Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
out the duties devolving upon you during the past ten years in the capacity of Grand Master , contributing thereby so largely to the prosperity enjoyed by the Province from its formation in 1879 , until the present time . We beg , therefore , respectfully , that you
will accept this address as testifying our grateful appreciation of your rule over us , and ever hope and trust that it may please the G . O . O . T . U . long to spare your life , and if so it may be that we may long retain your interest and influence among us . On behalf of the Province , we beg to subscribe ourselves ,
Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , VALENTIA , Prov . Grand Master . C . STEPHENS , D . Prov . Grand Mas . July 31 , 1889 . W . RAVENSCROFT , Prov . Grand Sec . Lord Jersey said he felt extremely grateful to the brethren of the
province for the kind presentation they had just made . He , too . had felt regret in relinquishing the office of Provincial Grand Master , partly because he was aware that he had not carried out its duties so ably and efficiently as the terms of the address might lead them to suppose . They had always had , however , very pleasant and successful meetings whenever the Provincial Grand Lodge had
assembled . Although he had vacated the office of P . G . Master , he should still have the pleasure of being a member of the P . G . Lodge , and his feelings towards the brethren would remain exactly the same as during the period he held the more exalted position of P . G . Master . As they were probably anxious to return to the open air , he would content himself by simply thanking them , with a
warmth even greater than that of the atmosphere , for all the kindness which had been shown him during the ten years it had been his pleasure to rule over their province , and he heartily reciprocated their kind expressions of goodwill . The P . G . Secretary read letters of apology for non-attendance from Lord Carnarvon , Past Grand Master ; Bro . Beach , M . P ., Past
Grand Master ; Bro . the Rev . J . S . Studholme Brownrigg ; Bro . 0 . T . Murdoch , M . P ., and others . Bro . Tomkins invited the Provincial Grand Lodge to assemble under the banner of the Abbey Lodge , at Abingdon next year . The P . G . Master thanked Bro . Tomkins for the kind invitation , and promised to communicate with him on the subject .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and many of the brethren subsequently drove to Woodstock , and by permission of the Duke of Marlborough , inspected Blenheim Palace , and also the orchid houses . They afterwards returned to Oxford and sat down to a banquet , when the customary Mark Masons' toasts were honoured . The weather was delightfully fine , and the brethren spent a most pleasant day .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . In the absence of the Grand Master Mason , the throne was occupied by Bro . Elliot , of Wolfelee , G . S . W . ; Bro . James Dalrymple Duncan , G . S . D ., acted as G . S . W . ; and Bro . Colonel John Campbell , as G . J W . There were also present : Bros , the Rev . R . Henderson ,
G . Chap . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec . ; Major Allan , P . P . G . M ., of Gibraltar ; James Caldwell of Craigielea , P . G . D . ; ex-Provost Christie , Stirling ; David Hume , P . G . B . B . ; James Melville , President of the Board of Grand Stewards , & c . Apologies for absence were intimated from Bros . Sir Archibald C . Campbell , of Blythswood , Bart ., G . M . M . ; Lord Haddington , Lord Saltoun , John Graham , of
Broadstone , Prov . G . M . of Glasgow ; James Berry , Prov . G . M . of Forfarshire ; D . Reid , G . B . B . ; Rev . Thomas Somerville , G . Chap . ; W . Officer , S . S . O .. representative from the Grand Lodge of Pensylvania ; James Crichton , G . J . ; Dr . James Middleton ; Prov . G . M . of Berwick and Roxburgshires . On the motion of the Acting Grand Master , the Grand Secretary
was instructed to prepare and forward a loyal and dutiful address to Her Hajesty the Queen in reference to the marriage of the Duke of Fife and the Princess Louise , and also to the Prince of Wales , and to the Duke of Fife and his Royal spouse . Reports were submitted from which it appeared that the income of Grand Lodge during the quarter ending 20 th July had been
£ 1 . 235 , showing an excess of £ 672 over expenditure . The number of entrants to the order had been 1 , 300 . The income for the first eight months of this year has been £ 3 , ( 58 ( 5 , as compared with £ 3 . 41 ( 5 in the corresponding period last year . During the last quarter £ 90 had been granted from the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence . The annuity fund now amounts to £ 3 , 211 . A report b y Bro .
