Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SOMERSET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article "The Masonic Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MONMOUTHSHIRE. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
P . P . G . S . W ., was elected as a trustee of the property of the Province in the place of the late Bro . Adair , and the sum of £ 100 was ordered to be drawn from deposit and invested in consols . Bro . S . R . Baskett , 329 , then proposed " That this Provincial Grand Lodge is of opinion that it is desirable to have a Benevolent Fund for local charitable purposes for the Province of Somerset ,
and that the matter be referred to the Charity Organization Committee , or to a Committee specially appointed by this P . G . L . to consider the question , and report at the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . " Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd seconded the proposal , which was spoken to by Bro . White . After some discussion , it was resolved to omit the
latter part of the resolution , leaving it to the P . G . M . to determine whether , after consultation with the Charity Organization Committee , it was desirable to convene a special meeting of the P . G . L . Alms were then collected , amounting to £ 7 14 s . 3 Jd ., which , on the proposal of the W . M . of St . Kew Lodge , seconded by the I . P . M ., was voted to the Weston-super-Mare Hospital , and acknowledged
by the P . G . S . W . as one of the officers of that institution . An adjournment was subsequently made to the Grand Atlantic Hotel , where a large number partook of a repast , served in elegant style , under the presidency of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , who was pleased to express his entire approval of the arrangement made , and congratulated the town on Mr . Drinkwater ' s extensive undertaking .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The following is the agenda of business which at the time of our going to press will be submitted for the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England at the Quarterly Convocation of the 7 th inst . ( last evening ) , and which
will doubtless have been accepted and approved . After the minutes of the previous Quarterly Convocation have received confirmation , the Committee of General purposes will report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th April to the I 6 th July , 1889 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —
To Balance Grand By Disbursements dur-Chapter £ 123 13 7 ing the Quarter ... £ 304 14 0 „ Balance Unappro- „ Balance 175 3 7 priated Account 192 19 7 „ „ Unappropri-,, Subsequent Receipts 358 11 6 ated Account ... 195 7 1 £ 675 4 8 £ 675 4 8
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . They also report that they have received the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . Bro . Henry Piatt , as Z . ; Donald Cameron , as H . ; William Hugh Thomas , as J . ; and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the St . David's Lodge , No . 384 , Bangor , to be called the Star of Gwynedd Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall ,
Bangor , in the Province of North Wales . 2 nd . From Comps . George Joseph Westbury , as Z . ; Thomas Edward Lucy , as H . ; Edward Arthur Hicks , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge Semper Fidelis , No . 529 , Worcester , to be called the Semper Fidelis Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , High Street , in the City of Worcester .
3 rd . From Comps . Alfred Rixon , as Z . ; Walter Gait Gribbon , as H . ; Thomas Blanco White , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , London , to be called the Moriah Chapter , and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London .
4 th . From Comps . Jehanghir Kursetji Rustomji Carna . as Z . ; Nathaniel John Goodchild , as H . ; Ebenezer Charles Mulvey , as J . ; and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Regent ' s Park Lodge , No . 2202 , London , to be called the Regent ' s Park Chapter , and to meet at the York and Albany Hotel , Gloucester Gate , Regent ' s Park , London .
The foregoing petitions being , in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee also report that they have received memorials , with extracts of minuses , on the removal of the following chapters , and being satisfied of the reasonableness of the requests , recommend that the removal of these chapters be sanctioned , viz : —
( 1 . ) The Joppa Chapter , No . 188 , from the Albion'Tavern to the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , London . ( 2 . ) The Westbourne Chapter , No . 733 , from St . John ' s Wood to the Holbom Restaurant , Holborn . ( 3 . ) The Phoenix Chapter of St . Ann , No . 1235 , from the Court House to the Town Hall , Buxton .
