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Bro. William James Hughan, P.G.D. England, &C.
the last quarter of a century or more . If there is one branch of research which Bro . Hughan may be said to have made more peculiarl y his own than another , it is the " Old Charges , " every known copy of which has passed under his eagle eye , and been carefully deciphered
, annotated , and classified by him , as the widely recognised expert in that department . He has always been most ready to accept and acknowledge the assistance of other Masonic students , as the writer can testify . The walls of his rooms are covered with beautifully
illuminated addresses , diplomas of honorary membership and similar documents , whilst his library is replete with the choicest treasures of our literature .
Freemasonry is not the only subject in which our learned brother is an expert . He has long been an authority and lecturer on old bibles ; an ardent instructor in Sunday school and temperance work ; a valued director on the boards of several local public companies , and takes a keen interest in all public matters .
It may be well said of him that to know him is to love him , and we pray that he may long be spared to the Craft he has so well served , to the devoted partner of his joys and sorrows , and to the many friends to whom he has endeared himself by the practice of every Masonic and social virtue . FRKD J . W . CKOWK , P . Prov . G . Rei _ .. & c .
Consecration Of The Cheshunt Craft Lodge,No.2921, And The James Terry Mark Lodge,No.557.
Consecration of the Cheshunt Craft Lodge,No .2921, and the James Terry Mark Lodge,No .557 .
THE consecration of the above-named lodges by the Provincial Grand Master of Herts ., Bro . the Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., took place after a meeting of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge , on Friday , October 31 st , at the Great Eastern Hotel .
HMO . JAMES TERRY . The Craft lodge was opened by Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D . assisted bBros . DrCWellsP . M . P . S . G . W . as
, y . . , , , S . W . ; R . Cranston , P . M ., P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; the Rev . E . S pencer-Phillips , M . A ., P . G . C , as Chaplain ; Dr . O . C . Cockrem , P . G . D ., P . P . G . C , P . G . Sec , Acting Secretary ; James Terry , P . G . D . C , as D . C ; and J . W . Hunt , P . G . P ., as
I . G . The chair was then occupied by the Provincial Grand Master . In his oration the Chaplain reminded the brethren that in the midst of their rejoicing at the formation of a new lodge they should not lose sight of the main objects in the extension of the Order , viz ., the opportunity it afforded of
exercising those virtues of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , which , if properly piactised , must prove an influence for good on those with whom they associate . He appealed to the brethren to make an earnest study of the secrets and teaching of Freemasonry which underlie the outward symbols
of the Craft , both in lodge and in private . Freemasonry in England occupied a specially dignified position , both in its relation to religion and the State . Neither the Christian bodies nor the State had ever had cause—nor need they have
cause in the future—to look askance on Freemasonry , but rather to welcome her as a handmaid in all undertakings which were intended to aid our fellow men or conduce to the welfare of the country—in fact , to be a Mason in England was to be a God-fearing man and a loyal citizen , and so the formation of every new lodge might be welcomed
as enlarging the sphere of action of a body of men who are pledged to discharge aright their duties to God and the powers that be . He invoked the blessing of the Most High upon the Cheshunt Craft Lodge and all who were now or shall hereafter become members of it . He exhorted them
to . sedulously practise the cardinal virtues of Freemasonry and be distinguished by the excellence of their working in the lodge , and so become a powerful means of furthering all the objects of their ancient and honoured Brotherhood .
Upon the completion of the ceremony of consecration the Provincial Grand Master vacated the chair in favour of Bro . F . Sumner Knyvett , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W ., who installed Bro . James Graham , P . M ., P . P . D . G . D . C . Essex , as Worshipful Master , who invested his officers as follows : —Bros . G . Herbert Burns , P . M ., as S . W . ; Capt . C . Troughtoii , J . W . ;
S . A . Weedon , Treasurer ; A . E . Remington , Secretary ; J . Ward , S . D . ; J . H . Smyth , J . D . ; J . H . Callen , D . C ; F . W . Mason , I . G . ; W . Knill , Steward ; and G . Rowe , Tyler . Bro . W . Metcalfe , P . P . G . Treasurer , was appointed to act as I . P . M .
