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Bro. William James Hughan, P.G.D. England, &C.
Bro . William James Hughan , P . G . D . England , & c .
r piIE fame of Torquay as one of the loveliest spots in j England extends over many lands , but it has a still wider Masonic fame as the home of William James Htighan , the doyen of Masonic historians , whose name is known and honoured wherever the mystic Craft has found a footing ,
which is equivalent to saying , throughout the world . Dr . Mackey in his " Encyclpedia " has well said " The history of Masonry in England , in which the brotherhood of the world is so deeply interested , will never have justice done to its historians unless there is placed amongst the first entitled to immortality the name of William James Htighan ....
The Fraternity have an international interest in him . " Of Bro . Hughan ' s personality space here allows me to write but little , or I could enlarge on the kindness , the never-failing courtesy , and the entire unselfishness which characterise his dealings with the brethren at home and abroad , ranging from Grand Masters of many jurisdictions to the newly-raised Master Mason . To one and all he is ever easy of access , and his vast knowledge is as readily
and ungrudgingly placed at the disposal of the one as of the other . The mutual devotion of himself and his charming wife , now unhappily an invalid , is a practical lesson of the
tenets of our Order which is as beautiful in itself as it is deserving of wider imitation . Our learned brother was initiated in St . Aubyn Lodge ,
No . 954 , Devonport , on July 14 th , 186 3 . Subsequently he was Secretary of No . 331 , Truro , and Worshipful Master of Fortitude , No . 131 , Truro ,
in 1868 and 1878 . His promotion , strictly through merit , was rapid , and within a few vears he became Provincial Grand Secretary of Cornwall , and afterwards
Provincial Senior Grand Warden . On leaving Cornwall for Torquay he was presented b y Bro . the Earl of Alount Edgcumbe , Provincial Grand
Master , on behalf of the province , with a purse of 270 sovereigns and a Past Provincial Grand Secretary ' s jewel as a token of affection
and esteem . In 1 S 8 4 a still larger sum was presented to him b y brethren at home and abroad , in London , the late Sir John Monckton , Past Grand Warden , taking the chair at the presentation , the Secretaries being his old friends , Bros . William Lake ( Assistant G . Secretary ) and T . B . Whytehead ( P . G . S . B . ) .
Bro . Hughan is a Past Senior Grand Deacon in the Craft , Past Assistant Grand Sojourner in the Royal Arch , Past Grand Warden of the Mark Grand Lodge , Past Great Constable of the Order of the Temple , Honorary Provincial Prior of Canada under the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada , and Honorary Member of the 32 Supreme 0
Council , 33 , England and Wales . To the Charities individually and generally , as Yicc-Patron or Vice-President , he has given at his best and served as Steward man ) - times , besides being for a number of years the manager of the votes for his adopted Province of Cornwall . M y esteemed friend was one of the principal founders of the famous Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , and has ever been a
HRO . w . . 1 . HUGHAN .
valued contributor to its ' Transactions . He was a founder and first Alaster of Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . 7 8 , Truro , and also of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cornwall , of which he was first Grand Secretary . He is also a life member of " Mother Kilwinning , " besides being a Past Master of No . 70 , Plymouth .