The Committee further report that in consequence of the formation and recognition of a Grand Lodge of Victoria , there are , with the exception of the Meridian Lodge of St . John , No . 729 , and the Combermere Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , which have not yet signified their intention of joining the Grand Lodge of Victoria , no longer English craft lodges in that colony to which the chapters
meeting in the District of Victoria can be attached , as required by Article 45 , Royal Arch Regulations . The Committee , therefore , recommend that the Charters of the undermentioned chapters be withdrawn and cancelled , and that the chapters be erased from the Register of the Grand Chapter : —
Nos . 474 , Australasian , Melbourne ; 530 , Victorian , Melbourne ; 641 , Royal Golden of Bendigo , Sandhurst ; 692 , Eureka , Castlemain ; 713 , Yarrowee , Ballarat ; 727 , Collingwood , Melbourne ; 728 , St . John , Beechworth ; 747 , Melbourne , Melbourne ; 930 , South Yarra , Melbourne . ( Signed ) ROBERT GEEY , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 17 th July , 1889 .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ') THE HOURS WE SPEND TOGETHER .
BROTHERS assembled here to-night To give each other greeting . I find such seasons a delight , — Brother with Brother meeting ; Strengthening the bond of unity That time doth fail to sever , So this my chosen theme shall be—The hours we spend together .
To our beloved honored guests . Whose presence gives much pleasure . Did I fulfil my heart's request I'd praise them without measure : But will refrain , and only say That even wintry weather Shall pleasant seem as flowers in May In hours we spend together .
Nor will we silently pass by Departed ones so near us ; Their spirits may be hovering nigh . Just nigh enough to cheer us ! Then here's to those we oft have met In cold or pleasant weather ; Oh , may we never once forget The hours we've spent together .
And here ' s to Masons everywhere Who by Masonic living . Guided by compass , rule and square , Are good example giving ; Our hearts are bound in closest tie .
And so—no matter whether In happiness we meet , or die , The hours well spend together ! Sydney Freemasons' Chronicle .
A MASONIC GLEE . The " Fairy Tale " which appeared in the Gentleman ' s Magazine for 1800 , is after the style of the subjoined " Masonic Glee " ( music by Stepforth ) , which was published in the Monthl y Review for 1797 , three years earlier . LIGHTLY o'er the village green , Blue-eyed fairies sport unseen , Round and round , in circles gay ;
Then at cockcrow nit away : Thus 'tis said , tho' mortal eye , Ne ' er their merry freaks could spy , Elves for mortals lisp the pray'r—Elves are guardians of the fair . Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing .
Come , then , brothers , lead along . Social rites and mystic song ; Tho' nor madam , miss , or Bess , Could our myst'ries ever guess . Nor could ever learned divine
Sacred Masonry define , Round our order close we bind Laws of love to all mankind ! Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing !
Health , then , to each honest man , Friend to the Masonic plan ; Leaving cynics grave to blunder , Leaving ladies fair to wonder , Leaving Thomas still to lie ,
Leaving Betty still to spy . Round and round we push our glass , Round and round we toast each lass . Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing . ' Newoattle Weekly Chronicle . ANO . INNO . Heaton .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Monmouthshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Monmouth , on the 1 st inst ., under the banner of the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , No . 457 . The brethren assembled at one o ' clock , and the Grand Lodge was opened by the Provincial Grand Master ( Col . Lyne ) , with the assistance of the following officers : —Capt . S . Homfray , Deputy P . G . M . ; Capt . J . A . Bradney
P . G . S . W . ; Bro . J . L . Hunter , J . W . ; Rev . J . Osman , chap . ; Rev . H M . T . Bidwell , assist , chap . ; Bro . W . Pickford , treas . ; Bro . W Barnett , regis . ; Bro . A . Taylor , sec . ; Bro . J . Straker , S . D . ; Bro . A , Miller , J . D . ; Bro . J . P . Fowler , supt . of works ; Bro . J . Stemp , D . C . ; Bro . D . R . Jones , assist . D . C . ; Bro . R . W . Jones , sword bearer ; Bro . J . H . Pethengale , standard bearer ; Bro . J . C . Brooke , assist , sec .