Bringloe , C . A ., to the board suggested tbat it was desirable to Iteep within safe limits , so as to avoid the necessity of withdrawing any annuity for want of funds , and the keeping in view the liability incurred on existing annuities and the expenses attendant upon the management and administration of the fund , that the total annuities should be restricted to £ 400 for the first two years until the capital accumulates , and the working of the fund is more
thoroughly tested . Grand Lodge resolved to issue charters to the following new lodges : — Taurus , " Mersina , Syria ; " The Golden Light , " Potchefstroom , South African Republic ; "St . Andrew , " Kumara , New Zealand ; and " Sir William Wallace , " Queensland . On the recommendation of the Grand Master , Lord Clanmorris was appointed as representative of Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of Ireland .
Communications were submitted from the District Grand Secretary showing that the District Grand Lodge of Victoria under Scottish constitution had beim dissolved , and that the lodges under its jurisdiction had transferred their allegiance to the newly formed United Grand Lodge of Victoria . The Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge had announced its establishment , and asked for the grand body official and fraternal recognition b y the Grand Lodge of Scotland , with an interchange of representatives , and that
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
the lodges heretofore hailing from the Scottish constitution be allowed to retain their original charters as memorials of their Masonic connection with Scotland . Grand Lodge resolved to enter into fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge Victoria , and to accede to the request of the seceding Scottish holding lodges as to the retention of their charters .
A report was submitted from the P . G . M . of Dumbartonshire , Bro . Martin , of Auchendennan , stating the completion of another round of provincial visitation of the twelve lodges of that province . Everywhere he found work being carried on energetically and enthusiastically , and in strict accordance with the constitution and
laws , and in hardly an instance was it necessary to suggest improvement , even in subordinate details . The accession of numbers in some of the lodges had been astonishing , and in all substantial . He believed Masonry to be at present in a more satisfactory position in this province than at any time within the recollection of their oldest brethren .
In reference to the subject of issuing circulars , Grand Committee recommended the adoption of the following resolution : — "Grand Lodge fully recognises the inalienable right of all Master Masons to meet , discuss , and petition Grand Lodge on any matter connected with Masonry ; but . when a communication is to be addressed to
the whole craft , the sanction of Grand Committee must first be procured . " Bro . Caldwell suggested that the finding should be more explicit , so as to guard brethren from unwittingly infringing the rule , and the matter was sent back to Grand Committee . The other business was routine .
Royal Arch Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON . On the 29 th ulto . the annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Devon was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth . Ex-Comp . Major G . C . Davie , Prov . G . S . E ., officiated as Prov . G . Supt ., pro tern ., with the following officers : —Ex-Comps . the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., 189 , P . P . G . P . S ., P . P . G . 3 rd P ., H . pro tern . ;
J . S . Hersteman , J . ; F . B . Westlake , 70 , P . G . S . E . pro tern . ; W . S , Hearder , 105 , P . G . S . N . pro tern . ; W . Taylor , 328 , P . G . T . ; E . Aitken-Davies , 159 , 1099 , P . P . G . R ., P . G . Reg , pro tern . ; G . B . Gover , 70 , P . P . G . P . S ., Prov . G . P . P . S . pro tern . ; G . R . Barrett , 189 , P . P . G . P . S ., P . G . 1 st A . S . pro tern . ; J . J . O . Evans , 303 , P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; S . Jew , 105 . P . P . G . T ., P . G . S . B . pro tern . ; R . F . Kingdon , 10 ( 5 , P . G . St . B . ; W . Gregory . 1284 , P . G . D . C . ; R . Pengelley , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C
P . G . A . D . C . pro tew . ; E . Murch , 202 , P . P . G . O ., P . G . O . pro tern . ; F . Shooter , P . G . Janitor . There was a large attendance of the companions , and among those also present were : —Ex-Comps . R . H . Rae , 189 , P . P . 3 rd G . P . ; J . R . Lord , 70 , P . P . G . T . ; J . Kinton-Bond , 70 , P . P . G . T . ; W . K . Michell , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Du Pre , 70 , P . P . G . P . S . ; Major J . S . Swann , S 47 , 494 , P . P . G . S . B . ; P . B . Clemens , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . A . S . ; C . Watsou , 954 . P . P . G . D . C . ; W . Harris , 1138 , P . P . G . A . S . ; J . Allen , 1099 , P . P . G . St . B . ; F . C . Hallett , 303 , P . P . G .