His honorary memberships are legion , and only a small portion can be recounted here , such as No . 75 , Falmouth ( his first , being a recognition of his tracing out the right of the ledge to the Freemasons' Hall medal ) ; Nos . 279 , 523 , and 2429 , of Leicester ; Nos . 250 , 1010 , and 2494 , Hull ; Nos . 236 , 1611 ,
and 2328 , York ; No . 39 , Exeter ; Nos . 1159 , 2128 , and 23 6 9 , London ; No . 41 , Bath ; No . 202 5 , Plymouth ; Anchor and Hope , Calcutta ; No . i 960 , Rawal Pindi ; the oldest lodge in the world , the Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 , Edinburgh ; No . 5 , of the same lovely city ; also Canongate Kilwinning ,
No . 2 ; No . 30 , Stirling ; No . 53 , Dumfries ; No . 350 , Armagh ; No . 47 , Dundalk ; Franklin Lodge , Philadelphia ; Fortitude , No . 47 , Kentucky ; Magnolia Lodge , Columbus ,
Ohio ; the celebrated Massachusetts Lodge , Boston ; Kilwinian Lodge , Cincinatti , Ohio ; Past Senior Grand Warden of Egypt ( an honour which he shares with our
Most Worshipful Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught ) ; Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , & c . ; as well
as a member of the like distinctions in the Royal Arch and other Degrees . No one could better have earned all these honours than Bro . Hughan , \\ U 10 wears them
with a simplicity and modesty that still further endear him to the army of his admirers as practically an international Craftsman . It is , however , in the field
of Masonic literature that Bro . Hughan stands facile priuceps . He is practically the founder of the authentic school of Masonic historians , in contradistinction to those who
accept the wild fables that have been current in the Craft . His first work was the
" Constitutions of the Freemasons , published by the late Bro . R . Spencer , London , in 186 9 , and containing inter alia a facsimile of Cole's MS . Next came a " History of Freemasonry in York " ( 1871 ) . Then "Unpublished Records of the Craft" ( 1871 ) ( also published in one vol . ); "The Old Charge of British Freemasons" ( 1872 ); "Memorials of the
Masonic Union of 1813 " ( 1874 ); "A Numerical and Numismatical Register of Lodges" ( 1878 ); "Origin of the English Rite of Freemasony" ( 188 4 ) ; " The Engraved List of Regular Lodges for A . n . 1734 " ( 188 9 ); "History of the Apollo Lodge , York" ( 1889 ); "History of the Lion and
Lamb Lodge" ( 1894 ); and "Old Charges of British Freemasons " ( 1895 ) . Besides these important works ( all of which are now out of print ) he has written nearly sixty pamphlets , edited a number of calendars , directories , archaeological notes to Masonic works , and " Introductions" ( often containing most valuable research ) to many of the important lodge histories or other Masonic works published in the United Kingdom and elsewhere during
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro. William James Hughan, P.G.D. England, &C.
Bro . William James Hughan , P . G . D . England , & c .
r piIE fame of Torquay as one of the loveliest spots in j England extends over many lands , but it has a still wider Masonic fame as the home of William James Htighan , the doyen of Masonic historians , whose name is known and honoured wherever the mystic Craft has found a footing ,
which is equivalent to saying , throughout the world . Dr . Mackey in his " Encyclpedia " has well said " The history of Masonry in England , in which the brotherhood of the world is so deeply interested , will never have justice done to its historians unless there is placed amongst the first entitled to immortality the name of William James Htighan ....
The Fraternity have an international interest in him . " Of Bro . Hughan ' s personality space here allows me to write but little , or I could enlarge on the kindness , the never-failing courtesy , and the entire unselfishness which characterise his dealings with the brethren at home and abroad , ranging from Grand Masters of many jurisdictions to the newly-raised Master Mason . To one and all he is ever easy of access , and his vast knowledge is as readily
and ungrudgingly placed at the disposal of the one as of the other . The mutual devotion of himself and his charming wife , now unhappily an invalid , is a practical lesson of the
tenets of our Order which is as beautiful in itself as it is deserving of wider imitation . Our learned brother was initiated in St . Aubyn Lodge ,
No . 954 , Devonport , on July 14 th , 186 3 . Subsequently he was Secretary of No . 331 , Truro , and Worshipful Master of Fortitude , No . 131 , Truro ,
in 1868 and 1878 . His promotion , strictly through merit , was rapid , and within a few vears he became Provincial Grand Secretary of Cornwall , and afterwards
Provincial Senior Grand Warden . On leaving Cornwall for Torquay he was presented b y Bro . the Earl of Alount Edgcumbe , Provincial Grand
Master , on behalf of the province , with a purse of 270 sovereigns and a Past Provincial Grand Secretary ' s jewel as a token of affection
and esteem . In 1 S 8 4 a still larger sum was presented to him b y brethren at home and abroad , in London , the late Sir John Monckton , Past Grand Warden , taking the chair at the presentation , the Secretaries being his old friends , Bros . William Lake ( Assistant G . Secretary ) and T . B . Whytehead ( P . G . S . B . ) .
