Article At the Sign of the perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the conclusion of the ceremony of consecration , the Grand Secretary installed as Worshipful Master , Bro . Professor Ernest W . White , who appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . R . J . Maitland Coffin , P . A . G . D . of C , S . W . ; William TurnerJ . W . ; Reginald T . H . Bodilly , Treasurer ;
, J . F . W . Silk , Secretary ; Herbert A . H . McDougall , S . D . ; Sir Hugh Beevor , Bart ., J . D . ; Joseph Pollard , D . of C . ; Leedham Fuller , I . G . ; and G . J . Eady and E . H . Low , Stewards .
GEO . DR . ERNEST WM . WHITE , P . G . I ? . KENT , W . M . A considerable number of former students were proposed as joining members or initiates , and judging from the success of this , the first meeting , the lodge bids fair to realise the expectations of the most sanguine of its founders . After the
ceremony the lodge entertained its Masonic friends at a banquet , at which upwards of eighty sat clown , including the consecrating officers , Sir F . Hodgson , Governor of Barbadoes , Alderman and Sheriff Sir George Wyatt Truscott ; Peter de Lande Long , P . G . D . ; the Worshipful Masters of most of the
other hospital lodges and Principals of the William Harvey Chapter ; Professor W . Watson Cheyne , C . B ., F . R . S . ; Charles Aburrow , P . G . D ., D . D . G . M . Transvaal ; Ivan H . Harburger , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dr . Danford Thomas , and others .
© < £ » « 3 > The lirst Master holds a good record , both in Masonry and the Medical Profession , being a Past Master of Lodge No . 31 , Prov . G . Reg . ( Craft ) , Prov . A . G . Soj . ( R . A . ) , and Prov . S . G . W . ( Mark ) of Kent ; P . M . W . S . Cceur de Lion Rose Croix Chapter ; is President of the Medico Psychological Association of Great
Britain and Ireland ; Professor of Psychological Medicine , King ' s College , London ; and Resident Physician and Superintendent of the City of London Asylum , Dartford .
© - © In connection with the recent somewhat noticeable recrudescence of Catholic opposition to Freemasonry , the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian tells a somewhat unique story of the business-like way in which , in the case of one Catholic Mason , discipline was tempered with
mercy . An English Freemason was dying in dismal lodgings , and a charitable visitor asked him if he would not like to see a priest . He replied that , much as he should like it , he could not claim a priest's ministrations , inasmuch as he was an impenitent Freemason . He was convinced that there
was no harm in Masonry , some of his pleasantest hours had been passed in it , and he would not confess it as a sin . At the same time he would not deceive the priest by asking for the last sacrament on false pretences . The visitor sought the local priest , and laid the case before him . The good man mused a moment , and then asked : " Has your friend kept
up his subscription to his lodge ? " " No , " replied the visitor ; . " through poverty he has fallen into arrears . " " Ah , well , that helps us out of the difficulty . A man who doesn't subscribe to a society has in intention severed himself from it . Tell your friend I will come to him . "
© © © Bro . R . V . Vassar-Smith , as Provincial Grand Master of Mark Masons of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire , presided at the thirty-fifth anniversary festival of the Grand Marl-Lodge Benevolent Fund , at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , July 1 st . It was the first occasion on which ,
the Grand Master of a Western Province had presided at one of the festivals , the President having been usually drawn from one of the more populous provinces in the North or the-Metropolitan area ; but the selection of the Chairman was . justified by the result , the subscription to the charity being
fully up to the average and Bro . Vassar-Smith's own province giving him generous support . There were 156 Stewardswith a contribution of £ 2276 . Of this amount the London lodges contributed . £ 832 , while of the balance contributed by the provinces , ^" 394 came from the six lodges of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire—a very liberal subscription from a comparatively small province .
0 © < s > Lincoln was chosen for the summer outing of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , this year , and the visitors , to the number of about forty , found plenty to interest them in the old city . At the County Assembly Rooms they were heartily welcomed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W .