Bro . W . B . Jones , organist ; Bro . II . Faulkner , pursvt . ; Bro . T . L Preece , tyler ; Bro . H . Fletcher , assist , tyler ; Bros . Samuel Dean C . C . Powell , A . Thornton , E . Winfield , and J . Jones , stewards . Afterwards a very richerahe banquet Avas provided at the Rolls Hall by Bro . J . Thomas . Over 100 brethren sat down . The hall was beautifully decorated , ladies were present on the stage , and the band of the R . M . E . M . discoursed selections in the gallery .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
P . P . G . S . W ., was elected as a trustee of the property of the Province in the place of the late Bro . Adair , and the sum of £ 100 was ordered to be drawn from deposit and invested in consols . Bro . S . R . Baskett , 329 , then proposed " That this Provincial Grand Lodge is of opinion that it is desirable to have a Benevolent Fund for local charitable purposes for the Province of Somerset ,
and that the matter be referred to the Charity Organization Committee , or to a Committee specially appointed by this P . G . L . to consider the question , and report at the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . " Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd seconded the proposal , which was spoken to by Bro . White . After some discussion , it was resolved to omit the
latter part of the resolution , leaving it to the P . G . M . to determine whether , after consultation with the Charity Organization Committee , it was desirable to convene a special meeting of the P . G . L . Alms were then collected , amounting to £ 7 14 s . 3 Jd ., which , on the proposal of the W . M . of St . Kew Lodge , seconded by the I . P . M ., was voted to the Weston-super-Mare Hospital , and acknowledged
by the P . G . S . W . as one of the officers of that institution . An adjournment was subsequently made to the Grand Atlantic Hotel , where a large number partook of a repast , served in elegant style , under the presidency of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , who was pleased to express his entire approval of the arrangement made , and congratulated the town on Mr . Drinkwater ' s extensive undertaking .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The following is the agenda of business which at the time of our going to press will be submitted for the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England at the Quarterly Convocation of the 7 th inst . ( last evening ) , and which
will doubtless have been accepted and approved . After the minutes of the previous Quarterly Convocation have received confirmation , the Committee of General purposes will report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th April to the I 6 th July , 1889 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —
To Balance Grand By Disbursements dur-Chapter £ 123 13 7 ing the Quarter ... £ 304 14 0 „ Balance Unappro- „ Balance 175 3 7 priated Account 192 19 7 „ „ Unappropri-,, Subsequent Receipts 358 11 6 ated Account ... 195 7 1 £ 675 4 8 £ 675 4 8
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . They also report that they have received the following petitions : — 1 st . From Comps . Bro . Henry Piatt , as Z . ; Donald Cameron , as H . ; William Hugh Thomas , as J . ; and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the St . David's Lodge , No . 384 , Bangor , to be called the Star of Gwynedd Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall ,
Bangor , in the Province of North Wales . 2 nd . From Comps . George Joseph Westbury , as Z . ; Thomas Edward Lucy , as H . ; Edward Arthur Hicks , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge Semper Fidelis , No . 529 , Worcester , to be called the Semper Fidelis Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , High Street , in the City of Worcester .
3 rd . From Comps . Alfred Rixon , as Z . ; Walter Gait Gribbon , as H . ; Thomas Blanco White , as J . ; and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , London , to be called the Moriah Chapter , and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London .
4 th . From Comps . Jehanghir Kursetji Rustomji Carna . as Z . ; Nathaniel John Goodchild , as H . ; Ebenezer Charles Mulvey , as J . ; and seven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Regent ' s Park Lodge , No . 2202 , London , to be called the Regent ' s Park Chapter , and to meet at the York and Albany Hotel , Gloucester Gate , Regent ' s Park , London .
The foregoing petitions being , in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee also report that they have received memorials , with extracts of minuses , on the removal of the following chapters , and being satisfied of the reasonableness of the requests , recommend that the removal of these chapters be sanctioned , viz : —
( 1 . ) The Joppa Chapter , No . 188 , from the Albion'Tavern to the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , London . ( 2 . ) The Westbourne Chapter , No . 733 , from St . John ' s Wood to the Holbom Restaurant , Holborn . ( 3 . ) The Phoenix Chapter of St . Ann , No . 1235 , from the Court House to the Town Hall , Buxton .