St . B . ; R . Cawsey , 230 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . H . Miller , 223 , P . P . G . St . B . ; W . Browning , 223 . P . P . G . O . ; E . Binding , 202 , P . P . G . O . ; George Whittley , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . O . Ex-Comp . Davie apologised for the absence of Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., the P . G . Supt . His lordship , he said , had made every arrangement to attend that convocation , and had arrived in the West for that purpose , when he was unexpectedly
recalled to London to attend to his Parliamentary duties . Ex-Comp . W . G . Rogers , P . G . H ., was also unavoidably absent through a meeting of the Exeter City Council being held that day , which he had to attend as city treasurer . The acting P . G . S . E . reported that twenty-seven chapters had forwarded their returns and dues . The P . G . Treas . reported that the receipts for the year had been £ 'J 7 15 s .,
and that the present balance in hand available for the votes of the chapter was £ 42 . Ex-Comp . Kersteman proposed , and Ex-Comp . Du Pre seconded , that 20 guineas be voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution foi : widow-, the sum to be placed on the steward ' s list of Ex-Comp . the Rev . T . W . Lemon . Ex-Comp . Lord proposed that £ 7 10 s . each be voted to the Fortescue Annuity Fund
and the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . Ex-Comp . Cornish seconded , and both propositions were unanimously adopted . On the proposition of Ex-Comp . J . Kinton Bond , seconded by Ex-Comp . Du Pre and . supported by sjveral other members , Ex-Comp . J . W . Cornish was elected the treasurer . Ex-Comps . J . R . Lord and J . Kinton Bond were elected the auditors . The acting P . G . Supt . then invested the officers for the year : —Ex-Comp . W . G . Rogers . 112 ,
2 nd P . G . Principal ; Major J . S . Swann , 847 . 3 rd P . G . Principal ; Major G . C . Davie , 251 , P G . S E . ; F . B . Westlake , 70 . P . C . S . N J . W . Cornish , 223 . P . G . Treas . ; J . Bradford , 1358 , P . G . Reg ; W . Allsford , 202 , P . G . P . S . ; J . Moysey , 223 , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; D . Cross , 1205 , P . G . 2 nd A . S .: C . Croydon , 189 , P . G . S . B . ; J . Gifford , 2025 , P . G . St . B . ; J . R . H . Harris , 230 , P . G . D . C . ; A . Pidsley , 106 , P . G . A . D . C W . S . Hearder , 105 . P . G . O .: and F . Shooter , P . G . Janitor .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF STAFFORDSHIRE . A convocation of the Staffordshire Grand Chapter was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton , on the 2 nd inst ., the principal business being the installation of Col . Foster Gough as Provincial Grand Superintendent . The ceremony was admirabl y performed by Ex-Comp . Col . Shad well IT . Gierke . The following
provincial appointments were made by the Grand Superintendent : Comps . J . Bodenham , 726 , H . ; A . G . Prince , 546 , J . ; H . Kitson , 519 , E . : E . Kumpton , 482 . X . ; C . A . Newnham , 419 . treas A . Caddick , 482 , registrar ; W . Brickil , 546 , P . S . ; E . S . Hildick ' , 539 . 1 st asst . sec . : J . Mottram , 726 , 2 nd asst . sec . ; H . Windle 418 *
, swd . bearer ; H . Jenkins , 482 , std . bearer ; G . H . Stanger , 419 , D . C . Frederick Taylor , 726 , A . D . C . ; F . Willmore , 539 , org . ; Capt . G . W Walker , 419 , A . S . E ; D . Jones and G . Vaughan , stewards . After the closing of the chapter a banquet was held , and was presided over by Col . Gough .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
out the duties devolving upon you during the past ten years in the capacity of Grand Master , contributing thereby so largely to the prosperity enjoyed by the Province from its formation in 1879 , until the present time . We beg , therefore , respectfully , that you
will accept this address as testifying our grateful appreciation of your rule over us , and ever hope and trust that it may please the G . O . O . T . U . long to spare your life , and if so it may be that we may long retain your interest and influence among us . On behalf of the Province , we beg to subscribe ourselves ,
Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , VALENTIA , Prov . Grand Master . C . STEPHENS , D . Prov . Grand Mas . July 31 , 1889 . W . RAVENSCROFT , Prov . Grand Sec . Lord Jersey said he felt extremely grateful to the brethren of the
province for the kind presentation they had just made . He , too . had felt regret in relinquishing the office of Provincial Grand Master , partly because he was aware that he had not carried out its duties so ably and efficiently as the terms of the address might lead them to suppose . They had always had , however , very pleasant and successful meetings whenever the Provincial Grand Lodge had
assembled . Although he had vacated the office of P . G . Master , he should still have the pleasure of being a member of the P . G . Lodge , and his feelings towards the brethren would remain exactly the same as during the period he held the more exalted position of P . G . Master . As they were probably anxious to return to the open air , he would content himself by simply thanking them , with a
warmth even greater than that of the atmosphere , for all the kindness which had been shown him during the ten years it had been his pleasure to rule over their province , and he heartily reciprocated their kind expressions of goodwill . The P . G . Secretary read letters of apology for non-attendance from Lord Carnarvon , Past Grand Master ; Bro . Beach , M . P ., Past
Grand Master ; Bro . the Rev . J . S . Studholme Brownrigg ; Bro . 0 . T . Murdoch , M . P ., and others . Bro . Tomkins invited the Provincial Grand Lodge to assemble under the banner of the Abbey Lodge , at Abingdon next year . The P . G . Master thanked Bro . Tomkins for the kind invitation , and promised to communicate with him on the subject .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and many of the brethren subsequently drove to Woodstock , and by permission of the Duke of Marlborough , inspected Blenheim Palace , and also the orchid houses . They afterwards returned to Oxford and sat down to a banquet , when the customary Mark Masons' toasts were honoured . The weather was delightfully fine , and the brethren spent a most pleasant day .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . In the absence of the Grand Master Mason , the throne was occupied by Bro . Elliot , of Wolfelee , G . S . W . ; Bro . James Dalrymple Duncan , G . S . D ., acted as G . S . W . ; and Bro . Colonel John Campbell , as G . J W . There were also present : Bros , the Rev . R . Henderson ,
G . Chap . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec . ; Major Allan , P . P . G . M ., of Gibraltar ; James Caldwell of Craigielea , P . G . D . ; ex-Provost Christie , Stirling ; David Hume , P . G . B . B . ; James Melville , President of the Board of Grand Stewards , & c . Apologies for absence were intimated from Bros . Sir Archibald C . Campbell , of Blythswood , Bart ., G . M . M . ; Lord Haddington , Lord Saltoun , John Graham , of
Broadstone , Prov . G . M . of Glasgow ; James Berry , Prov . G . M . of Forfarshire ; D . Reid , G . B . B . ; Rev . Thomas Somerville , G . Chap . ; W . Officer , S . S . O .. representative from the Grand Lodge of Pensylvania ; James Crichton , G . J . ; Dr . James Middleton ; Prov . G . M . of Berwick and Roxburgshires . On the motion of the Acting Grand Master , the Grand Secretary
was instructed to prepare and forward a loyal and dutiful address to Her Hajesty the Queen in reference to the marriage of the Duke of Fife and the Princess Louise , and also to the Prince of Wales , and to the Duke of Fife and his Royal spouse . Reports were submitted from which it appeared that the income of Grand Lodge during the quarter ending 20 th July had been
£ 1 . 235 , showing an excess of £ 672 over expenditure . The number of entrants to the order had been 1 , 300 . The income for the first eight months of this year has been £ 3 , ( 58 ( 5 , as compared with £ 3 . 41 ( 5 in the corresponding period last year . During the last quarter £ 90 had been granted from the fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence . The annuity fund now amounts to £ 3 , 211 . A report b y Bro .
