Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 1 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
That the deservedly popular Provincial Grand Master tor Lincolnshire , R . W . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , was so -successful in settling the dispute at Grimsby is a cause of sincere gratification to the Craft . Brocklesby Park , Lord Yarborough's seat , is distant about nine miles from Grimsby , and his Lincolnshire estate comprises some 50 , 000 acres .
Although not known in the world of politics , his lordship is a very popular peer . He is best known as the Master of the Yarborough Hunt , an enthusiastic sportsman , and a good shot . Appointed Provincial Grand Master in 18 95 , our distinguished brother is only forty-two years of age , mid it may not unreasonably be hoped that his rule will continue for many years to come .
© » s » # We learn that a new lodge , to be called the Ceres Lodge , No . 2878 , is to be added to the roll of lodges of the Province of Norfolk . Bro . Lord Amherst of Hackney , M . P ., P . P . S . G . W . Norfolk , as well as many other Provincial Grand Officers , have been instrumental in founding the lodge , and
there is little doubt that an important addition has been made -to the roll of lodges in the province over which R . W . Bro . Hamon Le Strange so ably presides .
< $ > < s * « s > The Cheseldon Lodge will be consecrated on Monday , November 4 th , in the Governor ' s Hall , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in the presence of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught ( President of the Hospital ) , who will himself undertake a portion of the ceremony . W . Bro . Thomas Wakley , jun .,
L . R . C . P ., is to be the first Worshipful Master . The name chosen for the lodge is that of the great Anatomist and Surgeon of St . Thomas ' s Hospital , who introduced the operation for lateral lithotomy .
© © « S > The Province of Worcestershire may be relied on to support with an adequate contribution the popular Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Augustus F . Godson , on the occasion of his presiding at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Festival in February next . The Institution will then have completed its sixtieth year .
The installation of the Rev . J . Holme Pilkington , as Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch Province of Suffolk , in succession to the late lamented Rev . C . J . Martyn , took place on October 2 nd . M . E . Comp . Judge Philbrick , Grand Superintendent of the neighbouring Province of Essex , very ably and impressively performed the ceremony in the presence of a representative gathering of Royal Arch Masons of the province . * *
A very excellent example has been set by the Lord Mayor elect , who has resigned his seat on the board of Goldsborough , Mort & Co ., and will not during his year of office be on the directorate of any public company . The duties devolving on the Lord Mayor in the coming Coronation year will be many and arduous , and furnish a further reason why Bro . Sir Joseph Dimsdale should have found it necessary to set aside all ordinary business engagements . © « K » »®>
One of the last functions performed by the present Lord Mayor , R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Frank Green , P . G . W ., was the unveiling on the 5 th of October of a statue of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria at the Alexandra Palace . The occasion was also marked by the opening of seven new fountains , by W . Bro . W . J . Crump , Mayor of Islington , and the
inauguration of a Welcome Club by the Lady Mayoress . The ceremonies were assisted by the new Sheriffs and many other visitors of note .
The ceremony of cutting the first sod of the site of the proposed Arts and Industrial Exhibition , to be held at Wolverhampton next year , was , on the 17 th October , performed by R . W . Bro . the Earl of Dartmouth , Prov . Grand Master for Staffordshire . The exhibition is intended to be representative of the important and varied manufactures of Staffordshire ,
War \ vickshire , Worcestershire , and surrounding districts . The buildings will cover nearly forty acres and the guarantee fund amounts to X " 3- i , ooo .
We are pleased to notice , amongst the list of honours conferred for distinguished service in the South African campaign , that Bro . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., of the Imperial Yeomanry , P . G . W . and Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire , has been made a C . B ., and that Bro . T . C . Pleydell Galley , of the 1 st Life Guards , who was one of the
recipients of Past Grand rank on the installation of the Grand Master in July last , has been promoted to the brevet rank of Colonel . ¦ Q ' " u ) : " \ u ?
The London Hospital Lodge , which has been founded by the staff of the great institution in Mile End Road , was consecrated at the Hotel Cecil on the qth October by the Grand Secretary . It is now the fourth of the lodges in the Metropolis connected with the medical profession , the others being the Rahere ( St . Bartholomew's ) , the Middlesex , and the
Chere Rene ( Chairing Cross ) . The Cheseldon ( St . Thomas ' s ) will shortly follow . With these and others , notably the / Esculapius and the Cavendish , it cannot be said that the medical profession has been neglecting its opportunities for Masonic communion . Each lodge is flourishing and bids fair to be a permanent and valuable addition to the lodges of London .
It is with sincere regret we have to announce the death of Bro . Horatio Ward , of Canterbury , which occurred on the 1 oth of October . For a generation Bro . Ward has occupied a prominent position in Kentish Freemasonry . Few men have deserved better of their brethren , and fewer still have combined the ability and the desire to be useful members of the Craft . Bro . Ward may be said to have devoted his life , apart from the business claims on his time , to Freemasonry .