H . Sissons . The following morning was spent in viewing the many objects of historic value in the upper portion of the city . The Bail was entertainingly described by Mr . G . Allis ,. and the line of the old Roman wall , which at one time formed the northern boundary of the city , provided another
object of study , the tracing of the line being keenly followed . The library of the cathedral was visited under the superintendence of Canon Maddison , and , with the gracious permission of Dr . King , Mr . W . W . Smith escorted the party over the Bishop's Palace , During the afternoon
theprogramme included the viewing of the ancient quarters of lower Lincoln , and such places as the old churches , the High Bridge , and the Grey Friars , together with all the other objects of interest below hill , provided abundance of instruction and entertainment , while Colonel J . G . Williams utilised
his vast knowledge regarding the civic regalia in the Guildhall , and explained its historic value as perhaps only he can do . In the evening the visitors were entertained by the four Lincoln lodges to a smoking concert at the Assembly Rooms ,, and the clay after the programme included a visit to the
picturesque and interesting church at Stow . On the same evening they were at home to the Lincoln brethren at the White Hart Hotel .
© © © Bros . B . Vickers and H . H . Dunn have published an interesting memento in the form of an illustrated description of many of the points of special interest in the city , and this will doubtless serve as a pleasant reminder of an enjoyable sojourn .
< 2 » « s > < S » The Provincial Grand Lodge of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire met at Driffield ' on July 15 th . Bro . the Marquis of Zetland , K . T ., presided in his capacity as Provincial Grand Masteiy and was supported by Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Bolton , P . G . W ., Deputy Provincial Grand
Master . Nearly 200 brethren were present . The various officers were installed , and during the proceedings it was reported that at the seventh annual festival in support of the Educational Fund , held at York on May 26 th , the sum of ^ 1127 was raised . A large number of the . visiting brethren afterwards dined under the presidency of Bro . Sir Joseph S . Rymer .
< 3 > * _> © At a special general court of the Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the following motion was submitted by Bro . Commander Hubert G . Giles , R . N ., P . G . D ., Provincial Grand Secretary Hants and Isle of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the conclusion of the ceremony of consecration , the Grand Secretary installed as Worshipful Master , Bro . Professor Ernest W . White , who appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . R . J . Maitland Coffin , P . A . G . D . of C , S . W . ; William TurnerJ . W . ; Reginald T . H . Bodilly , Treasurer ;
, J . F . W . Silk , Secretary ; Herbert A . H . McDougall , S . D . ; Sir Hugh Beevor , Bart ., J . D . ; Joseph Pollard , D . of C . ; Leedham Fuller , I . G . ; and G . J . Eady and E . H . Low , Stewards .
GEO . DR . ERNEST WM . WHITE , P . G . I ? . KENT , W . M . A considerable number of former students were proposed as joining members or initiates , and judging from the success of this , the first meeting , the lodge bids fair to realise the expectations of the most sanguine of its founders . After the
ceremony the lodge entertained its Masonic friends at a banquet , at which upwards of eighty sat clown , including the consecrating officers , Sir F . Hodgson , Governor of Barbadoes , Alderman and Sheriff Sir George Wyatt Truscott ; Peter de Lande Long , P . G . D . ; the Worshipful Masters of most of the
other hospital lodges and Principals of the William Harvey Chapter ; Professor W . Watson Cheyne , C . B ., F . R . S . ; Charles Aburrow , P . G . D ., D . D . G . M . Transvaal ; Ivan H . Harburger , P . A . G . D . C . ; Dr . Danford Thomas , and others .
© < £ » « 3 > The lirst Master holds a good record , both in Masonry and the Medical Profession , being a Past Master of Lodge No . 31 , Prov . G . Reg . ( Craft ) , Prov . A . G . Soj . ( R . A . ) , and Prov . S . G . W . ( Mark ) of Kent ; P . M . W . S . Cceur de Lion Rose Croix Chapter ; is President of the Medico Psychological Association of Great
Britain and Ireland ; Professor of Psychological Medicine , King ' s College , London ; and Resident Physician and Superintendent of the City of London Asylum , Dartford .