Bringloe , C . A ., to the board suggested tbat it was desirable to Iteep within safe limits , so as to avoid the necessity of withdrawing any annuity for want of funds , and the keeping in view the liability incurred on existing annuities and the expenses attendant upon the management and administration of the fund , that the total annuities should be restricted to £ 400 for the first two years until the capital accumulates , and the working of the fund is more
thoroughly tested . Grand Lodge resolved to issue charters to the following new lodges : — Taurus , " Mersina , Syria ; " The Golden Light , " Potchefstroom , South African Republic ; "St . Andrew , " Kumara , New Zealand ; and " Sir William Wallace , " Queensland . On the recommendation of the Grand Master , Lord Clanmorris was appointed as representative of Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of Ireland .
Communications were submitted from the District Grand Secretary showing that the District Grand Lodge of Victoria under Scottish constitution had beim dissolved , and that the lodges under its jurisdiction had transferred their allegiance to the newly formed United Grand Lodge of Victoria . The Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge had announced its establishment , and asked for the grand body official and fraternal recognition b y the Grand Lodge of Scotland , with an interchange of representatives , and that
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
the lodges heretofore hailing from the Scottish constitution be allowed to retain their original charters as memorials of their Masonic connection with Scotland . Grand Lodge resolved to enter into fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge Victoria , and to accede to the request of the seceding Scottish holding lodges as to the retention of their charters .
A report was submitted from the P . G . M . of Dumbartonshire , Bro . Martin , of Auchendennan , stating the completion of another round of provincial visitation of the twelve lodges of that province . Everywhere he found work being carried on energetically and enthusiastically , and in strict accordance with the constitution and
laws , and in hardly an instance was it necessary to suggest improvement , even in subordinate details . The accession of numbers in some of the lodges had been astonishing , and in all substantial . He believed Masonry to be at present in a more satisfactory position in this province than at any time within the recollection of their oldest brethren .
In reference to the subject of issuing circulars , Grand Committee recommended the adoption of the following resolution : — "Grand Lodge fully recognises the inalienable right of all Master Masons to meet , discuss , and petition Grand Lodge on any matter connected with Masonry ; but . when a communication is to be addressed to
the whole craft , the sanction of Grand Committee must first be procured . " Bro . Caldwell suggested that the finding should be more explicit , so as to guard brethren from unwittingly infringing the rule , and the matter was sent back to Grand Committee . The other business was routine .
Royal Arch Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF DEVON . On the 29 th ulto . the annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Devon was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth . Ex-Comp . Major G . C . Davie , Prov . G . S . E ., officiated as Prov . G . Supt ., pro tern ., with the following officers : —Ex-Comps . the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., 189 , P . P . G . P . S ., P . P . G . 3 rd P ., H . pro tern . ;
J . S . Hersteman , J . ; F . B . Westlake , 70 , P . G . S . E . pro tern . ; W . S , Hearder , 105 , P . G . S . N . pro tern . ; W . Taylor , 328 , P . G . T . ; E . Aitken-Davies , 159 , 1099 , P . P . G . R ., P . G . Reg , pro tern . ; G . B . Gover , 70 , P . P . G . P . S ., Prov . G . P . P . S . pro tern . ; G . R . Barrett , 189 , P . P . G . P . S ., P . G . 1 st A . S . pro tern . ; J . J . O . Evans , 303 , P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; S . Jew , 105 . P . P . G . T ., P . G . S . B . pro tern . ; R . F . Kingdon , 10 ( 5 , P . G . St . B . ; W . Gregory . 1284 , P . G . D . C . ; R . Pengelley , 70 , P . P . G . A . D . C
P . G . A . D . C . pro tew . ; E . Murch , 202 , P . P . G . O ., P . G . O . pro tern . ; F . Shooter , P . G . Janitor . There was a large attendance of the companions , and among those also present were : —Ex-Comps . R . H . Rae , 189 , P . P . 3 rd G . P . ; J . R . Lord , 70 , P . P . G . T . ; J . Kinton-Bond , 70 , P . P . G . T . ; W . K . Michell , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Du Pre , 70 , P . P . G . P . S . ; Major J . S . Swann , S 47 , 494 , P . P . G . S . B . ; P . B . Clemens , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . A . S . ; C . Watsou , 954 . P . P . G . D . C . ; W . Harris , 1138 , P . P . G . A . S . ; J . Allen , 1099 , P . P . G . St . B . ; F . C . Hallett , 303 , P . P . G .