TIIK LATK HIIO . HOIIATIO WARD . It would be impossible , within the space at our disposal , to give a detailed account of his Masonic career , which extended over a period of forty years . He has been numbered amongst the Past Masters since 1865 , in which year he was installed as W . M . in the Cuthberga Lodge , No . 622 ,
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
That the deservedly popular Provincial Grand Master tor Lincolnshire , R . W . Bro . the Earl of Yarborough , was so -successful in settling the dispute at Grimsby is a cause of sincere gratification to the Craft . Brocklesby Park , Lord Yarborough's seat , is distant about nine miles from Grimsby , and his Lincolnshire estate comprises some 50 , 000 acres .
Although not known in the world of politics , his lordship is a very popular peer . He is best known as the Master of the Yarborough Hunt , an enthusiastic sportsman , and a good shot . Appointed Provincial Grand Master in 18 95 , our distinguished brother is only forty-two years of age , mid it may not unreasonably be hoped that his rule will continue for many years to come .
© » s » # We learn that a new lodge , to be called the Ceres Lodge , No . 2878 , is to be added to the roll of lodges of the Province of Norfolk . Bro . Lord Amherst of Hackney , M . P ., P . P . S . G . W . Norfolk , as well as many other Provincial Grand Officers , have been instrumental in founding the lodge , and
there is little doubt that an important addition has been made -to the roll of lodges in the province over which R . W . Bro . Hamon Le Strange so ably presides .
< $ > < s * « s > The Cheseldon Lodge will be consecrated on Monday , November 4 th , in the Governor ' s Hall , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in the presence of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught ( President of the Hospital ) , who will himself undertake a portion of the ceremony . W . Bro . Thomas Wakley , jun .,
L . R . C . P ., is to be the first Worshipful Master . The name chosen for the lodge is that of the great Anatomist and Surgeon of St . Thomas ' s Hospital , who introduced the operation for lateral lithotomy .
© © « S > The Province of Worcestershire may be relied on to support with an adequate contribution the popular Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Augustus F . Godson , on the occasion of his presiding at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Festival in February next . The Institution will then have completed its sixtieth year .
The installation of the Rev . J . Holme Pilkington , as Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch Province of Suffolk , in succession to the late lamented Rev . C . J . Martyn , took place on October 2 nd . M . E . Comp . Judge Philbrick , Grand Superintendent of the neighbouring Province of Essex , very ably and impressively performed the ceremony in the presence of a representative gathering of Royal Arch Masons of the province . * *
A very excellent example has been set by the Lord Mayor elect , who has resigned his seat on the board of Goldsborough , Mort & Co ., and will not during his year of office be on the directorate of any public company . The duties devolving on the Lord Mayor in the coming Coronation year will be many and arduous , and furnish a further reason why Bro . Sir Joseph Dimsdale should have found it necessary to set aside all ordinary business engagements . © « K » »®>
One of the last functions performed by the present Lord Mayor , R . W . Bro . the Right Hon . Frank Green , P . G . W ., was the unveiling on the 5 th of October of a statue of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria at the Alexandra Palace . The occasion was also marked by the opening of seven new fountains , by W . Bro . W . J . Crump , Mayor of Islington , and the
inauguration of a Welcome Club by the Lady Mayoress . The ceremonies were assisted by the new Sheriffs and many other visitors of note .
The ceremony of cutting the first sod of the site of the proposed Arts and Industrial Exhibition , to be held at Wolverhampton next year , was , on the 17 th October , performed by R . W . Bro . the Earl of Dartmouth , Prov . Grand Master for Staffordshire . The exhibition is intended to be representative of the important and varied manufactures of Staffordshire ,
War \ vickshire , Worcestershire , and surrounding districts . The buildings will cover nearly forty acres and the guarantee fund amounts to X " 3- i , ooo .
We are pleased to notice , amongst the list of honours conferred for distinguished service in the South African campaign , that Bro . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., of the Imperial Yeomanry , P . G . W . and Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire , has been made a C . B ., and that Bro . T . C . Pleydell Galley , of the 1 st Life Guards , who was one of the
recipients of Past Grand rank on the installation of the Grand Master in July last , has been promoted to the brevet rank of Colonel . ¦ Q ' " u ) : " \ u ?
The London Hospital Lodge , which has been founded by the staff of the great institution in Mile End Road , was consecrated at the Hotel Cecil on the qth October by the Grand Secretary . It is now the fourth of the lodges in the Metropolis connected with the medical profession , the others being the Rahere ( St . Bartholomew's ) , the Middlesex , and the
Chere Rene ( Chairing Cross ) . The Cheseldon ( St . Thomas ' s ) will shortly follow . With these and others , notably the / Esculapius and the Cavendish , it cannot be said that the medical profession has been neglecting its opportunities for Masonic communion . Each lodge is flourishing and bids fair to be a permanent and valuable addition to the lodges of London .
It is with sincere regret we have to announce the death of Bro . Horatio Ward , of Canterbury , which occurred on the 1 oth of October . For a generation Bro . Ward has occupied a prominent position in Kentish Freemasonry . Few men have deserved better of their brethren , and fewer still have combined the ability and the desire to be useful members of the Craft . Bro . Ward may be said to have devoted his life , apart from the business claims on his time , to Freemasonry .
TIIK LATK HIIO . HOIIATIO WARD . It would be impossible , within the space at our disposal , to give a detailed account of his Masonic career , which extended over a period of forty years . He has been numbered amongst the Past Masters since 1865 , in which year he was installed as W . M . in the Cuthberga Lodge , No . 622 ,