© - © In connection with the recent somewhat noticeable recrudescence of Catholic opposition to Freemasonry , the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian tells a somewhat unique story of the business-like way in which , in the case of one Catholic Mason , discipline was tempered with
mercy . An English Freemason was dying in dismal lodgings , and a charitable visitor asked him if he would not like to see a priest . He replied that , much as he should like it , he could not claim a priest's ministrations , inasmuch as he was an impenitent Freemason . He was convinced that there
was no harm in Masonry , some of his pleasantest hours had been passed in it , and he would not confess it as a sin . At the same time he would not deceive the priest by asking for the last sacrament on false pretences . The visitor sought the local priest , and laid the case before him . The good man mused a moment , and then asked : " Has your friend kept
up his subscription to his lodge ? " " No , " replied the visitor ; . " through poverty he has fallen into arrears . " " Ah , well , that helps us out of the difficulty . A man who doesn't subscribe to a society has in intention severed himself from it . Tell your friend I will come to him . "
© © © Bro . R . V . Vassar-Smith , as Provincial Grand Master of Mark Masons of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire , presided at the thirty-fifth anniversary festival of the Grand Marl-Lodge Benevolent Fund , at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , July 1 st . It was the first occasion on which ,
the Grand Master of a Western Province had presided at one of the festivals , the President having been usually drawn from one of the more populous provinces in the North or the-Metropolitan area ; but the selection of the Chairman was . justified by the result , the subscription to the charity being
fully up to the average and Bro . Vassar-Smith's own province giving him generous support . There were 156 Stewardswith a contribution of £ 2276 . Of this amount the London lodges contributed . £ 832 , while of the balance contributed by the provinces , ^" 394 came from the six lodges of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire—a very liberal subscription from a comparatively small province .
0 © < s > Lincoln was chosen for the summer outing of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , this year , and the visitors , to the number of about forty , found plenty to interest them in the old city . At the County Assembly Rooms they were heartily welcomed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W .
H . Sissons . The following morning was spent in viewing the many objects of historic value in the upper portion of the city . The Bail was entertainingly described by Mr . G . Allis ,. and the line of the old Roman wall , which at one time formed the northern boundary of the city , provided another
object of study , the tracing of the line being keenly followed . The library of the cathedral was visited under the superintendence of Canon Maddison , and , with the gracious permission of Dr . King , Mr . W . W . Smith escorted the party over the Bishop's Palace , During the afternoon
theprogramme included the viewing of the ancient quarters of lower Lincoln , and such places as the old churches , the High Bridge , and the Grey Friars , together with all the other objects of interest below hill , provided abundance of instruction and entertainment , while Colonel J . G . Williams utilised
his vast knowledge regarding the civic regalia in the Guildhall , and explained its historic value as perhaps only he can do . In the evening the visitors were entertained by the four Lincoln lodges to a smoking concert at the Assembly Rooms ,, and the clay after the programme included a visit to the
picturesque and interesting church at Stow . On the same evening they were at home to the Lincoln brethren at the White Hart Hotel .
© © © Bros . B . Vickers and H . H . Dunn have published an interesting memento in the form of an illustrated description of many of the points of special interest in the city , and this will doubtless serve as a pleasant reminder of an enjoyable sojourn .
< 2 » « s > < S » The Provincial Grand Lodge of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire met at Driffield ' on July 15 th . Bro . the Marquis of Zetland , K . T ., presided in his capacity as Provincial Grand Masteiy and was supported by Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Bolton , P . G . W ., Deputy Provincial Grand
Master . Nearly 200 brethren were present . The various officers were installed , and during the proceedings it was reported that at the seventh annual festival in support of the Educational Fund , held at York on May 26 th , the sum of ^ 1127 was raised . A large number of the . visiting brethren afterwards dined under the presidency of Bro . Sir Joseph S . Rymer .
< 3 > * _> © At a special general court of the Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the following motion was submitted by Bro . Commander Hubert G . Giles , R . N ., P . G . D ., Provincial Grand Secretary Hants and Isle of