Bro . Hughan is a Past Senior Grand Deacon in the Craft , Past Assistant Grand Sojourner in the Royal Arch , Past Grand Warden of the Mark Grand Lodge , Past Great Constable of the Order of the Temple , Honorary Provincial Prior of Canada under the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada , and Honorary Member of the 32 Supreme 0
Council , 33 , England and Wales . To the Charities individually and generally , as Yicc-Patron or Vice-President , he has given at his best and served as Steward man ) - times , besides being for a number of years the manager of the votes for his adopted Province of Cornwall . M y esteemed friend was one of the principal founders of the famous Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , and has ever been a
HRO . w . . 1 . HUGHAN .
valued contributor to its ' Transactions . He was a founder and first Alaster of Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . 7 8 , Truro , and also of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cornwall , of which he was first Grand Secretary . He is also a life member of " Mother Kilwinning , " besides being a Past Master of No . 70 , Plymouth .
His honorary memberships are legion , and only a small portion can be recounted here , such as No . 75 , Falmouth ( his first , being a recognition of his tracing out the right of the ledge to the Freemasons' Hall medal ) ; Nos . 279 , 523 , and 2429 , of Leicester ; Nos . 250 , 1010 , and 2494 , Hull ; Nos . 236 , 1611 ,
and 2328 , York ; No . 39 , Exeter ; Nos . 1159 , 2128 , and 23 6 9 , London ; No . 41 , Bath ; No . 202 5 , Plymouth ; Anchor and Hope , Calcutta ; No . i 960 , Rawal Pindi ; the oldest lodge in the world , the Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 , Edinburgh ; No . 5 , of the same lovely city ; also Canongate Kilwinning ,
No . 2 ; No . 30 , Stirling ; No . 53 , Dumfries ; No . 350 , Armagh ; No . 47 , Dundalk ; Franklin Lodge , Philadelphia ; Fortitude , No . 47 , Kentucky ; Magnolia Lodge , Columbus ,
Ohio ; the celebrated Massachusetts Lodge , Boston ; Kilwinian Lodge , Cincinatti , Ohio ; Past Senior Grand Warden of Egypt ( an honour which he shares with our
Most Worshipful Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught ) ; Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Iowa , & c . ; as well
as a member of the like distinctions in the Royal Arch and other Degrees . No one could better have earned all these honours than Bro . Hughan , \\ U 10 wears them
with a simplicity and modesty that still further endear him to the army of his admirers as practically an international Craftsman . It is , however , in the field
of Masonic literature that Bro . Hughan stands facile priuceps . He is practically the founder of the authentic school of Masonic historians , in contradistinction to those who
accept the wild fables that have been current in the Craft . His first work was the
" Constitutions of the Freemasons , published by the late Bro . R . Spencer , London , in 186 9 , and containing inter alia a facsimile of Cole's MS . Next came a " History of Freemasonry in York " ( 1871 ) . Then "Unpublished Records of the Craft" ( 1871 ) ( also published in one vol . ); "The Old Charge of British Freemasons" ( 1872 ); "Memorials of the
Masonic Union of 1813 " ( 1874 ); "A Numerical and Numismatical Register of Lodges" ( 1878 ); "Origin of the English Rite of Freemasony" ( 188 4 ) ; " The Engraved List of Regular Lodges for A . n . 1734 " ( 188 9 ); "History of the Apollo Lodge , York" ( 1889 ); "History of the Lion and
Lamb Lodge" ( 1894 ); and "Old Charges of British Freemasons " ( 1895 ) . Besides these important works ( all of which are now out of print ) he has written nearly sixty pamphlets , edited a number of calendars , directories , archaeological notes to Masonic works , and " Introductions" ( often containing most valuable research ) to many of the important lodge histories or other Masonic works published in the United Kingdom and elsewhere during