At the conclusion of the cej-emony a banquet took place , the Provincial Grand Master in the chair , supported by the Consecrating Officers and many other Grand Officers . The toasts were proposed and replied to with commendable brevity .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro. William James Hughan, P.G.D. England, &C.
the last quarter of a century or more . If there is one branch of research which Bro . Hughan may be said to have made more peculiarl y his own than another , it is the " Old Charges , " every known copy of which has passed under his eagle eye , and been carefully deciphered
, annotated , and classified by him , as the widely recognised expert in that department . He has always been most ready to accept and acknowledge the assistance of other Masonic students , as the writer can testify . The walls of his rooms are covered with beautifully
illuminated addresses , diplomas of honorary membership and similar documents , whilst his library is replete with the choicest treasures of our literature .
Freemasonry is not the only subject in which our learned brother is an expert . He has long been an authority and lecturer on old bibles ; an ardent instructor in Sunday school and temperance work ; a valued director on the boards of several local public companies , and takes a keen interest in all public matters .
It may be well said of him that to know him is to love him , and we pray that he may long be spared to the Craft he has so well served , to the devoted partner of his joys and sorrows , and to the many friends to whom he has endeared himself by the practice of every Masonic and social virtue . FRKD J . W . CKOWK , P . Prov . G . Rei _ .. & c .
Consecration Of The Cheshunt Craft Lodge,No.2921, And The James Terry Mark Lodge,No.557.
Consecration of the Cheshunt Craft Lodge,No .2921, and the James Terry Mark Lodge,No .557 .
THE consecration of the above-named lodges by the Provincial Grand Master of Herts ., Bro . the Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., took place after a meeting of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge , on Friday , October 31 st , at the Great Eastern Hotel .
HMO . JAMES TERRY . The Craft lodge was opened by Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D . assisted bBros . DrCWellsP . M . P . S . G . W . as
, y . . , , , S . W . ; R . Cranston , P . M ., P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; the Rev . E . S pencer-Phillips , M . A ., P . G . C , as Chaplain ; Dr . O . C . Cockrem , P . G . D ., P . P . G . C , P . G . Sec , Acting Secretary ; James Terry , P . G . D . C , as D . C ; and J . W . Hunt , P . G . P ., as
I . G . The chair was then occupied by the Provincial Grand Master . In his oration the Chaplain reminded the brethren that in the midst of their rejoicing at the formation of a new lodge they should not lose sight of the main objects in the extension of the Order , viz ., the opportunity it afforded of
exercising those virtues of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , which , if properly piactised , must prove an influence for good on those with whom they associate . He appealed to the brethren to make an earnest study of the secrets and teaching of Freemasonry which underlie the outward symbols
of the Craft , both in lodge and in private . Freemasonry in England occupied a specially dignified position , both in its relation to religion and the State . Neither the Christian bodies nor the State had ever had cause—nor need they have
cause in the future—to look askance on Freemasonry , but rather to welcome her as a handmaid in all undertakings which were intended to aid our fellow men or conduce to the welfare of the country—in fact , to be a Mason in England was to be a God-fearing man and a loyal citizen , and so the formation of every new lodge might be welcomed
as enlarging the sphere of action of a body of men who are pledged to discharge aright their duties to God and the powers that be . He invoked the blessing of the Most High upon the Cheshunt Craft Lodge and all who were now or shall hereafter become members of it . He exhorted them
to . sedulously practise the cardinal virtues of Freemasonry and be distinguished by the excellence of their working in the lodge , and so become a powerful means of furthering all the objects of their ancient and honoured Brotherhood .
Upon the completion of the ceremony of consecration the Provincial Grand Master vacated the chair in favour of Bro . F . Sumner Knyvett , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W ., who installed Bro . James Graham , P . M ., P . P . D . G . D . C . Essex , as Worshipful Master , who invested his officers as follows : —Bros . G . Herbert Burns , P . M ., as S . W . ; Capt . C . Troughtoii , J . W . ;
S . A . Weedon , Treasurer ; A . E . Remington , Secretary ; J . Ward , S . D . ; J . H . Smyth , J . D . ; J . H . Callen , D . C ; F . W . Mason , I . G . ; W . Knill , Steward ; and G . Rowe , Tyler . Bro . W . Metcalfe , P . P . G . Treasurer , was appointed to act as I . P . M .
At the conclusion of the cej-emony a banquet took place , the Provincial Grand Master in the chair , supported by the Consecrating Officers and many other Grand Officers . The toasts were proposed and replied to with commendable brevity .