , Leicester . Iu the Royal Arch he svas exalted in the St . James's Chapter in 1874 , and has twice filled the office of First Principal . He is a Past
HRO . JOSIAH F . I'KPPER . Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in the Craft , and received the appointments in Provincial Grand Chapter of
1 st Assistant Sojourner in 1880 , Grand J . in 1882 and ' 92 , and has been since 18 93 Grand H . Bro . Pepper is a Vice-Patron of the Girls' School , Vice-President of the Boys ' School , Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution , and Vice-President of the Mark Benevolent Institution , having served in all ten Stewardships .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES . Bro . E . Milford Milford svas initiated in the Druids Lodge , No . 589 , Redruth , in 1870 , and filled the chair of W . M . in 18 74 and again in 1888 . In 188 9 he received the appointment of Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Cornwall . His
exaltation in Royal Arch Masonry took place in the Rose of Sharon Chapter , Xo . 1006 , in 1872 , and he was M . E . Z . in 18 97 . He is also Past Provincial Grand Scribe 1 \ . Three Stewardships for the Central Masonic Charities stand to the credit of Bro . Milford , but it is to the local Institution , the Cornwall
Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund , that lie has devoted so much of his time and energy . For the past seventeen years he has been its Treasurer , and the prosperity of this Charity is in a large measure due to Bro . Milford ' s untiring efforts in its behalf .
Bro . Charles M . Nesbitt has a Masonic record of nearly half a century . He was initiated in the Hnmber Lodge , Xo . 57 , in 18 53 , and svas installed as W . M . in 186 5 , afterwards joining the Lindsey Lodge , Xo . 712 . He svas elected Provincial Grand Treasurer of Lincolnshire in 1866 , and just
thirty years later svas appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden . Bro . Nesbitt svas exalted as a Royal Arch Mason in the Oliver Chapter , Xo . 792 , in 186 9 , aftersvards joining the St . James's Chapter , No . 712 , and becoming M . E . Z . of the latter in 1876 . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Arch .