The Committee further report that in consequence of the formation and recognition of a Grand Lodge of Victoria , there are , with the exception of the Meridian Lodge of St . John , No . 729 , and the Combermere Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , which have not yet signified their intention of joining the Grand Lodge of Victoria , no longer English craft lodges in that colony to which the chapters
meeting in the District of Victoria can be attached , as required by Article 45 , Royal Arch Regulations . The Committee , therefore , recommend that the Charters of the undermentioned chapters be withdrawn and cancelled , and that the chapters be erased from the Register of the Grand Chapter : —
Nos . 474 , Australasian , Melbourne ; 530 , Victorian , Melbourne ; 641 , Royal Golden of Bendigo , Sandhurst ; 692 , Eureka , Castlemain ; 713 , Yarrowee , Ballarat ; 727 , Collingwood , Melbourne ; 728 , St . John , Beechworth ; 747 , Melbourne , Melbourne ; 930 , South Yarra , Melbourne . ( Signed ) ROBERT GEEY , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 17 th July , 1889 .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ') THE HOURS WE SPEND TOGETHER .
BROTHERS assembled here to-night To give each other greeting . I find such seasons a delight , — Brother with Brother meeting ; Strengthening the bond of unity That time doth fail to sever , So this my chosen theme shall be—The hours we spend together .
To our beloved honored guests . Whose presence gives much pleasure . Did I fulfil my heart's request I'd praise them without measure : But will refrain , and only say That even wintry weather Shall pleasant seem as flowers in May In hours we spend together .
Nor will we silently pass by Departed ones so near us ; Their spirits may be hovering nigh . Just nigh enough to cheer us ! Then here's to those we oft have met In cold or pleasant weather ; Oh , may we never once forget The hours we've spent together .
And here ' s to Masons everywhere Who by Masonic living . Guided by compass , rule and square , Are good example giving ; Our hearts are bound in closest tie .
And so—no matter whether In happiness we meet , or die , The hours well spend together ! Sydney Freemasons' Chronicle .
A MASONIC GLEE . The " Fairy Tale " which appeared in the Gentleman ' s Magazine for 1800 , is after the style of the subjoined " Masonic Glee " ( music by Stepforth ) , which was published in the Monthl y Review for 1797 , three years earlier . LIGHTLY o'er the village green , Blue-eyed fairies sport unseen , Round and round , in circles gay ;
Then at cockcrow nit away : Thus 'tis said , tho' mortal eye , Ne ' er their merry freaks could spy , Elves for mortals lisp the pray'r—Elves are guardians of the fair . Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing .
Come , then , brothers , lead along . Social rites and mystic song ; Tho' nor madam , miss , or Bess , Could our myst'ries ever guess . Nor could ever learned divine
Sacred Masonry define , Round our order close we bind Laws of love to all mankind ! Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing !
Health , then , to each honest man , Friend to the Masonic plan ; Leaving cynics grave to blunder , Leaving ladies fair to wonder , Leaving Thomas still to lie ,
Leaving Betty still to spy . Round and round we push our glass , Round and round we toast each lass . Thus like elves in mystic ring , Merry Masons drink and sing . ' Newoattle Weekly Chronicle . ANO . INNO . Heaton .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Monmouthshire.
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Monmouth , on the 1 st inst ., under the banner of the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , No . 457 . The brethren assembled at one o ' clock , and the Grand Lodge was opened by the Provincial Grand Master ( Col . Lyne ) , with the assistance of the following officers : —Capt . S . Homfray , Deputy P . G . M . ; Capt . J . A . Bradney
P . G . S . W . ; Bro . J . L . Hunter , J . W . ; Rev . J . Osman , chap . ; Rev . H M . T . Bidwell , assist , chap . ; Bro . W . Pickford , treas . ; Bro . W Barnett , regis . ; Bro . A . Taylor , sec . ; Bro . J . Straker , S . D . ; Bro . A , Miller , J . D . ; Bro . J . P . Fowler , supt . of works ; Bro . J . Stemp , D . C . ; Bro . D . R . Jones , assist . D . C . ; Bro . R . W . Jones , sword bearer ; Bro . J . H . Pethengale , standard bearer ; Bro . J . C . Brooke , assist , sec .
Bro . W . B . Jones , organist ; Bro . II . Faulkner , pursvt . ; Bro . T . L Preece , tyler ; Bro . H . Fletcher , assist , tyler ; Bros . Samuel Dean C . C . Powell , A . Thornton , E . Winfield , and J . Jones , stewards . Afterwards a very richerahe banquet Avas provided at the Rolls Hall by Bro . J . Thomas . Over 100 brethren sat down . The hall was beautifully decorated , ladies were present on the stage , and the band of the R . M . E . M . discoursed selections in the gallery .