St . B . ; R . Cawsey , 230 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . H . Miller , 223 , P . P . G . St . B . ; W . Browning , 223 . P . P . G . O . ; E . Binding , 202 , P . P . G . O . ; George Whittley , 15 ( 5 , P . P . G . O . Ex-Comp . Davie apologised for the absence of Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., the P . G . Supt . His lordship , he said , had made every arrangement to attend that convocation , and had arrived in the West for that purpose , when he was unexpectedly
recalled to London to attend to his Parliamentary duties . Ex-Comp . W . G . Rogers , P . G . H ., was also unavoidably absent through a meeting of the Exeter City Council being held that day , which he had to attend as city treasurer . The acting P . G . S . E . reported that twenty-seven chapters had forwarded their returns and dues . The P . G . Treas . reported that the receipts for the year had been £ 'J 7 15 s .,
and that the present balance in hand available for the votes of the chapter was £ 42 . Ex-Comp . Kersteman proposed , and Ex-Comp . Du Pre seconded , that 20 guineas be voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution foi : widow-, the sum to be placed on the steward ' s list of Ex-Comp . the Rev . T . W . Lemon . Ex-Comp . Lord proposed that £ 7 10 s . each be voted to the Fortescue Annuity Fund
and the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . Ex-Comp . Cornish seconded , and both propositions were unanimously adopted . On the proposition of Ex-Comp . J . Kinton Bond , seconded by Ex-Comp . Du Pre and . supported by sjveral other members , Ex-Comp . J . W . Cornish was elected the treasurer . Ex-Comps . J . R . Lord and J . Kinton Bond were elected the auditors . The acting P . G . Supt . then invested the officers for the year : —Ex-Comp . W . G . Rogers . 112 ,
2 nd P . G . Principal ; Major J . S . Swann , 847 . 3 rd P . G . Principal ; Major G . C . Davie , 251 , P G . S E . ; F . B . Westlake , 70 . P . C . S . N J . W . Cornish , 223 . P . G . Treas . ; J . Bradford , 1358 , P . G . Reg ; W . Allsford , 202 , P . G . P . S . ; J . Moysey , 223 , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; D . Cross , 1205 , P . G . 2 nd A . S .: C . Croydon , 189 , P . G . S . B . ; J . Gifford , 2025 , P . G . St . B . ; J . R . H . Harris , 230 , P . G . D . C . ; A . Pidsley , 106 , P . G . A . D . C W . S . Hearder , 105 . P . G . O .: and F . Shooter , P . G . Janitor .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF STAFFORDSHIRE . A convocation of the Staffordshire Grand Chapter was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton , on the 2 nd inst ., the principal business being the installation of Col . Foster Gough as Provincial Grand Superintendent . The ceremony was admirabl y performed by Ex-Comp . Col . Shad well IT . Gierke . The following
provincial appointments were made by the Grand Superintendent : Comps . J . Bodenham , 726 , H . ; A . G . Prince , 546 , J . ; H . Kitson , 519 , E . : E . Kumpton , 482 . X . ; C . A . Newnham , 419 . treas A . Caddick , 482 , registrar ; W . Brickil , 546 , P . S . ; E . S . Hildick ' , 539 . 1 st asst . sec . : J . Mottram , 726 , 2 nd asst . sec . ; H . Windle 418 *
, swd . bearer ; H . Jenkins , 482 , std . bearer ; G . H . Stanger , 419 , D . C . Frederick Taylor , 726 , A . D . C . ; F . Willmore , 539 , org . ; Capt . G . W Walker , 419 , A . S . E ; D . Jones and G . Vaughan , stewards . After the closing of the chapter a banquet was held , and was presided over by Col . Gough .